Best Son-in-law

Chapter 859 Panic is too much

"Did someone instruct you to do this? Who instigated you? Tell the truth, tell it all." At this time, the host was already too panicked.

Everyone in the audience also had various expressions, but most of them looked surprised, wondering if something really happened now? Some people find it funny, some find it surprising.

This is really surprising.

However, these big shots are all people who have seen a lot of the world, so they were just slightly surprised for a while. He smiled calmly and naturally.

It seems that everyone has something good to watch today. "Everyone in the audience looked back at each other and said this with a smile.

But the people on the stage were going crazy.

It was such a dark time.

In fact, not only the two people on the stage, but also the other people backstage couldn't accept it. They confirmed over and over again what kind of situation had happened and why it had become like this.

"What's going on? What happened?" Ding Hongsheng was sitting under the stage. He looked at the stage with a puzzled face, not knowing what happened.

Just now, he was chatting and laughing with some people around him, thinking that he would soon be able to see some of the rare treasures he wanted to see, and then he listened to the host's introduction and the audience cheered. This kind of scene had already happened in Ding Hongsheng's mind. It formed in his mind, but he never expected that such a change would happen during this period.

Ding Hongsheng, who was always cautious, immediately noticed something was wrong. He immediately looked back at Ding Yanan, fearing that Ding Yanan would make any mistake.

Of course, this is also Ding Hongsheng's subconscious behavior.

Because everything may be targeted at him, Ding Hongsheng. At this time, Ding Hongsheng has been tortured to the point of persecution paranoia.

Because Ding Hongsheng has provoked too many enemies, in this situation, whenever something happens, Ding Hongsheng will be suspicious and afraid, fearing that it will be directed at him.

She was even more afraid of hurting her daughter.

Seeing that Ding Hongsheng's expression was a bit unnatural, some people around him couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Mr. Ding? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, no, no, I'm just a little surprised to see such a situation. I don't know what happened. Isn't the organizer a fool? How could such an unexpected situation happen? I just don't understand. "Ding Hongsheng said to everyone helplessly.

"I guess someone was tricking me, right? Maybe the organizer was also kept in the dark." At this time, everyone was very strange and didn't understand what happened.

Many people in the audience were whispering and talking among themselves at this time.

Li Fan and Ding Yanan, including several people around them, were also in the same situation. They were puzzled, but they didn't know why.

So these people frowned.

And the strangest thing at this time is that the organizer didn't care at all and just let the situation continue to develop. There was no person in charge to coordinate the situation, so such a host and such a receptionist made a fool of themselves on the stage. Then he looked confused and at a loss.

It was as if there was no one in charge this time, and the host and the receptionist were responsible for everything.

They are the organizers.

"Sir, what's going on? What else are these people doing?" Kojima couldn't help but ask the gentleman next to him.

But the gentleman just narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "I really don't know what's going on inside them. There are all possibilities, because these people themselves are a particularly magical group of people."

The gentleman said with a smile, and there was a hint of ridicule in his laughter.

"Xiaojiaoji, don't panic when things happen, be calm and calm. This is what you lack. You probably don't know that some of the things you do in panic will be detrimental to yourself. If you don't panic sometimes , may make the situation turn around differently, which is what you lack." The teacher also spared no effort in guiding his disciples.

"Yes, I understand, sir." Kojima respected this gentleman very much and nodded in agreement to his words.

But at this moment, the welcoming lady suddenly pulled the host's arm with great excitement and said excitedly to him: "I found it, I found it, I finally found it, we are fine, we are really fine, hoohoo call."

At this time, the welcoming lady jumped up happily. She was so excited. At this time, she seemed to be reborn, and she was so excited.

Seeing this scene and hearing these words, the host was very excited. He quickly asked: "Where is the treasure?"

Suddenly, his heart seemed to be relieved, and he felt extremely comfortable. At the same time, he also remembered that something he had done before seemed wrong. Such an accident happened in front of so many people. It will make him suspicious.

