Best Son-in-law

Chapter 877 Wise

"Okay, you are very smart. You did make a wise decision just now, and you will have a chance to survive because of this wise decision. Now, since you have chosen to play games, you must abide by the rules. I have decided The rules of You will have a chance to live." At this time, the mysterious man's eyes bloomed with crystal light, and he had a smile on his face, as if he had come up with a good idea, and he was even thinking about such a good idea for himself. Intoxicated by the idea.

"Come on, tell me the rules of the game. We all listen to you. Whatever you say will be whatever it is." At this time, some people were already saying impatiently. They were afraid that these mysterious people would go back on their word and lose their chance of survival.

"It's like this. Our game is fair. What I just said cannot be changed. The person who sits down can survive temporarily, but the person who stands must die."

"However, at this time, since you said before that you don't understand the rules and want me to give you a chance, of course this opportunity cannot be given to you, but such an opportunity is only once, and you have to fight for it yourself."

"I can't go back on my words, otherwise I will lose the meaning of a game referee, so the people who sit down can still live, and the people who stand must die, but they can be replaced, that is, the people who stand can strive to sit down and stand. If you want to sit down, you must have a challenge. If you pass this challenge, you can sit down."

"That is, people who are standing can challenge anyone who is sitting down. After defeating the person who is sitting down, you can continue to do it even if you win the challenge. At the same time, the person who loses must die for you. That is Such a game." The mysterious man laughed and said.

At this time, both the sitting people and the standing people were panicked, especially the sitting people, whose faces were ugly. They originally thought that they would be fine if they sat down, but they He never expected that his ability to sit would be challenged.

But at this time, no one dared to speak more, because if they spoke too much and offended this mysterious man, their end would be very miserable.

No one dared to say a word easily.

They also dared to be angry but dared not speak. They had to abide by the rules of this game, otherwise they would die directly. At this time, everyone knew this. After knowing this, they did not dare to say anything more.

"I know that many sitting people will be dissatisfied with me and think it's unfair. Why will you be in danger after sitting down? So as compensation, a standing person can challenge a sitting person, but this sitting person When a standing person is challenged, he is allowed to hold a weapon. You can take a dagger from me as a weapon and then confront the standing person. And the standing person is not allowed to use weapons, even if it is taken from the sitting person. Weapons are not allowed to be used, only fists can be used, and the challenge is only for one minute. I don’t have much time to give you. After one minute, if the person sitting down has not been beaten completely and loses the ability to stand up, he will stand up. The person standing loses. Isn't this fair? However, for such unfavorable conditions, of course I will make up for the person standing. That is, the person standing is qualified to choose an opponent, choose an opponent, and let him take the hand. Hold your weapon and beat him down in a minute or so. If you don't do it, you will die. If you do it, you can continue to live. But there is also a rule, that is, men can only choose men as their opponents, but women can choose. As an opponent, a man can also choose a woman as his opponent. In this case, are the rules fair? I am not partial to anyone, right? The key to this game is choice and strength. If you have strength but choose the wrong one, you will die. If you have no strength, you might still have a chance if you choose the right one. At the same time, there are no rules in this battle. It will last until one party falls to the ground and cannot get up." The mysterious man laughed and said such a rule of the game, but after hearing such a rule of the game, , many people standing took a breath of air-conditioning, their faces were still very ugly, because such a rule is really disadvantageous to them. The possibility of knocking down a person with a dagger in one minute is very small. Not to mention the dagger in his hand, even if he didn't hold a dagger, it would be difficult to beat him until he lay on the ground completely incapacitated.

Because most of these people who come here are powerful people. Where have they ever practiced boxing or anything like that? Even those with some fists and kicks would find it difficult to beat a person of the same gender to the point where they completely lose their ability within a minute.

As long as this person stands up, then they lose. Once they lose, death is still waiting for them.

In the end, these people, despite all their calculations, still felt very desperate. They all felt that time was too short and that they seemed to have no chance to survive.

But this was still a hope, and it was better than no hope at all, so they didn't say anything more.

