Best Son-in-law

Chapter 873 It’s a direct order

After hearing this voice, everyone became honest. They felt that it was useless to resist anyway. Others would not let them leave here easily. In this case, they still obeyed and followed the arrangements. , maybe you can get a chance to survive.

Everyone thinks so, so they are more honest than the other.

At this moment, another voice suddenly came. It was still the voice of that person, but different from before, this voice was not polite and did not explain. It was a direct order.

He said to everyone in a commanding tone: "Now everyone must obey my order. Everyone should return to their seats. But if one person doesn't go back, I don't need to tell you the consequences, right? You don't have to Even if you have to deal with yourself, it’s still good to be alive. I don’t think anyone would want to die, right?”

After hearing this, everyone stood up slowly, and then they found that their legs were still very weak. Even if they wanted to go back, it was very difficult.

But at this moment, the mysterious man spoke again: "I don't have the patience to waste time with you. My patience is very limited. If you continue to ink, don't blame me for being rude. You only have two minutes and you must return to your seats." Sit tight, otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

This person's tone was harsh and cold, leaving no room for negotiation at all.

After these words, everyone hurriedly ran to their seats. They knew that someone would really kill someone, so they were all scared.

But their legs were really weak. Under the sudden force, many people fell to the ground. The rest of the people ignored them and stepped on those who fell to the ground. Human nature is like this, Everyone just wants to survive, they don't care about other people, and they certainly don't care what happens to other people.

Just like that, people stepped on others. If a person fell, he couldn't get up at all. No matter how noble his status was, other people didn't care and just stepped on this person. Just step on this person and scream.

This person is so realistic. One second he is trying his best to flatter you, and the next second he will step on you to death for his own life.

At this moment, there were screams again and again.

And at this time, the mysterious man was still adding fuel to the fire: "There is one minute left. After one minute, anyone who is not in the seat will definitely not survive."

As a result, everyone became even more panicked. How could they look like children from a rich family? They have forgotten the courtesy they have always practiced before. All they have is the primitive desire to survive, and they will do anything to survive.

One minute was actually enough time for them to walk from their seats to the security door, and it was enough time. However, at this time, everyone was panicking and their legs were weak on the plane. Even the mysterious man's timing method was a little inaccurate, because one minute passed. , but in fact it was only about twenty seconds. As a result, everyone became even more panicked. They just wanted their own lives and did not want to be beaten to death, so they ran as hard as they could and fought for position.

In some positions, four or five people fought for it, and the beatings were bloody. They were all serious about it. When they really started fighting, they didn't care about the identity of the other party. As long as they lived, there was hope. If they died, Here, even if you lift the other person to the sky, your life is still gone. They are just so realistic, and there is no ambiguity at all.

"You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? If you are looking for death, I will definitely kill you when I get out. Just wait for me." At this time, the crowd was extremely violent and started fighting at the slightest disagreement.

"Let's wait until you go out to say this. If you say this, I won't let you go out. Get out of your seat quickly. Are you treating yourself like a thing?"

"Whoever steps on me will make everyone blind? Are you all rushing to be reincarnated? This person is right here, stepping on me in a daze? Don't you want to live anymore? Don't you know who I am? After I get out, I I’ll make it difficult for all of you and step on you.”

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Can you go out and talk? I'm afraid you are going to die here. What you just said were your last words. Who are you trying to scare?"

"Don't take my position, or I'll kill you. You should know my strength."

"Are you a piece of shit? Are you trying to kill me? You should die for me first. Did you really go to heaven when I complimented you just now? I was lying to you. You are just a bastard. Who can look up to you? Not even that. It seems good to have a cooperation on your hands. I am approaching you because I don’t want to have trouble with money. Who wouldn’t be annoyed by a person like you? I’m just being polite to you when I say a few nice words to you, but do you take it seriously? Who do you think you are?”

"Get out of the way. Don't take what you said casually just now. Don't take it too seriously. You are nothing special."

As a result, the scene became a place to slap oneself in the face. Just now, I was trying my best to pursue a person and say good things about this person. Now I started to scold this person again. It was like the end of the world. Everyone started not to avoid anything. As for things, just speak and act according to your own mood.

