Best Son-in-law

Chapter 889 Help

But at this time, the girl ignored Li Fan at all. She felt that she could help Li Fan with her own strength and let Li Fan live. This was her best opportunity to repay Li Fan, and she had always wanted to seize this Opportunity, she was unwilling to give up this opportunity, so she persisted.

"Mr. Li, please stop talking. Leave some of these matters to me. Don't offend them. It won't do you any good. As for me, you'll be waiting nearby, and we have some other things. Mr. Li, I hope you can understand and stop talking." After saying this, the girl winked at Li Fan. Her meaning was very obvious, she just wanted Li Fan to say less. , some things still need to be solved by her.

But at this time, the girl seemed to be a joy to Changmao, and he felt that this girl was very fun and interesting.

"Girl, don't go too far. I don't have the same experience as you just for the sake of your grandfather. Don't force me again and again. I'm not polite to you anymore. Do you believe it? I asked them to kill you too? This is just a matter of adding money. If you push me too hard, I will pay to kill you, you know?" Ma Bangqi gritted his teeth. He was also forced by this girl. He was anxious, that's why he spoke like this.

"I'm not afraid of death. Just do this if you Ma Bangqi has the guts. I know that my grandfather is raising a white-eyed wolf. He will never be fed well. He will give you good resources and give you everything. When you have nothing, it is My grandpa helped you, and you have everything you have today. You are not grateful at all. How dare you mention my grandpa? If you mention my grandpa, I feel like you are insulting him. You have everything you have today. After that, you forgot the hard times and how my grandfather helped you. You are so shameless. You betrayed my grandfather for money. How shameless are you? Moreover, I just got my grandfather back. It's nothing more than fighting for justice for my grandfather. You want to hold a grudge and kill me now. I'm the granddaughter of your benefactor. You just want to kill me like this? Ma Bangqi, Ma Bangqi, you really have it. I really underestimated your ability." The girl was so angry that she pointed at Ma Bangqi's nose and cursed.

Ma Bangqi was also furious. He was scolded so badly that he was completely shameless. He himself felt ashamed and speechless. It was indeed his fault, so Ma Bangqi felt very uncomfortable. At the same time, he became angry and faced The girl cursed: "Stop talking, you are looking for death, and I will help you."

"That's all you have, Ma Bangqi. I still remember how you fawned over my grandfather when he was helping you, how you said nice things, how you spoke and acted in our house, you Every word of repayment turned out to be false. It turned out that I thought you were a good person and someone I liked. I didn’t expect that you were no longer a human being. I was really mistaken and saw someone like you. I I still thought you were a good person, but bah, I made a mistake." The girl was so angry that she yelled at Ma Bangqi.

At this time, Li Fan couldn't help but pull the girl. No matter what, these people are here for Li Fan and have nothing to do with this girl. If they rush over and do harm to Li Fan, forget it. If they hurt this girl, Li Fan You will feel a little guilty in your heart.

This girl did this to protect Li Fan, Li Fan couldn't lose her.

So Li Fan stood up and stood in front of the girl and said to the girl: "Forget it, forget it, this matter is for me. I have received your thoughts, but this matter has nothing to do with you, you can Just leave here well and I will take care of all the rest. Just leave it alone, and you can’t do it well. Do you think these people will listen to you?"

Li Fan just wanted to take the girl away and face this matter alone, but the girl had no intention of leaving. She looked straight at Li Fan with her big eyes open.

"No, this matter has something to do with me. If you die, I will die with you, because you were implicated because of me, and you were arranged by this person because you wanted to help me uphold justice. How could I leave you alone as a hunter? I lived with you, and I will die with you." The girl said very stubbornly.

Hearing this, Li Fan suddenly felt a big headache.

He deliberately spoke to this girl like this because he wanted her to leave temporarily. He wanted to take action to deal with these gangsters. There were some things that he had better not let the girl see because Li Fan was very ruthless. If this girl saw it, Li Fan would Fan was afraid that it would leave a shadow in her heart and be detrimental to her in the future, but Li Fan still felt that this girl was quite good, so he wanted to protect this girl as much as possible.

Who knew that this girl had such a stubborn character and would not listen to Li Fan at all.

Li Fan had no choice.

So at this time, Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was full of helplessness.

"Okay, she's quite affectionate. Boss Ma, this girl is much better than you. She won't abandon or give up at this time. This is what you can't compare to. But then again, what we have done is amazing. This is a life-threatening business, why don't you give me a guarantee first? We will do things for you later." Changmao really listened to what the girl said and looked at Ma Bangqi with a smile on his face and said.

