Best Son-in-law

Chapter 878 Rules

"I just want to ask one question, that is, after I am challenged, will I have to be challenged by others? If I can still be challenged by others, it may be a little unfair to me." The little man was covered with sweat and raised his hand Said Hand.

After hearing this, the mysterious man laughed: "Yes, this is a loophole in the rules. You are right. In this way, if you win, no one else can challenge you. You can fight with peace of mind. There will never be a wheel battle. Okay, are you all ready? No other questions?"

The mysterious man's eyes were shining. He had long wanted to watch the fight between these two people.

It will be very exciting in a while.

But both of them were very nervous. They looked at each other and did not dare to act rashly. At this time, both of them took a deep breath and nodded.

The mysterious man laughed, took his mobile phone, and started counting: "Start now, one minute."

Hearing this, the fat man rushed over as if he had heard the starting gun. He used all his strength to defeat the little man. He wanted to tear the little man alive.

When the little man saw such a fat man rushing towards him, he also turned around and ran away. He had just simulated his own battle plan. Although such a fat man was powerful, his speed and reaction would be slower. If he was facing him directly, That's right, he couldn't survive a slap, even if he had a knife in his hand, so he might as well run away and use his speed to delay time and deal with it.

So at this time, this little man reacted very quickly, turned around and ran away without looking back.

Just like that, you came and I went back and forth, one of the two people ran, and the other caught up behind.

At the same time, the mysterious man cheered happily from behind. This situation made him very happy, because he saw the scene he wanted to see. He had long been looking forward to such a scene, and today he got what he wanted. I wish I could see it.

So the mysterious man was very excited.

This is actually human nature. After seeing such a scene, the mysterious man saw the so-called human nature from the bottom of his heart. After seeing human nature, the mysterious man was also very satisfied. He liked such a scene very much.

It was like two dogs biting each other in a cage, covered in blood, but still biting and not letting go.

Just for a bone, or the courage to live.

Now that the mysterious man puts these two people together, he can perfectly see the animal forms of the two people. He likes to appreciate such animal forms very much. When seeing the two people like this, the mysterious man is very satisfied.

So at this time, the mysterious man naturally laughed loudly, and the rather terrifying laughter of the mysterious man could be clearly heard from far or near.

The result at the scene was not as expected by the little man. He kept running and really got rid of the big fat man behind him. Although the fat man behind him was strong, his body was very weak. After a while, the big man was dripping wet.

Although the little man was not in good shape, he was still better than the big fat man. At least he was still a long way behind the big fat man even though he ran as hard as he could.

This fat man couldn't make up for this distance no matter what.

So the big fat man ran hard, but he could never catch up with the pace of the little man.

Although the big fat man was very angry behind him, he was helpless. There was nothing he could do about this little man's behavior.

In this way, time passed by, the big fat man became more and more panicked, and the little man felt more and more relaxed.

It had been at least half a minute, and he was far behind the big fat man. And when he heard the big fat man panting, he felt that even if he caught up with him, he would not be afraid, not to mention that he had something in his hand. knife, so the little man naturally slowed down and adjusted his breathing.

The fat man behind him never gave up, but he ran slower and slower. Even if he wanted to run, his legs would not obey his orders. They were as if they were filled with lead and were so heavy. It's not easy for a fat man to lift his legs, let alone run.

Moreover, the fat man's breathing became heavier and heavier. He really couldn't run anymore. He also knew that he was going to die here this time. There was no room for recovery and no hope. He will die here today.

The fat man gradually became desperate, his eyes turned gray, and he felt as if the sky was falling.

However, he was still trying to get a chance to live, even if the chance was very small: "Hey, if you let me live, I promise that I will treat your family well. I have a lot of money, and I will definitely let you My family can live a better life than now, and I will definitely support your company. I will help you solve your enemies. As long as you give me a chance, let me live. Please, what do you want from me? I’ll give you anything, as long as you let me live.”

