Best Son-in-law

Chapter 871 Shut up

At this time, a ray of infrared light shone directly on Liu Yuqing's face, which made Liu Yuqing's face suddenly change. Being directly illuminated by such a light, Liu Yuqing was also very irritable, and she immediately said angrily: "Who is it? Who is so unethical? If you shine an infrared light randomly, don't let me catch you. Make sure it looks good to him."

At this time, Liu Yuqing was already used to being arrogant, so she spoke directly without much scruples.

But the next moment, she immediately shut up and became speechless. Because of a gunshot, a powerful man sitting in front of Liu Yuqing was killed directly.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the man lost half his head.

After seeing this scene, the people around them suddenly felt a creepy feeling. Goosebumps stood up all over their bodies and their hairs stood up. At the same time, their pupils shrank and their eyes stared at the man who was beaten to death. , this time everyone was scared.

"Yes, there are snipers?" Ding Yanan said in disbelief.

At this moment, Ding Yanan calmed down and realized why Li Fan had such an expression just now. The reason was that Li Fan had just expected this situation.

The rest of the people had a feeling of hindsight, but Li Fan was the first to smell something wrong in the air. It was indeed different from ordinary people.

"Ah." Ding Yanan was about to go crazy. She grabbed Li Fan's arm regardless of the image, just like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw. She refused to let go. Her big eyes were full of pleading. After a while, tears appeared in her eyes, and she cried to Li Fan: "Li Fan, please save us again?"

Ding Yanan suddenly felt aggrieved. She thought that nothing would happen if she came here, but she never expected that the person who came in this time was actually a tiger's mouth.

Sniper rifles were used, and today's matter was definitely not a trivial matter.

Ding Yanan was actually not afraid of anything else. She was afraid that something would happen to her father. She was afraid that Ding Hongsheng's enemies would come here to seek revenge.

Of course Li Fan knew what Ding Yanan was thinking. He glanced at Ding Yanan helplessly, sighed and said, "Don't worry, this person is definitely not targeting Mr. Ding. Why are you targeting a person with such a big show? Maybe? What they want, if I guess correctly, is a treasure. There is a treasure in this auction that will make everyone think about it. For such a treasure, some people will take risks. "

At this time, Li Fan was also constantly analyzing the hidden details of the matter, including various possibilities. He didn't think about nothing, he thought about a lot.

And at this time, Li Fan's mind was running even faster.

I don't know since when Li Fan had this ability to predict danger in advance. This time, he predicted the danger in advance, so that's why the scene just happened.

Of course, all this is just Li Fan's conjecture. Whether it is correct or not is another matter.

"For treasures? I know there will be many priceless treasures here, but it doesn't have to be like this, right? Do they think that after killing someone, they can leave here calmly? This is something that is unthinkable." Ding Yanan was a little confused. He said helplessly.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but everything is possible at this time, but what is not possible is that the enemy is seeking revenge. The risk is too high, unless it is a bloody feud, and we will fight to the death and seek this at all costs, even if we die together. Only those with hatred can do this." Li Fan nodded and said.

In fact, Li Fan also thought about it just now, what is the purpose of the other party's group? If something like this happens in a place like this, they will definitely not be able to get any benefits. Even if they can't get even half a cent, they still have to do such a thing, which shows that some benefits are far greater than the danger to their lives, so they are allowed to do this. Take risks out of desperation.

Interest is greater than life. After thinking about it, Li Fan thought that they should be doing it for the treasure.

But to continue shooting and killing people indiscriminately on such an occasion is a bit unbelievable. Are these people a little too courageous?

Shouldn't they have just escaped after getting the treasure? Why are you still firing this gun?

Is it because they are afraid that they will not die?

Li Fan thought about it again and again, but still couldn't figure it out, so he looked helpless.

But soon, Li Fan suddenly thought of a point. Maybe they didn't get what they wanted, so they wanted to stay, even if they didn't hesitate to kill.

They probably also wanted to kill people to shock others.

It's just that no matter how much Li Fan thinks about it now, he still can't figure out the other party's purpose, which makes people very helpless.

After hearing what Li Fan said, Ding Yanan's face immediately turned pale. Her face was extremely ugly. She looked at Li Fan and said weakly: "My dad has many enemies. Some enemies are so offended that they will fight to the death." Yes, they would not hesitate to die together with my dad. The hatred has reached such an extent that if it were anyone else, they would have died many times ago. But just because my dad may be stronger in some aspects, many people want to He died, but there were many people who didn’t want him to die. It was precisely because of this that my dad slowly became more powerful. But some people couldn’t keep my dad alive, or they felt that whether my dad died or not would not affect them. If it's serious, my dad would be in trouble."

