Best Son-in-law

Chapter 888 Kindness

"That's right, Boss Ma is so kind-hearted. At this time, he still thinks about me. I'm really touched. Boss Ma, I'm so touched. I don't even know how to express my feelings. I'm really touched. Yes, I did this to you, so you'd better think of me wholeheartedly, I feel so guilty." Li Fan said in a pretentious manner, he said this just to make fun of Ma Bangqi.

Naturally, Ma Bangqi could hear the meaning behind this man's words. At that moment, Ma Bangqi's face turned cold: "What do you mean, you won't shed tears until you see the coffin, right?"

"How dare I? I'm scared, Boss Ma, you must forgive me." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Okay, I will show you a clear path. Some people just don't like to walk. In this case, I have nothing to say. If you don't take the good path, I can only arrange a bad path for you. There is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in." Ma Bangqi said with a cold face. At this time, he was extremely angry and couldn't bear it anymore.

He waved his hand, and the gangsters behind him immediately gathered around him. They had long disliked Li Fan and wanted to take some measures against Li Fan. However, they had been suffering from the lack of this opportunity, but once they had this opportunity, They won't be polite.

But at this moment, a person appeared. This person Li Fan also felt very familiar with. This person was none other than Mr. Liu's granddaughter.

After Li Fan brought justice to Liu's granddaughter, the girl has always been very grateful to Li Fan. She wanted to repay Li Fan, but she never had the chance. At this time, she suddenly saw Li Fan being raped by the Ma Bangqi group. People surrounded him, so she immediately stood up and wanted to defend Li Fan. At this time, she could help Li Fan no matter what.

The girl was not stupid. She chose to call the police directly because she wanted to handle the matter through the police.

After calling the police, the girl came over and warned Ma Bangqi: "Mabang Qi, don't do bad things. I have already called the police. If you do anything, you will definitely be punished. The police will not let you go." Besides, it’s you, Ma Bangqi, who is sorry for my grandpa. You did something wrong, so what’s wrong with me asking for justice? If you only knew how to be grateful, this situation wouldn’t have happened. It’s all your own fault. You still don’t know it yet. Regretful and still thinking about revenge, Ma Bangqi, are you still a person?" The girl was so angry that she pointed at Ma Bangqi's nose and cursed.

At this time, all the surrounding police forces have been deployed to the area, but they have their own tasks. Regarding the girl's call to the police, although the higher-ups want to help solve the problem, they are still powerless.

They have no way to help solve it because there is a particularly critical matter to deal with today.

After listening to the girl's words, Ma Bangqi's face became ugly. He himself felt so ashamed that a little girl pointed at his nose and scolded him. Of course, Ma Bangqi couldn't stand it. He directly retorted: "Stop talking nonsense, you Called the police, right? Okay, do you think I'm still afraid of the police now? I'll take care of you right away. The police will come if they like, and they can do whatever they want, I'm not afraid."

"Then are your men willing? Why do you just listen to this Ma Bangqi? If something happens and you are guilty, this Ma Bangqi might run away. Besides, the police are nearby. If you want to run away, you can Did you run away?" The girl saw that Ma Bangqi could not be moved, so she wanted to try to persuade Changmao and the others. If she wanted Changmao to listen to her, she would have a better solution, but unfortunately, Changmao and the others It was impossible for people to listen to this little girl because they were all offended by Li Fan.

"We don't care either. What you say is all nonsense. Boss Ma has paid for it. We do things, take people's money, and eliminate disasters for people. That's it. It's been the truth since ancient times. This is what we do. We are all professionals. ." Changmao said to the girl with a smile on his face.

The girl wanted to protect Li Fan wholeheartedly, because Li Fan helped her, and it was because of her that Li Fan offended Ma Bangqi. Of course she couldn't ignore it. The girl must take care of this matter.

"You just want money, right?" the girl asked with a frown.

"Yes, we just want money. We are no longer human beings. We are hungry and anxious. We are all beasts, so it is useless for you to talk to us as humans, you know?" Changmao said with a smile.

"Well, since you are asking for money, how much will you pay for Ma Bangqi? I will also pay, as long as you let him go and let Mr. Li go." The girl defended in front of Li Fan.

"It doesn't make sense. It's true that we are here for money, but we have promised Boss Ma to do things for him. If you pay, we won't do it. How can there be such a reason? We are talking about business. This is Business, one order after another, the contract has been signed, and then another contract comes down. This contract requires us to give up the previous contract. Is this possible? No matter how much money you pay, it won’t matter. Ah, thieves have their ways, and we also have our own rules, which cannot be changed. Do you understand? Little girl." Changmao looked at the girl with a half-smile but not a smile.

