Best Son-in-law

Chapter 860 Remedy

"Dear guests, there was a little accident just now. It was a prank played by our receptionist. Don't mind it, don't mind it, and don't take it seriously. It's just a joke. Now that the joke is over, let's take a look at our Treasure, come on, show the first treasure to everyone." The host was still standing on the stage, trying to stabilize the situation and try his best to save his face. After all, the people who came this time were famous people from all over Yannan. Big shots, they all have a good reputation, and they are all watching from the audience. If they don't give a reasonable explanation, it would be really unjustifiable.

Due to emotions and reasons, the host wanted to make amends.

However, his attempts to remedy the situation were of no avail, as his gaffe just now had already become a big mistake.

At this time, everyone in the audience looked at him as if they were laughing. Although he was helpless, he had no way to change the situation.

There was no applause from the audience at this time, and some were just whispering. I just gave them a round of applause, and then they saw a farce. This farce was really interesting, so when the host spoke again, no one bought it. He just wanted to see a joke in his face.

This made the host very embarrassed. He stood on the stage blankly, not knowing what to do, with veins on his forehead and endless regrets rising in his heart, but it was too late at this time. It's too late to say anything, there's no way to remedy it.

So he could only bite the bullet and try to deal with everything temporarily and talk about other things later.

"What's going on? Are you so slow to open a black box? Why does it smell so fishy? How do you do things? Do you still want to do it? Let me tell you, this is definitely the last time we will cooperate. In the future, as long as It is impossible for me to go to a place with you. Cooperating with people like you is really a big failure in my life. It is not enough to accomplish anything, but it is more than enough to fail." The host was secretly angry, and he completely vented his anger on On this receptionist lady.

But when he looked back, he was dumbfounded. At this time, the host was stunned.

Because he also saw the head on the black box.

After a brief silence, the two of them opened the black box and saw the human head inside the black box. They wanted to scream, but they were stuck in their throats and couldn't make a sound.

At the same time, these two people just blocked the view of everyone in the audience. Everyone in the audience just sat in their seats and had no idea what the people on the stage were doing. They didn't understand what was going on with these two people. .

It was a farce just now, and then he stopped talking. Did the host have an accident in the middle of the show?

The people in the audience were all celebrities, and they had all gone to celebrity events. Basically, they had never seen such a scene, so for a while, they didn’t know what to say. They were shocked at first, then stunned, and finally sneered with relief, I feel that this antique treasure appraisal conference was really a failure.

"What's going on? What's going on with the organizer? Is today a Halloween party? What's going on?"

"Who is this person? Can such a person be a host or a receptionist? Doesn't the organizer care about people?"

"What on earth does the organizer want to do? Is this antique treasure appraisal conference still going on? We took the time to come here just to watch such a farce? Are you kidding me?"

"Watching such a farce is such a waste of time. It's better to take the time to go to the circus and watch the circus."

"What a clown. Isn't this organizer too unreliable?"

At this time, everyone in the audience was talking a lot. No one said good things about these people. They all said bad things about these people and questioned the organizer.

"The organizer shouldn't do something like this to shoot itself in the foot, right? What happened?" At this time, Ding Hongsheng also frowned. He remembered what was going on, and he didn't I believe that this incident was just the mistake of these two people.

There may well be something else going on.

Sure enough, after a brief silence and the discussion in the audience, the two people on the stage suddenly retreated. Their bodies seemed to be stiff, and this retreat was also very funny.

After seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't bear it anymore, and they began to jeer.

"Are you performing a circus? Are you a clown? If you want to perform a circus, go to the circus. Don't perform this boring circus in a place like this. We won't buy tickets."

"How did your organizer choose the people? All the cats and dogs came to be the host? Can this auction still go on? Don't be surprised and sell it off. If it doesn't work, we will leave. We don't want to waste it in a place like this. It’s time.”

Everyone in the audience couldn't bear it any longer and started cheering.

But soon, both the host and the receptionist fell to the ground, and then pointed to the black box on the exhibition car and said: "Quick, call the police, there's a murder, there's a murder, there's a murder, something really happened, the treasure is missing." It’s turned into a human head!”