At this time, the fat man was also anxious. He would say anything now because he was afraid that he would not have a chance to live. He was really too afraid of death. Only now did he realize how valuable his life was and how happy he was to be alive. But he Even if you want to live now, it is an extremely luxurious thing, because no one will throw his life to others, no one will give up his life, and no one will trust others.

Obviously you can live well, why should you sacrifice yourself to let others live, and then pray for others to do what they promise?

This was obviously unrealistic. The little man breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he was particularly happy today because he could survive.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on his face. It was the first time that he felt that living was such a happy thing.

The fat man felt even more regretful, but he still had the last glimmer of hope in his heart. He hoped that the little man would listen to him and let him live. He also thought that if he could survive this time, he would definitely do well in the future. To exercise, you must lose weight. Only then did he understand the importance of his body, which was almost impossible.

But the little man had no intention of stopping. Instead, he said to the fat man with a smile on his face: "Why should I hand over the future of my family and the future of my enemies to you? It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. They are two different things. Even if you do it, it may not be better than me. As long as I live, I will do these things myself. So if you choose me today, you are unlucky. Now there are only a dozen left. It’s seconds, I can’t lose, you’re dead, just accept the reality.”

The little man narrowed his eyes, and his eyes sparkled.

This little man is a self-interested person, and he likes to do things that are self-interested. If something does not benefit him much, he will definitely not do it.

So at this time, he did not forget to laugh at the fat man who was about to die. Anyway, this man was dead, and no one would stand up for a dead man now, so the little man was so courageous.

"I must kill you!" After hearing this, the big fat man became furious. He knew that he was going to die and lose soon, so he thought about giving it a try, maybe there would be someone alive. Opportunity, but it turned out that the fat man was simply overthinking. The reality was cruel. He accelerated and still couldn't catch up with the little man.

But at this time, the mysterious man's face was filled with joy, and he even broke into a cruel smile: "It's now a ten-second countdown."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

The fat man was so exhausted that his eyelids began to close. In the end, all his strength was used and he still could not catch up with the little man.

But the mysterious man here has announced that time is over and the fat man is already doomed.

He knew he was dead.

When the little man heard that the time was over, he also breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of excitement for the rest of his life. He had never felt like he did today, and he had never been so happy.

He was so excited that he wanted to cry even now. He was so excited and it was so difficult. He originally thought he was going to die this time, but he didn't expect to survive.

"The time is over. No matter what, I still want to thank you two for the wonderful game." The mysterious man laughed and said with a playful look on his face.

The fat man knew he was going to die, but he still had a look of reluctance on his face. He gritted his teeth and his eyes were full of ferocity. He stared directly at the little man with his red eyes. He knew that he was destined to die anyway, so he wanted more. Do one thing and vent all the hatred in your heart on this little man.

One party lost his life, but the other party was laughing. Naturally, the losing party felt very unbalanced.

So it is reasonable for the losing party to be anxious.

The fat man acted as if he was dead. He went crazy like a mad dog and wanted to kill the little man. While sprinting, he yelled: "I want your dog's life. If I die today, you will be buried with me!"

With infinite hatred in his heart, the fat man rushed towards the little man. The little man was also startled. Just when he was about to run away, a gun rang out. A big hole opened in the fat man's head and he soon fell down. It's already dead and can't die anymore.

After seeing the fat man dead, the mysterious man laughed and said: "Don't break the rules of the game. If you lose, you lose. Those who come out to do things must be willing to admit defeat. Since you have already gambled and gambled with your own life, Is there any reason to cheat? And if you cheat, won't your conscience hurt?"

The little man survived the disaster and was very lucky. At this moment, his body became limp and fell directly to the ground. Just now, he was running as if he was lifeless. He didn't think about what would happen next. He was also a person who lacked exercise. Now he was naturally running. He stopped moving, with no strength left in his body. He fell to the ground with no strength at all, and his body seemed to fall apart.

But the little man knew that he could survive, so he was still very happy and fortunate.

"Congratulations, sir, you can continue to live. Please invite the next person." The mysterious man was still shouting from the front like a host. He is still very happy, as if life is in his eyes and Just like grass and mustard.

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