Best Son-in-law

Chapter 862 Conspiracy

"You say so, everyone is plotting against us. We have entered into a conspiracy. The relationship between the organizer and the murderer may not be clean. Now we seem to be targeted by poisonous snakes, right?" Miss Yingbin couldn't bear it. asked.

"Yeah, look at what point we've reached. If the two of us keep arguing, won't everything be over?" the host said quickly to the receptionist.

"We have now reached the most dangerous juncture. At this time, we must not fight among ourselves. We must analyze the current situation carefully. Maybe we still have hope of recovery." The host continued to add.

After hearing this, the welcoming lady felt that it made sense. She nodded in agreement and asked the host: "Then what should we do next? How to do it? How to do it?"

Under such circumstances, the receptionist also felt that she should not continue to argue, because continuing to argue would not do her any good, and it was still at this critical moment.

"You have to think about it yourself. I can't think of anything like this. You see, the organizer and the people in the audience are either related to the murderer or are controlled by the murderer. The murderer kills people so openly. , isn’t he afraid of being blamed? Aren’t he afraid of being found out on him? If he’s not afraid, why isn’t he afraid? Because there is a scapegoat, and the scapegoat is most likely the two of us. They have set it up earlier, and the scapegoat is us. The chance of two is quite high." The host analyzed.

"Because we were the only ones who came into contact with such a thing and took it out. No matter what, we are also suspects and subjects of suspicion, even though we have no motive."

"Then if you say so, we're not done yet?" The welcoming lady panicked.

"Well, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. Anyway, the loss of the treasure has something to do with us, especially you. You were responsible for pushing this treasure up. If it is lost in your hands, you will definitely not be able to escape this matter. If you are responsible for the loss of one treasure, you will be doomed for the rest of your life, don't say anything else." The host Yi Qi ordered.

At this time, the receptionist's face suddenly turned ugly. She couldn't help but glance at the host and whispered: "Then can you give me an idea? You can't just watch me and be done with it, right?"

"Well, your situation is worse than mine now, but I don't want any responsibility on my head, so I will help you. As long as we find the murderer, everything will be solved. No matter who the murderer is, The reason for taking away the treasure has nothing to do with you and me anymore." The host analyzed.

"Find the murderer? How can we find the murderer? Moreover, this murderer is so murderous. If we go to find him, what is the difference between that and seeking death?" The welcoming lady said with a troubled face.

"They say you are stupid, and you are really stupid. We don't necessarily need to find the murderer, but we have to confirm the identity of our victim, and we have to make the situation look like it was planned by the murderer. Then no one will blame him. We, even if it is an unsolved case, it is impossible for the blame to be placed on us." the host said.

"Then what should we do? Don't make yourself self-defeating, okay?" The welcoming lady was a little confused. She didn't know what to do, so she believed the host.

"Come on, let me tell you." The host leaned into the receptionist's ear and spoke softly.

The welcoming lady's big eyes were filled with confusion from time to time, but soon, she nodded again.

"Do you understand what I said? You have to be careful, especially at such a critical time. If you don't want to die, you have to use your brain more." The host said with a smile.

"I, I understand, I will definitely say so." At this time, the welcoming lady really kept an eye on her. Although she was panicked, she was not a fool, so she was naturally wary of this host.

At this moment, everyone in the audience panicked. They were all very stunned, and everyone was in danger, because most of these people had enemies. Seeing such a scene, they were afraid that their enemies would come to seek revenge. How could they not panic when they came?

"Yanan, follow Mr. Li closely and leave quickly." Ding Hongsheng gritted his teeth and said to Ding Yanan.

Because something like this happened, everyone was confused. They had no idea what the murderer's purpose was, let alone whether the black hand would reach out to themselves. At this time, everyone was in danger and basically everything was in chaos.

Ding Hongsheng also subconsciously wanted Ding Yanan to follow Li Fan closely, and then escape under Li Fan's protection.

At this time, Ding Hongsheng was really at the point where he was unable to do anything, and he deeply realized that he was in a critical situation, and that this crisis was extremely difficult to break.

Ding Hongsheng also understood that he might not survive this wave, and he might really die here.

But then he thought about it, if his death was exchanged for the safety of his daughter, it would be more or less worth it.

Because his enemy still cares about him in the end. As long as he dies and his daughter goes out to escape, no one will have the time to put his daughter to death in the future.

Ding Hongsheng's eyes were deep and he gritted his teeth. He did not dare to make any decision easily.