Having such a huge embarrassment happen in front of so many people is very fatal for a host. This host is also very prestigious. He has seen a lot of big things in the world and has never lost his way. He has his own Ethics, but today's situation made him completely disregard his own face, and at the same time he also did a lot of things that greatly damaged his own face and professional ethics.

Today, this host has completely disgraced himself, and in such a situation, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to continue to be used, and it will be difficult to be used again.

It can also be said that it will be difficult for him to find a job like a host in the future, and he will most likely be kicked out of an industry he loves so much.

This made the host very uncomfortable and regretted his gaffe.

Because of his gaffe just now, he can no longer continue to do his job, let alone survive in this circle. This is very fatal for this host.

But the situation just now did not allow the host to panic. If such a big thing happened, he would be responsible. He would definitely not be responsible. The consequences could be imagined. Not only would the host's future be lost. , and will have to be questioned. By then, his future will be gone, and he will most likely stay in prison for the rest of his life, which is what he doesn't want.

It's okay now, he just can't be a host anymore.

However, he still wanted to host this last auction.

Of course, he also really hated this welcoming lady. This welcoming lady was so careless in doing things, which caused today's situation, and he suffered a lot.

So the host also complained: "You have made me miserable, can't you be more serious about your work? Be calmer?"

"Weren't you confused just now? Are you talking about me?" At this time, the welcoming lady was still a little aggrieved, so she just rolled her eyes at the host.

"You still dare to say such things. If it weren't for you, how could I be in this situation today? Huh? You have ruined my life. I will no longer be able to mix in the circle, I will not be able to find a job, it's all your fault Damn it!" the host said angrily.

"How can all of this be blamed on me?" At this time, the welcoming lady also said angrily.

"You didn't do things seriously and didn't check carefully, which made me miserable. Now what do you think I should do?" the host said angrily.

"No matter what happens, if you are the host on this stage, you have to have your consciousness. You can't control the situation on the field, and you can't control your emotions. Don't blame others. If you have such a This situation is your own fault." The welcoming lady was also extremely aggrieved and said immediately unconvinced.

At this time, the host was too lazy to talk to the receptionist. Anyway, he knew that the receptionist's fate would not be any better than his own. In this case, there was nothing to say.

"Hurry up and take out the treasure. Maybe you can fix it. Hurry up. I have nothing to say to you." The host said to the receptionist with an angry look.

"I have nothing to say to you. I'm really sick. This is the last time I cooperated with someone like you. It will be impossible for me to cooperate next time." The welcoming lady also looked unhappy at this time. Yue, replied to the host.

What the host said just now really hurt her. As a girl, how could she endure such humiliation? She immediately angrily refused. At the same time, what the receptionist was thinking in her heart was that she would never be able to. If I work with such a person again, I am simply not a man. Men always calm down when faced with problems. He is better. When he encounters problems, he will put the blame on others and never think of ways to solve them. , On the contrary, they are quibbling and evading in every possible way.

If the situation becomes more and more chaotic, they will only blame others and never think about how to control the situation.

While the receptionist was injured, she also hated the host deeply.

However, the matter was far from over. When she picked up the black box, thinking that she would be able to reveal the rare treasures to everyone when she opened it, a strange scene happened.

Originally, the receptionist put the treasure in this black box. When she was waiting to go on stage, she would first lift the curtain and then show the treasure in the black box to everyone.

Later, she pushed the exhibition car, but found that the black box was missing. Later, she found the black box under the exhibition car. Although the receptionist did not know where the black box came from, after seeing the black box again, the receptionist The young lady seemed to have seen hope again, and the whole person cheered and was overjoyed. Therefore, the welcoming lady thought that there was a treasure in this black box.

But when she opened the black box, a shocking scene appeared. There was no so-called treasure in the black box, only a human head.

The head was full of blood. When the head appeared, the welcoming lady couldn't help but her pupils shrank, and she stayed in place. She didn't know how to deal with the situation at this time. Her mind went blank, and she was completely confused. I was dumbfounded, a little at a loss.

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