Best Son-in-law

Chapter 861 Clarified my thoughts

"You, what's wrong with you? Didn't you call the police? Why didn't you call?" The welcoming lady had been looking at the host. When she saw him picking up the phone and trying to make a call, she felt relieved. At first glance, she felt that the host still had a masculine side, but when she saw him hesitate in picking up the phone, she couldn't help but have doubts in her heart, so she asked one more question.

"I, I, I..." The host's voice trembled. He didn't know what to say. If he said that he didn't dare to make this call, he would feel very shameless, but it would be shameful for him to lose his life just to save face. It was worth it, no matter what, he had to save his life.

He didn't dare to gamble.

The welcoming lady looked at him up and down and found that his hands were trembling and his whole body was trembling and trembling. She immediately looked down on him and immediately spat: "Are you a man too? You said I'm useless, but you beat me Phone? Aren’t you a man? Aren’t you useful? You’re on the phone. What time has it been? You don’t even dare to call the police? Aren’t you saying that society is governed by law? Aren’t you saying that I watch too many TV series?”

"It's no use to me. Stop talking. I won't make this call." The host thought for a moment and realized that his life was more important than his own face, so he threw the phone back to the receptionist: "I'm not a man. It’s no use, you can make the call, or you can ask someone else to make the call.”

At this time, the host wanted to get up, but found that his legs were weak and he could not stand up at all. His head was dizzy and he was stupid. He could not have imagined that everything was going well. Such a situation occurred at the critical moment, and he was immediately speechless.

"What a waste." The welcoming lady couldn't help but cursed.

"Trash is trash, life is important." The host stood up with all his strength. He wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong. Instead of leaving his life here, he would rather give up his face, his job, and his future. He even thinks it's good to pick up trash now.

Not only the host and the receptionist, but everyone in the audience was in confusion. They called their bodyguards one after another, wanting these bodyguards to protect them.

At the same time, they did not dare to act rashly, but some people dared to call the police.

So some people in the audience called the police.

It seemed that this antique treasure appraisal conference could no longer be held, and everyone was in chaos.

No one knows what the ulterior purpose of this murder was.

At the same time, these people have no idea what to do.

"Look, someone in the audience has called the police. Come and help me, let's run away. We don't need to call the police." The host's legs were weak and he really couldn't stand up. But he really wanted to escape, so Just ask for help from this reception lady.

At this time, the welcoming lady looked down upon him at all and spat at him: "Useless trash."

"I, I, I'm useless, I know, I'm sorry for you, but have you ever thought that something happened to us and it's been so long now? Logically speaking, when the accident happened just now, the higher-ups should have sent someone Here, whether you scold me and expel me, or you scold and expel me, someone has to come and express his position, right? But no, this person never came, so this means that there is something fishy about this time. , No one from the organizer has come to say a word, don't you think it's strange?" The host saw that the welcoming lady was very disgusted with him, and he also knew that he had no way to restore the welcoming lady's heart. But he still thought about it and came up with an idea to divert the attention of the reception girl. His purpose was still to let the reception lady help him so that he could escape.

He really couldn't stand up now, his legs were no longer soft. He was scared and trembling all over, just wanting to escape from this terrifying place.

After listening to the host's words, the welcoming lady came back to her senses and thought about it carefully, and realized that what she said was true: "Yes, this auction seems to be just the two of us. There are so many people in the audience, but no one comes up." Stabilize the situation, where are the people in the audience? Where are the organizers? They should know that there is an accident here, right? They know that there is an accident here, but they still don't come up to stabilize the situation. They have other plans."

"Yeah, so the two of us can't quarrel anymore. We have to unite, otherwise we really have no hope. Now many people are staring at us in the audience. We can't quarrel anymore. We all have to use it. Brain, no matter how unreliable I am, am I still your teammate now? At least I won't harm you. Someone is trying to harm us now." The host said in a low voice to the receptionist.

After hearing this, the welcoming lady rolled her eyes at the host. She didn't want to talk to the host at all, but the situation now is really special. There are too many things that she can't figure out. Maybe it's really like The host said that someone wanted to assassinate them. The host and himself had a common enemy and they should unite. Although he was not a man, he could help him find a solution.

