Best Son-in-law

Chapter 890 Going back on one's word

At this time, Changmao stretched out five fingers, and then lit up the Ma Bang flag. The meaning was very clear, he just wanted this number.

When Ma Bangqi saw this number, his heart ached and he shook his head violently: "No, it's too much."

"No need to discuss, Boss Ma." Changmao said deliberately.

"Boss Changmao, are you being unreasonable? No one has done this like you. Everything has been agreed upon, and everything has been agreed upon. If you go back on your word, do you think anyone will cooperate with you in the future? You are too Is this too much?" At this time, Ma Bangqi was already angry.

Changmao chuckled: "Boss Ma, don't be angry. We have nothing to do. You see, this little girl has said so. What we are doing is beheading. I have to think about our brothers. No matter what After all, we all have to think about our brothers, so I hope Boss Ma understands that you can’t do anything less than this number. Really, I believe that other people have this number too, right? You can find the same with other companies. Such a price may be higher, we have already increased the price, but it’s just based on the long-term cooperation relationship, I didn’t increase the money for you.”

"Okay, okay, if I give it to you this time, it won't change, right?" Ma Bangqi said unhappily. Although it is easy for this long-haired man to extend his hands like this, it is extremely difficult and painful for Ma Bangqi to pay for it. He was about to die, and Ma Bangqi was also heartbroken and bit him to death.

At this moment, he felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart, which was bleeding continuously.

"No, I will use my character to promise you this time. No, I don't seem to have much character, but I will use my loyalty to guarantee it. That's okay, right?" Changmao said with a smile.

So Ma Bangqi transferred the money to Changmao. Changmao smiled and nodded. As soon as he stretched out his hand, his brothers all started to get involved, one by one, gearing up.

"Brothers, get ready to work. This time, things are special. There are so many policemen around. We are in danger. Do the work quickly and end it quickly. Be clean when doing things and don't cause trouble with Boss Ma. , Boss Ma paid a big price this time, he is kind to us, so I would like to thank Boss Ma first." Changmao said while raising his hands to the Ma Bang flag.

"Okay, Boss Changmao, don't say this. I have a request. I must make this kid unable to live or die. Then I will torture him for a while and then let him die. Before he dies, I must make him regret for offending me." ." Ma Bangqi asked Changmao.

"Don't worry, Boss Ma. I will definitely comply with your request. Do you all hear Boss Ma's request clearly?" Changmao asked with a deliberate smile.

"I heard it." Everyone laughed, and their eyes were full of greed.

"Wait a minute, Boss Changmao, I'm willing to pay. I'm willing to pay you to kill this Ma Bangqi. You can have as much money as you want, as long as you kill Ma Bangqi." The girl was a little anxious. She was afraid that Changmao would take action. Things would be irreversible; Li Fan would be tortured to death, so the girl wanted to delay until the police came.

"Are you telling the truth? If it's true, we can cooperate, but if it's false, do you know the consequences of deceiving us?" Changmao looked at the girl with an unkind expression and asked.

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you? Everything I said is true. I will kill Ma Bangqi. Let's cooperate." The girl said.

"Let's talk about cooperation later. I'd better finish Boss Ma's order first, and then make yours." Changmao said.

"Shouldn't we discuss it? You should at least tell me the price and let me think about it." The girl was still trying to delay time.

"Didn't you say that you would kill Boss Ma no matter how much it costs? In this case, is it necessary to talk about the price?" Changmao said with a smile.

"Okay, Boss Changmao, don't listen to her nonsense. It's impossible for her to cooperate with you. She's just playing tricks on you. She just wants to delay time. Damn girl, I think you're tired of living." At this time, Ma Bangqi I also hate this girl.

"No, no, no, I am very interested in money. Of course, Boss Ma, you can auction your life with this girl now. She is willing to pay for your life. As long as the price you pay is high, she can sell you Buy back my life. Look, Boss Ma, do you want to pay some money to buy your own life? I am a very fair person. As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to talk about and negotiable. " Changmao was smiling all over his face. He saw that he was trying to blackmail Mabang Banner by raising the price. He had made some money in Mabang Banner, so he just wanted to make more money in Mabang Banner. Changmao liked money very much, and he was also a very good person. Greedy for money.

Seeing that Ma Bangqi had paid more to kill Li Fan just now, he now wanted to blackmail more money through this girl. Changmao's abacus was very loud, and he was still plotting against Ma Bangqi everywhere.

The purpose is to get more money from Mabang Banner. Changmao just wants money.

"What? Boss Changmao, are you going a little too far? I paid you before, and you still want money from me. And you said this time the risk is high, so I doubled your risk fee. This is not enough. You still want money from me, are you going too far? We don't do business like this, it's too much." Ma Bangqi was also angered by Changmao Sitting on the ground and raising the price. He was so angry that he couldn't understand it. I don’t want to give Changmao the money.