As a result, the scene was a mess, with people fighting and trampling on others. Without even being instigated by others, these people really started to fight with guns, beating their heads and bleeding. The scene became a mess, and everyone There was no image left at all, and they burst out all the hatred deep in their hearts.

In fact, many people are completely dissatisfied, but because of life and money, they abandon their dignity and everything, just to get money and live a good life.

But in the end, when it came to this juncture, they met and the emotions they had endured for a long time burst out. At this time, there was no one to instigate, just two people fighting for position, and they naturally started fighting.

If this were normal times, they would definitely give way to each other, and no one would easily sit in a seat. They would definitely think about it in many ways, and they would not dare to sit if they wanted to.

But now, they are already crazy. What's more, they are no longer competing for a position. They are venting their hatred directly, so the scene at this time is indeed very scary.

"Get out of here, you still want to sit down? People like you should have died long ago. Even if I die, I will pull you along. This opportunity is once in a lifetime, and I will die with you!"

"Have you forgotten the trick you used to harm me three years ago? Your trick was really insidious, as if everything was watertight, but you never thought about it, right? You also had this day? You also had this day when you fell into my hands. You didn't let me go at that time. Do you think I can let you go this time? You have caused me so much misery. I will not miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if I die, I will hold on to you. Together, I don’t want this life anymore, I want to die with you! I will never let you go."

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding. Listen to my explanation. Don't do this. It's not good for you or me. Think about your wife and children."

"I just want to die with you this time. It's useless to say anything. You have to die here, otherwise I will die here. Do you understand? You have to die, and I want you to die! You have to die! My wife and children It’s all your fault, the child was in a car accident, and the wife ran away with someone.”

"Then think about your parents, family, relatives and friends, don't be overwhelmed."

"I really can't think about it today. You have hurt me so badly, and you still have the nerve to say this? My parents and family were killed by you. You can't think of it, right? I have nothing now, but I can ask for yours." Life, I can avenge this, you must die for me today!"

"I know I was wrong. Don't be impulsive. Let's discuss it carefully. In this way, I already know that I was wrong. I will correct it when I get out. As long as you let me go, you will be my savior. I will give you some advice when the time comes. I don't want any money to start a company, and I will give it all to you. Then you can find a wife and have another child. In this way, after we go out, you and I will be sworn brothers with different surnames. I will be your eldest brother from now on. He is my biological brother. From now on, my parents will be your parents. I will let them treat you as my biological son. What do you think? Anyway, if you let me go, I will give you whatever you want. Don’t get carried away at this point. You have hope now that you are alive. You said that if you were to die for me, wouldn't you have nothing? You are still young, don't die from me. Besides, you don't blame me for that. I was forced to , if I don’t do this, I will suffer. Is it better to resolve this enemy than to end it? Can you think about it carefully? "

"I miss you so much. I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to die anymore. I just want your life. It doesn't matter what others say. You must die. I will fight to the death with you. I will die with you. You I must die! If you don’t die today, I will die.”

"Fuck you, what is it? You are so shameless, right? You madman, I kindly advised you to have everything after you go out, but you don't listen, you want to die with me? Do you deserve it?"

"Everything you say is nonsense. Anyone who believes it is a fool. I am not a fool. I don't think I will believe you."

Just like that, the scene turned into a pot of porridge, everything was in chaos, and the fighting was fierce.

And the minute the mysterious man spoke of was extended indefinitely.

The mysterious man couldn't help laughing. He seemed to like it very much and appreciated this scene: "Hahaha... fight, make trouble, fight as much as you like, make trouble as much as you like, this is real human nature, one second ago The person who compliments you will want your life the next second. There are too many people who can see through life and death. Unfortunately, there are still too few who can see through one person between life and death. You don’t even have this opportunity, so I’ll give you time to fight to your heart’s content, hahaha…”

The scene was a mess, some were seeking revenge, and some were looking for trouble. Anyway, there weren't many people who could stay honest. They all took this opportunity to let out all their emotions and dissatisfaction.

The scene became even more chaotic. At this time, it had entered chaos and was almost uncontrollable.

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