Best Son-in-law

Chapter 872 Thriller

Ding Yanan was not an ignorant person. When she heard Li Fan speak like this, she understood some things in her heart, so she would not pester Li Fan. But like many others, she began to panic.

Such an inexplicable gunshot immediately scared the courage of everyone present, especially those closest to the deceased.

Liu Yuqing was the first to bear the brunt. She was completely speechless now, followed by Wang Jiasong, who also had a horrified expression at this moment.

A living person was beaten to death in front of their eyes, which is bound to leave a deep shadow in their hearts, and this shadow will last for a long time.

Their hearts were also filled with shock.

Moreover, the appearance of the deceased is extremely scary. After taking one look, they will never forget it in their lifetime.

Even though they were rich and powerful, had seen many lives and deaths, and could even talk about life and death calmly sometimes, they couldn't accept it at all when a living person died in front of them.

After all, what you say is different from what you see with your own eyes.

No matter how powerful they are, they are still women, and they have never really seen a person beaten to death in front of them.

So they were all very scared, not only them, but everyone else was also fearful.

Even the two men Yang Chong and Hou Yuhai would not be calm at this time, especially when they saw the appearance of the deceased, their expressions also changed.

The deceased was beaten to death just like that. Everyone around him stood up and stayed away, and then looked at the deceased in horror. Some people didn't want to see it, but they couldn't help but went to see it. After seeing it, they became even more scared.

Children will be frightened to cry when they see such death, and they will be too frightened to sleep.

Although they are adults, they are no exception.

These people were all frightened and speechless.

There was a brief silence, no one spoke, but soon, the silence ended, and strong screams broke out from the group of people, hoarse and hysterical screams.

No one could have imagined that he would actually dare to kill someone in front of so many people and use a gun.

This time they all couldn't accept it. Each one of them no longer had the dignity and arrogance they had before. All they had was fear and fear. Everyone wanted to escape, and each of them would not care about the others.

For example, Yang Chong is Liu Yuqing's boyfriend. He doesn't care about Liu Yuqing at all now. He only cares about escaping for his life.

Just kidding, how long has it been, who cares?

It's good if you can run by yourself.

They don't have much mood to care about others.

For a moment, the whole place was in chaos. Everyone yelled and ran towards the safety exits on all sides, for fear that they would be shot to death if they ran late.

But at this moment, a voice sounded from the crowd. This voice seemed very frivolous, and the source of the voice gave people an extremely exaggerated and frivolous feeling.

"Dear guests, welcome to the Antique Treasure Appraisal Conference. I am the host... Hahaha, it doesn't matter anymore. I have prepared a very interesting program for you. I hope you like it and can sit down and enjoy it. Don't mess around. Move, if you move arbitrarily, I cannot be responsible for your safety. I have tried my best to coordinate, and I hope everyone will not make things difficult for me."

Obviously, the person who spoke was a very frivolous young man. The young man was joking and almost frightened everyone, but they still hoped to escape from here. Even if their legs were too weak to run, they I also want to leave this place of right and wrong.

At this time, everyone's eyes were red, and some even fell to the ground and wanted to climb out of the venue.

Their eyes were fixed on the safety exit, wanting to climb out. Only now did they truly realize the value of life, and only then did they understand that the most important thing to them was their own life.

These people had a strong desire for life, but unfortunately, when they arrived at the door, there was another gunshot, and then another person died directly at the door. The death of this person was also very tragic. The gun shot to the head, blood splattered everywhere, and the clothes of so many people around him were stained with his blood.

When everyone looked at it again, this man was already dead and could no longer die.

At this time, everyone was shocked. No one dared to say anything at this time. Even their legs were weak. Everyone was scared and did not dare to leave, because sniper rifles are no joke. , although they can rush out in a swarm, no one can guarantee whether the bullet in the gun will hit their head, and no one dares to gamble on this. After all, you only have one life. Although the chance is small, if you are unlucky and the next bullet lands on your forehead, no one can bear it. You only have one life. Who dares to gamble with it easily?

With such a life, who can afford to lose?

No one can afford to lose, so everyone is scared at this time and dare not act rashly.