These people who are standing have already begun to look for their own challengers.

After all, it was an opportunity. They began to plan a plan in their minds, which was to choose a thin or weak person to challenge.

Then use some means to knock off the dagger, and then use some special means to make the opponent lose combat effectiveness.

Although they only had one minute, if they did not avoid danger, they would probably be able to seize the opponent's dagger within ten seconds, and then use half a minute to render the opponent incapable of fighting.

Even at this time, some people standing started counting the time with their fingers.

Of course, the people who were sitting were relieved, but some of the smaller ones couldn't help but start to make calculations. They were small in stature and weak in strength and speed. If those who were standing wanted to survive, they would definitely choose them. If a very tall person The big people choose them as opponents, and they are very likely to be defeated head-on. They don't want to lose their lives, so they all start to make calculations. They think that as long as they are not defeated within one minute, they will win. This is also a chance.

So these little guys think that holding a dagger may not work, they still have to run away, they can avoid and run away, it does not necessarily have to be a head-on confrontation, running away is a waste of time, so even if they are caught, they can waste more than ten seconds. , or for tens of seconds, and then after being caught, you can use the dagger in your hand to fight back. After fighting back, you can escape. In this way, even if the opponent is very strong, a lot of time will be consumed. Once the time is After being consumed a lot, they have a good chance of winning, but there is also a possibility that the opponent will catch them soon and knock them down, thereby making them lose their combat effectiveness.

So they still have to consider a lot of things. Such a plan is feasible, but it still depends on the opponent and what the opponent thinks. When the time comes, they still have to adapt accordingly.

At such a time of life and death, everyone began to think about their own thoughts. They were no longer as united as before. Sometimes, it was just like this. Even if they had shared difficulties together before, they would not be able to do anything related to interests in the future. He will do it without mercy, even betraying his friends.

They only want profits and their own lives.

The words of the desperadoes will definitely be implemented. Nowadays, people are slaves and they are fish and meat, so they can only do what these people ask. These people can play how they want, and how they want to play the game rules. Rules, even if the rules of the game are made, they can only abide by them silently and cannot make any mistakes, otherwise their lives will be in danger.

"Okay, here's the rule. Is there anyone standing who doesn't want to play this game? If so, you can just abstain. There are no questions. If you don't abstain, you can play the game." The mysterious man laughed and said.

At this time, no one wanted to give up, everyone wanted to seize such an opportunity that was not an opportunity.

Seeing such a scene, the mysterious man nodded with satisfaction. He laughed and said to everyone: "In this way, we have game rules, and we also have penalties for violating the game rules. Once you violate the game rules, you will definitely be punished. Those who were killed by sniper rifles at the scene will definitely be killed if they violate the rules of the game, so everyone should think carefully, don’t do mindless things, and obey my requirements obediently. Now, those who are standing, You can choose your opponent, and then the chosen opponent will come out, one alive and one dead." A cunning look appeared in the eyes of the mysterious man.

"I choose him!" At this moment, a fat man in a suit stood up and pointed at a short man and said.

He wanted to survive, so he thought about choosing first, because there weren't many small ones at the scene.

If someone else chooses, he will have no choice. It is better to choose quickly and fight quickly. If he is defeated, he can survive.

"Okay, it's been chosen, right? Both of them come out, and then the person sitting here comes to get the dagger from me. Of course, don't think about playing tricks, otherwise, you will die!" the mysterious man said with a sneer.

Although he was smiling, what he said was chilling.

So the little man took the dagger and started a confrontation with the fat man.

The two people looked at each other, both a little nervous.

"Don't blame me for a moment. I can't help it. I want to live. You and I can each settle our fate." The fat man said helplessly. In fact, his body was very weak and he was not sure that he could take down the opponent in front of him in one minute. This little guy, so he was very nervous.

The little man was extremely nervous when he saw such a big fat man. He thought that if he won the challenge this time, he would be challenged again next time. He couldn't stand such a wheel battle. Thinking about it, this little man suddenly He raised his hand: "I'm sorry!"

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions?" the mysterious man looked at the little man and asked.

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