At this time, Ding Yanan seemed much calmer than before. She felt that she had to stand up and share the pressure for her father. After all, Ding Yanan also felt that she had grown up. Although some things were dangerous, she didn't want to let him go. Her father shouldered the responsibility, because she felt that Ding Hongsheng had already shouldered a lot before, so Ding Yanan thought that she had to help her father resolve the crisis, especially in such a dangerous environment.

Moreover, Ding Yanan felt that she could gradually take over some of Ding Hongsheng's affairs in the future. She wanted to completely bear a lot of pressure for her father.

In the future, Ding Yanan even wants Ding Hongsheng to retire and she will take over everything.

Ding Yanan has indeed grown up a lot at this time. Since the last incident, Ding Yanan has been very scared, fearing that her father will leave her. She does not want Ding Hongsheng to leave, so she will do a series of things to keep Ding Hongsheng. She may even completely change herself.

Therefore, Ding Yanan wanted to use Liang En to help herself.

After all, Liang En's father Liang still has a lot of influence in Huaisui. If Liang is still willing to help his father, then the pressure on his father will definitely be much less.

At this moment, Liang En's expression also changed. His expression was ugly, and he didn't dare to move now, his eyes fixed on the head on the stage.

"What's wrong, Mr. Liang, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Ding Yanan suddenly found it difficult to speak, but she still asked with concern.

Liang En didn't reply, he just stared at the heads on the stage.

It's strange to see the surroundings at this time. If it were anywhere else, the crowd would basically disperse in one fell swoop, thinking of how to escape from this place.

But none of the people in the audience ran away immediately, because many of them had ghosts in their hearts. They were afraid that if they ran out, they would not be facing the exit, but a cold blade.

These people were scared, they were really scared.

At this time, not only Liang En and Ding Yanan, but other people such as Wang Jiasong, Liu Yuqing, Hou Yuhai, and Yang Chong also looked a little unnatural, and their expressions were ugly.

Because a head was placed in front of them, it was self-evident what this head represented.

It would be a lie to say they were not panicking. At this time, they were no longer in the mood to play. They stood up and sat down again. Each of them thought a lot, but these people were the rich second generation after all. They really had no experience. The scene was too big. At this time, each of them was trembling in their hearts, but they were helpless.

He was holding his cell phone in his hand, just waiting for a call.

"Yuhai, why don't you call uncle?" Wang Jiasong pulled Hou Yuhai's sleeve and begged.

Hou Yuhai held the mobile phone in his hand. He wanted to make a call, but he didn't dare to make a call, so he put the phone down while holding the phone in his hand.

"Forget it, my dad may be busy now. He knows that. If he handles all the things, he will definitely give me a call. My dad won't ignore me. Let's wait a little longer. Maybe the police will arrive soon and we will be safe." Hou Yuhai was scared to death, but at this time he still said with a strong smile.

"Yes, someone has called the police. The police will not ignore this matter. Once the police intervene, we will be safe. The more the situation is like this, the more we must calm down and not act rashly. Since this murderer can The treasure turned into a human head, maybe it's nearby, and you see no one from the organizer is asking about it." Liu Yuqing couldn't help but say.

"Then who are the organizers? Why don't they care about such a thing? They haven't come forward yet. Isn't it too irresponsible of them?" Wang Jiasong couldn't help but say.

"They are not irresponsible, they are too calm." Hou Yuhai had a gloomy look on his face. He had been in contact with his father's circle and knew that some things are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface. Some things still have to be seen through the surface. Go see the real thing.

"What do you mean?" Wang Jiasong couldn't help but ask.

"What kind of people are in this audience? They are all rich or noble people. Now that something has happened, the organizer still wants to wait patiently. Isn't this a sign of being calm? And no one knows who the organizer is. I mean, generally speaking, when encountering such a thing, with so many rich or noble people in the audience, it would usually be dealt with in a hurry. However, no one from the organizer has shown up until now. Either they are all dead or They did it on purpose, they had ulterior motives." Hou Yuhai said through gritted teeth.

"Then what good does this do to the organizer? Offending so many people for nothing? Do they think they have a long life? Or do they think their business is too big." Wang Jiasong said through gritted teeth.

"None of them." Hou Yuhai shook his head helplessly: "They have another purpose, they just don't know it, and they didn't offend everyone this time, they just made many people confused. Maybe, They just want to mix things up because something big is going to happen to Yan Nan recently."

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