"Think about it, right? At least I won't hurt you, so you have to think about it. There are some things that you can't help others with, and mess with me. We have to analyze the situation. No one cares about us now. Life or death, we took out this matter and discovered it. Maybe we are the suspects. When the police come, we will be the ones arrested! Look, no one in the audience came up to help stabilize the situation. They must have their own agenda. They are ghosts, so they must be connected with the murderer behind the scenes, so they must be thinking about killing people and then putting the blame on us. They definitely think so." The host analyzed it painstakingly.

After hearing this, the welcoming lady felt that it was very reasonable. She was a little panicked now and asked quickly: "Then what should we do now?"

"Hurry up and help me up. I'll think about what to do." The host stretched out his hand to the receptionist and said.

"Okay, okay, okay." The welcoming lady was now frightened. She was so confused that she didn't know what to do. So the host just said a word, and she believed it, as if she had a backbone. Same, so the host asked her to pull her up, and she quickly pulled up the host.

"In the current matter, we have to get the confession right. We can't really be relied on. This will not do you or me any good. We have to unite to get the confession right, you know? Let's get some confessions right. We also have As you said, we will be interrogated separately when the time comes. If we tell different stories and everything is confirmed, we will really become the scapegoat. We absolutely cannot support this scapegoat, do you understand?" Host? After thinking for a while, he said honestly to the receptionist.

"Who is it? Why? This can all be investigated. How can it be blamed on us? This treasure thing is already annoying enough. Add another thing to it. Is it because we are afraid that we will not die thoroughly? What on earth are we doing? Who have you offended? Why must we be put to death? We have done nothing. We are just a receptionist and a host. After all, we are just working. Why should we be implicated in this way? If the matter is true, we will lose Treasure, and killed someone, then we must die. Who is this? Why did you do this?" After hearing these words, the welcoming lady could no longer control her emotions and immediately cried. Tears fell down in rapid succession. She felt aggrieved and frightened, fearing that she could not control this matter and ruin her life.

"Don't be anxious, calm down, calm down. Let's discuss it carefully and see how to deal with this matter. It's useless for you to think so much and complain so much. What has happened has happened. What we are thinking about now is how to solve it and how to remedy it. , see if there is any way to remedy this matter, understand?" The host took a deep breath and said to the receptionist.

"Then your confession is correct? We didn't kill anyone, and we didn't lose this treasure. How can this be a correct confession? Just tell the truth." Miss Yingbin felt aggrieved and said with tears.

"No, it must have been premeditated. If we tell the truth, these people may take advantage of us and really convict us." The host said quickly.

"You haven't watched too many TV series, have you? If you say this, I'm afraid you have watched too many TV series." Miss Yingbin glanced at the host suspiciously.

"No, no, no, let me ask you a question, are the murderer and the person who stole the treasure the same person?" the host asked, and he unexpectedly clarified his thoughts in the panic.

Then the host wanted to tell the receptionist his thoughts.

"Yes, it must be." The welcoming lady almost lost the ability to think now. It took a lot of effort for her to think of these things.

"That's right, the murderer's motive may have been this treasure, and then he killed someone because of this treasure and lost the bag to you." The host said to the receptionist.

"Think again, you have investigated carefully, why did something like this happen when you brought it up? Who has the ability to change the package in such a short period of time? Don't you doubt this?" The host continued to ask The receptionist said.

"You mean, someone wants to assassinate me, did he do it on purpose? And this person is one of our internal people?" After hearing this, Miss Yingbin suddenly became smarter, and now she also realized that something was wrong.

The person who assassinated them was most likely an insider, or someone who did it themselves.

"It's hard for me to say, but there is a high chance that our own people will do these things. We don't know other people's intentions, but things can be deduced. You see, from the beginning to now, it's just the two of us facing this matter. No one else came to help with the matter, and the organizer didn't care about it. Can't they see it? They can't see that these people are all their own people. What does this mean? What does it mean? They may be related to the murderer, or they may know something in advance, so they won't care about us." The host seemed to be much smarter at this time, and he came up with a lot of reasoning at once.

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