Every one of them has weak legs now, let alone running. Although they are scared in their hearts and just want to run out, they all understand that they may encounter cold muzzles or cold blades after they go out. At this point, their lives are all over, and it's obviously not worth it.

So they are unwilling to do it. After all, this is a life-betting business. People only have one life. Who dares to gamble easily?

But staying here, they were really scared. Now everyone was paralyzed on the ground, out of control at all, and their legs didn't obey their orders at all.

Everyone in the audience ran to the safety exit, but they all fell in front of the safety exit. No one wanted to be the next victim, so they were all scared.

"He only has one sniper rifle. He can't kill all of us. If we run together, at most one person will die. Everyone else can run out, and no one will necessarily die. As long as we get out, we will It's safe. If we stay here, we may not get anything good. We are just lambs to be slaughtered. They may not let us go. It's better to take this opportunity and run away. Maybe there is still a chance of survival. If we miss this village , but there is no such store." There was also a clear-minded person among the crowd, and he shouted to everyone, he just wanted to gather everyone's strength to run together, and then run out in troubled waters.

At this point anyone can weigh the pros and cons.

Everyone knows that if you stay, you will definitely be slaughtered by others, and the chance of survival is less than 1%. If you swarm them and run away, the chance of survival may be at least 30% to 40%, and it is very likely that you will be out of danger.

So after this person finished speaking, someone immediately responded, because they are not fools, and everyone can analyze the pros and cons.

But the next moment, there was another gunshot, and the person who just spoke was head-shot. The look of death was also extremely miserable.

The scene looked like a dye shop was opened, with blood splattering everywhere, and the ground was covered with blood, flowing red on the ground.

At this moment, everyone's hearts, which had just been about to move, suddenly calmed down. It was obvious that they didn't want people like them to leave, they just wanted to play with their lives.

Everyone also understood that it would definitely not be possible to leave here easily.

They didn't dare to take a gamble. Now they had learned from the past. If they didn't wink again, they would all be doomed.

Just as everyone was panicking, the voice that just spoke sounded again: "I hope everyone will cooperate with us and don't try easily and do some mindless things. Do you think we will let you leave here? If you can leave here easily, So how should we live? So don't be smart. We hate smart people. Of course, if anyone is willing to try, just try and see if you can get out of here. As long as you think you can be faster than a bullet. If you hurry up..."

After this, everyone became much more honest, and no one could care about others anymore. They were all thinking about what he meant by what he said. There were several meanings.

After listening to it, they understood that they were not alone, but a group of people. Looking at such a group of people, it was simply wishful thinking to leave here and escape from here.

If you have a sniper rifle, you can take a gamble. Excluding cold guns from outside, the chance of survival is at least 80%. If it is a group of people, the chance of survival may not be small.

In fact, after thinking about it, everyone understood that if they didn't really control everything, they wouldn't dare to do such a thing, nor would they dare to shoot people. Since they did such a thing, since they really shot people If they are ready, it means that they are really prepared for everything, at least they are completely prepared.

So if they want to run out directly like this, the possibility is very low, the possibility is frighteningly low.

Everyone is not a fool. They feel that if they just let things go, they might still have a chance to survive.

So these people have all calmed down, no one talks anymore, and no one tries to escape from here.

They immediately regained their ability to think. They felt that these people might just want to have fun and might not really kill them. In this case, if they stayed with Lehe Lehe, they might have a better chance of surviving.

So they all stayed where they were. They wanted to hear what the other party's arrangements were and what they wanted to play. They couldn't figure it out, so they wanted to know.

"Hahaha... It seems that everyone is not a fool, but a sensible person. It is comfortable to communicate with sensible people. Since everyone is a sensible person, then I will make it clear that everyone must listen to me. If you are obedient, you may have a chance to live. If you are disobedient, you will have to die. We have been preparing for this day for a long time. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Do you think we will let it go easily? Since we cannot easily let it go. Let go. What confidence do you have that you can escape from here? We are all smart people. Smart people do smart things and cooperate with us. We will not offend the river because we have no grudges in the past and no grudges in recent days. Neither do I. We must kill them all, do you understand?" At this time, this voice sounded again.

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