At this time, the girl's brows furrowed even more tightly. She couldn't help but pursed her red lips, gritted her teeth and glared at Changmao: "In other words, I can let you kill this Ma Bangqi now?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as you offer a reasonable price, we will kill Boss Ma. There is no problem. As long as you give us the money, we will still finish Boss Ma's order first, and then I will make your order again, but there is one thing that is, Boss Ma can also pay us to kill you." Changmao laughed and said, at this time, Changmao had a sinister look on his face and stared at the girl without blinking. Look straight.

The girl wanted to protect Li Fan at this moment. She had to protect Li Fan no matter what. She didn't want Li Fan to be hurt in any way. Even if she was injured, she would not hesitate to ask for more money from her. , the girl wanted to rescue Li Fan.

"What? Do you want to place an order?" Changmao asked with a smile. He said this on purpose. He deliberately said it to Ma Bangqi next to him, making Ma Bangqi feel scared.

After hearing this, Ma Bangqi knew that Changmao was trying to rip him off, so Ma Bangqi sighed and said it didn't matter: "There are many people who want Ma's life, and you probably can't afford it, Changmao." Boss Mao, this person doesn’t have that much money. She can’t offer you the price you want. Why don’t you just help me make this order? Don’t think about other orders. Of course, after this matter is over, I will definitely make more Give the brothers a bonus."

"Hahaha, Boss Ma is such a cheerful person. I would like to thank Boss Ma first. I wish Boss Ma great fortune and good luck in the future." Changmao laughed and raised his hand to the Ma Bang flag.

Seeing Changmao talking like this, Ma Bangqi was also secretly angry. He had been extorted a sum of money by this Changmao inadvertently. At this time, Ma Bangqi was upset.

At the same time, he hated this girl even more. If it weren't for this girl and Li Fan, he wouldn't be where he is today. It's all thanks to them that he is where he is today.

Now this girl still wants to use this to get rid of herself, or threaten herself. She really thinks too much. There is no way Ma Bangqi will give her such a chance.

"Wait a minute, you are Brother Changmao, right? You know that Ma Bangqi has no credibility. I know that you are thieves and you have your own rules, but you don't want to cooperate with someone who has no credibility, right? You You need to know what kind of person Ma Bangqi is. He is treacherous. He had nothing back then and was supported by my grandfather. But what did he do after he was supported? He slapped my grandfather on his back. This is a lesson learned from the past. If you are gullible, It’s hard to say whether your money will be returned in the future for this Mabang Banner. It’s possible that you did something. When you ask for the money, he will call the police and arrest you all. This Mabang Banner can do such a thing, you You have to think about it carefully." The girl advised.

"You fart, do you think the Long-haired Brother will believe it? If I call the police and arrest the Long-haired Brother, do I still have to hang out on the street? If you don't say anything else, just say that the Long-haired Brother has been arrested, I can Didn't you get involved? Wasn't I also arrested? So what you said is nonsense, it's really ridiculous." Ma Bangqi immediately hit back at the girl.

The girl looked at Changmao with her big eyes: "This Ma Bangqi can do anything. He eats everything, repays kindness with revenge, and betrays his trust. You want to talk to him about morality? He doesn't talk about morality. He doesn't talk about the morality of being a thief. So you must think carefully and don’t be deceived by this kid. The money will be small but the reputation will be big. If you fall into his trap, you will be ridiculed in the future."

The girl also added these words on purpose. She just wanted to instigate the relationship between Changmao and Ma Bangqi, so that Changmao would not believe in Mabang Flag. As long as Changmao did not believe in Mabang Flag, he would not do anything for Mabang Flag. Then she would naturally protect Li Mortal.

When Li Fan saw this scene, he felt a little moved. At least Li Fan's previous efforts were not in vain. No matter what, Li Fan helped the girl. Now the girl sacrificed her life to protect him and tried her best to protect him. Not being afraid of such a vicious gangster speaks volumes. Li Fan certainly knows what this girl is thinking.

So Li Fan was very moved at this time. He was really moved by what this girl did.

So at this time, Li Fan didn't want the girl to waste her efforts in vain. Li Fan was watching very well just now. He understood the girl's thoughts, and at the same time he didn't want the girl to work hard on useless things, so he stepped forward to take the photo. He patted the girl on the shoulder and signaled her to stop talking. It was of little use to say such words to such a group of gangsters. No matter how hard this girl worked, she would still become a joke among these people later. Li Fan knew this too well.

So he doesn't want girls to make useless efforts.

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