Both of them were dumbfounded. They never expected that such a thing would happen.

They just wanted to host an auction, but they encountered a murder.

This was obviously premeditated.

At the same time, they also had a feeling like a light on their backs.

It was as if the murderer had been watching them.

They also seemed to be stared at by poisonous snakes. They were very uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

So these two people begged everyone to call the police and investigate the matter quickly. They couldn't stand this situation at all.

After the two men fell to the ground, the head in the black box appeared in front of everyone.

This time, not only these two people were panicked, but everyone was panicked, and their expressions changed drastically. How could these people have completely clean backgrounds? They all had some enemies. Seeing this scene, they immediately wondered if their enemies were coming and wanted to hunt them down.

In an instant, everyone panicked and had no idea what to do.

Everyone in the audience was in chaos. They stood up and wanted to escape, but they were afraid that a cold knife or gun would be waiting for them after they got out.

"What should I do? What should I do?" The welcoming lady was stunned by the stimulation. She kept retreating and kept thinking about what to do.

At this time, the host quickly said: "Hurry up and call the police. What else should I do? This has already happened. Don't you know what to do?"

"Yes, yes, the police should be called. This is a murder, a homicide, and the treasure is also missing. It is definitely a big case. The police need to take care of this matter. Just investigate and the police will be here. "The welcome lady nodded repeatedly after listening to the host's words. She felt that the host was right. She should call the police and investigate the case carefully.

Maybe it can be investigated and the truth can be revealed.

The welcoming lady quickly took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call, but after she took out her mobile phone, she hesitated.

She frowned, looked at the host and asked: "You should call the police, but why didn't you do it? Why did you let me do it? Aren't you a man? You should be the one to make this call."

The welcoming lady suddenly thought of a scene in a TV series. In such a situation, whoever called would die. After thinking of this, the welcoming lady did not dare to call at all.

"Does it make any difference if I call and you call? You are really weird. If you are asked to call, you should call quickly. Do you understand? Call quickly. I don't want to repeat it again. People like you are really successful. It's not enough, it's more than enough, I'm speechless to you." After hearing this, the host said speechlessly.

"I'm speechless to you. You are the one who fails to achieve anything and fails more than anything else. You let women do everything. Are you a man too? Damn you." The welcoming lady said angrily.

"Why don't you want to make this call? It's just a call to the police, but you still have to ask me to come?" At this time, the host was completely stupid, and he didn't know what to say now.

"Of course you are here, you are a man, shouldn't you be the one to do this?" The welcoming lady refused to give in.

"Yes, yes, I should be here. What the hell, I didn't take my phone. Don't you have a phone? I'm the host. Those who can't take the phone are all in the studio. What are you thinking about?" The host gritted his teeth with hatred.

"I, I, what did I think about? I didn't think about anything. I was just scared. It's like in the TV series. In such a situation, whoever calls will die. I don't dare to make this call. I really don't. Dare, so you better come and make this call for you." The receptionist lady said, took out her mobile phone and handed it to the host.

"You must have watched too many TV dramas." After hearing what the receptionist said, the host was speechless: "We are in a society governed by law now. I don't believe anyone can be so bold and dare to kill people here!"

"Yes, yes, so you come and make this call." The welcoming lady gave her mobile phone to the host, hoping that he would make this call.

"I'll call you if I call you. If you don't even dare to call, what use are you?" After the host cursed, he took the phone and was about to call the police. But at this moment, he suddenly He hesitated, and felt completely stupid. When he picked up the phone and was about to dial, his hands began to shake. He couldn't help but think of what the receptionist lady had just said. As soon as he thought like this, he was completely ruined. , holding the mobile phone and not daring to make a call anymore, he was dumbfounded on the spot, his hands were shaking involuntarily, and he was shaking so hard that he couldn't make a call at all.

Everyone is afraid of death, and this host is no exception. Although what the receptionist said is just nonsense in his opinion, he is afraid that if it is true, what if it is true? manage? He only had one life and had to support his family, so he didn't dare to gamble with it.

So the host didn't dare to call anymore. Although he didn't want to admit it, his behavior said everything. He was scared, really scared.

The host hesitated, he no longer dared.

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