But Changmao said with a smile: "Don't be angry, Boss Ma. We have something to discuss. You came out for revenge, and I came out for money. As long as you give me money, everything can be discussed. What happened just now I I need to explain it to you carefully. Don’t get me wrong. The risk money and other things you just paid were all for buying this boy’s life. This boy is doomed, but this girl wants to buy your life. She If I buy your life, you will have to die, but you can also try to sell your life. In this way, your life is still in your hands, as long as you pay for it, of course, you can also pay for it. Money also bought this girl's life. As long as you have money, you can do anything. This is in line with our rules. Boss Ma, please be considerate, hahaha."

It was obvious that Changmao had tricked Ma Bangqi. Ma Bangqi was also very annoyed with this Changmao, but he couldn't say anything at this time. He couldn't help but raise his dim eyelids and said angrily: "Boss Changmao, you What you say and do is too much. How can you do business like this? If they were like you, there would be no need to do this business. Then everyone in the world would have to buy their lives from you. Wouldn’t everyone in the world have to pay? How much money do you need to survive? Boss Changmao, don’t you think your logic is ridiculous?”

"Of course, Boss Ma doesn't have to buy it. I didn't buy or sell by force. If this girl bought your life and we took action, don't blame us. We must do things according to the contract, so Boss Ma Don't think about us missing our old relationship or anything like that, that's simply impossible." Changmao laughed and said to Ma Bangqi.

After hearing this, Ma Bangqi was extremely annoyed. He nodded to Changmao and said, "Can I buy my life back if I pay for it?"

"Of course, and the price is enough. No matter how much money we pay for this girl, we will not sell it. Don't worry." Changmao looked at Ma Bangqi with a sinister smile. At this time, Changmao smiled very Brilliant, he knew he had made money this time.

I am happy to make money and grow hair.

But Ma Bangqi felt very sad: "How much does it cost to buy my life?"

"This is the number." Changmao stretched out two fingers and said.

"What? Twenty thousand yuan?" Ma Bangqi said deliberately pretending to be stupid.

"To buy this kid's life, you gave me 120,000 yuan. The risk fee is 10,000 yuan. The total is 130,000 yuan. The life of this worthless kid requires 130,000 yuan. Boss Ma's life is at least 130,000 yuan. Two hundred thousand, is it possible that Boss Ma feels that he is not worth the two hundred thousand?" Changmao looked at Ma Bangqi with a half-smile, he just wanted to blackmail Ma Bangqi.

"What? Did you make a mistake? You are blackmailing me, right? Seeing that today is special, you are blackmailing me, okay, Changmao, you don't want to do this business anymore, you really don't follow the ethics of the world, you see Will anyone want to do business with you in the future? I have to tell today's incident so that everyone can comment on it and let everyone see whether you are right or someone else is right." At this time, Ma Bangqi was also very angry. He yelled at Shaggy.

Changmao ignored it: "If you don't open for three years, if you open for three years, these three hundred and thirty thousand are the living expenses for our brothers for a long time. Boss Ma, you are a man who makes a lot of money, why are you arguing with us?" But our life money, besides, we have always followed our rules, how can we not be moral? It is better than us looking for you again after this little girl really bought your life, right? So , Boss Ma, don’t misunderstand us, we really hope you are well, hahaha..."

Changmao looked like he was succeeding, but Ma Bangqi was very angry. But at this time, he had no choice but to sigh and said: "Two hundred thousand is not a small amount. I will transfer it to you later."

"No, we have to see a deposit of 100,000 yuan." Changmao showed no mercy at all. He knew that something big was going to happen to Yan Nan recently, and it would be hard to continue in their line of work, so they thought Take the money to avoid it first, and Changmao's group of people are the owners of huge daily expenses, so they blackmailed Ma Bangqi like this. Under normal circumstances, they would not blackmail Ma Bangqi like this.

"You still need a deposit? If I can't pay you back then, you can just kill me for this trouble." Ma Bangqi's nose was filled with smoke.

"I said no, it's no. Boss Ma, please don't embarrass me. Do you think it will be easy for us to kill you? Then you will find a group of spies waiting for us at the door, and then kill us. Who do you think we should talk to for reasoning? Go? Who should we look for? Boss Ma, there are some things you have to consider for us?" Changmao said with a smile.

"Okay, I didn't expect that my life is quite valuable, two hundred thousand, okay, I will give you a deposit, and I will transfer it to you." At this time, Ma Bangqi was also gritting his teeth. He felt that if he could kill Li Fan, he would have nothing. It was worth it. He knew how much it cost, so he gritted his teeth and transferred the money to Changmao.

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