Ding Yanan said this with endless worries inside and outside her words. She was afraid that this matter was directed at her father.

Seeing Ding Yanan's expression, Li Fan sighed and said: "You are overthinking. It is absolutely impossible that this incident is about your father. Don't worry about this. It is absolutely impossible. I can pack it up with you." Tickets."

"Then, can you help me save my dad? They kill people at will?" Ding Yanan begged with wide eyes.

This made Li Fan a little embarrassed. He looked at Ding Yanan and said helplessly: "You are embarrassing me. The situation now is very special. No one can guarantee anyone's safety, because swords and guns don't have eyesight, and the opponent has snipers." of."

Although Li Fan has true energy, the bullet is more powerful, and Li Fan doesn't know if his true energy can withstand the impact of the bullet.

So now Li Fan is not sure to save people, and even if he has the ability, he does not necessarily have to take action. In any case, now Li Fan does not owe Ding Hongsheng a favor, and Ding Hongsheng owes him a favor, so Li Fan He didn't want to take the risk to save Ding Hongsheng, not to mention that even if he went to Ding Hongsheng's side, Ding Hongsheng must have begged him to come back to protect his daughter.

Li Fan knew what Ding Hongsheng meant, so why bother running back and forth?

Hearing Li Fan's answer, Ding Yanan nodded, but she still felt very sad, and felt that her request was a bit excessive, so she breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I know, Mr. Li, it's okay, I don't blame you. , but I want to be with my dad, I can’t leave him at this time!”

After saying this, Ding Yanan was about to go to her father, Ding Hongsheng, but was stopped by Li Fan: "Don't act rashly at this time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. I kindly advise you, and I hope you can listen." Get in."

"Forget it if you don't help me, why are you holding me back? Even if I die, I will die with my father." Seeing that Li Fan had no intention of helping her, Ding Yanan still complained a little, so she That's why he spoke to Li Fan like this.

"It's not that I don't help you, it's that I can't help you. And do you think that you and Mr. Ding dying together is what he wants to see? You can't help him with anything now, and you will also cause him trouble. He may not necessarily get into trouble, but if you pass by, it may cause him to get into trouble. Do you understand what I mean? I don't want you to be impulsive. You must be calm at this time."

"Calm down? How do you ask me to calm down? Such a living person was beaten to death here? How do you ask me to calm down? That's my dad." As Ding Yanan spoke, tears were about to come out. She couldn't help but He hugged his head and fell into pain.

"Oh, you are thinking too much. Please analyze it carefully. Now they just want to stabilize the situation. If you move around, they will naturally focus on you, so if you move around, they will find you, and then maybe You should understand the principle of beating you to death and shooting the first bird, and if you die, your death will be in vain. Not only will your death be in vain, but if you die, Mr. Ding will definitely do whatever it takes, and you should be able to do whatever he can by then. Think about it, under such circumstances, do you think it is possible for him to survive? The result he faces may also be death, and even if you take 10,000 steps back, what if you run in front of Mr. Ding? You still The person being stared at is probably because you passed by. Originally, Mr. Ding was fine, but because of you, he was beaten to death. Do you want to see such a situation? Can't you think about some problems calmly? Don't Is it okay to do something stupid that you will regret?" Li Fan advised earnestly.

He spoke more directly and harshly. After saying this, Ding Yanan really calmed down. Just now, her mind was so hot that she wanted to do something that she might regret. But now that her mood has stabilized, she has calmed down again. But at this time, Ding Yanan looked at Li Fan a little helplessly and begged: "Li Fan, please help me again. If you help me this time, I will do anything you ask me to do in the future." Ma, I will do whatever you want. Please this time, please don’t let anything happen to my dad. My dad has worked hard all his life. I don’t want anything to happen to him. Besides, my dad is my only relative. If something happens to him, What can I do?"

Ding Yanan started crying as she spoke.

Li Fan had a headache after hearing this: "Hey, don't think that I hope that something will happen to Mr. Ding. I don't want anything to happen to Mr. Ding. You have to understand this. I am not the person who hopes that something will happen to Mr. Ding. It's just that I need to think about it now. How can I get you all out? I have cooperation with Mr. Ding. Don’t forget. For my own sake, I can’t let Mr. Ding get into trouble. But the more times like this, the less you can panic, otherwise the situation is very likely. I really can’t control it.”

Li Fan said with a long sigh.

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