Ma Bangqi felt a headache when he heard this. The girl was persuaded by the girl to rip him off again.

At this moment, Ma Bangqi was very annoyed. What had been agreed before was now being discussed again. It was really difficult to talk about something.

"Didn't everything be decided before? And it's not the first time I've come to you. Have I ever owed you before? I owe you a little." Ma Bangqi also knew what the spear wanted. Changmao was not a fool. He would not be fooled easily, but he listened to the girl and took the opportunity to make more profits from Mabang Banner.

"The past was before, and now is now. You see how dangerous it is now, and this is a deadly business. I have so many brothers, you must at least give something. Besides, if you give it here, we will Just kill the person. This person is here. Just kill him. You can watch when the time comes. We have always been honest in doing business, so Boss Ma, you'd better pay us more. Otherwise, it’s really hard to do this, so don’t make it difficult for the brothers.” Changmao took the opportunity to rip off the money.

"Boss Changmao, why are you going back on your word? There is no such thing as this. It is dangerous now, but we made it clear before. You agreed, I will give you the money, and you said you will bear all the risks yourself, and you will not let me bear any What's the risk? What's the deal now?" Ma Bangqi also didn't like Changmao's attitude of taking advantage of the opportunity to rip him off, so he asked directly.

"Oh, Boss Ma, I won't let you take any risks. That's what I said. If we are caught, we will definitely not accuse you, Boss Ma. So there is no risk for you. The situation is special now. With so many policemen, we risk The risk is too great. This risk cannot be easily compensated. We still need a sum of money." Changmao said to Ma Bangqi.

"I gave you risk money." Ma Bangqi said angrily. He couldn't stand it anymore. He was already bankrupt. Now he was bleeding heavily in order to kill Li Fan. Now he was still being ripped off. How could he? Not angry?

"The risk fund is not enough. Look, we did not expect that a situation like today would happen. The risk fund is not enough. Forget it if it is a normal risk. We are in the business of killing people. Boss Ma, please be more understanding. ." Changmao said to Ma Bangqi.

Ma Bangqi was very angry after hearing this. He was already extremely angry: "Boss Changmao, are you trying to rip you off? Do you think if you let people on the street know about this, someone will come after you?" Doing business? When doing business, you are talking about trustworthiness. Now you don’t talk about trustworthiness? "

"Hahaha, I'm just thinking about my brothers. Boss Ma, there is no justice in the business. This matter is too risky and the risk fund is not enough. We can't do it. If we can't do it, Boss Ma can find another wise man. In addition, the deposit will not be refunded. After all, the brothers are here, and this cannot be in vain, so it is a rule that the deposit will not be refunded." Changmao laughed, he just wanted to make Ma Bangqi vomit blood, and this was also an opportunity given by the girl.

Ma Bangqi glanced at Changmao and then at Li Fan. He hated Li Fan so much that his teeth itched with hatred. In the end, he was helpless and said to Changmao: "Okay, okay, as long as you kill this person, what do you want from me?" I’ll give it all to you, okay?”

"Boss Ma is refreshing and refreshing. I like doing business with refreshing people. It's comfortable, hahaha..." Changmao Duo was naturally very happy after taking the money.

"However, Boss Ma, since this girl said this, don't blame me for not believing you. You have to give the money first. After you give the money, we will do things. If you don't give it, we won't be able to do things for you, Boss Ma. , please understand more, it is difficult to do business now, it is difficult for you to do business, it is difficult to do our business, we ourselves have been doing it for three years without opening, and we have only been doing business for three years after opening." Changmao also said this deliberately, because he Knowing that no matter what request he made at this time, as long as Ma Bangqi could do it, he would do it.

"You are just raising the price, Boss Changmao. If you do this, I will not dare to cooperate with you in the future. Okay, you want money, right? I will transfer it to you right now. Add more money. Just tell me. "Mabangqi said with an unhappy look.

"Look, Boss Ma, don't be unhappy. It's not easy for us. We are partners all year round. We all know each other well. Let's understand each other and be considerate of each other." Changmao said to Ma Bangqi with a smile.

"Okay, are you still saying this? Is it useful? I have been a long-term partner, you don't believe me? Do you believe in a little girl's movie? How much does it cost?" Ma Bangqi said through gritted teeth. He knew that he had to take revenge if he wanted to take revenge today. It's a capital investment, and it won't do any less.

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