Best Son-in-law

Chapter 898 Stinging

"Of course you are my biological child, don't talk nonsense." Ding Hongsheng was also a little helpless. He knew that his daughter was losing her temper, but he had to stop it because they were unreasonable.

It is true that Ding Yanan was jealous as soon as she entered the house, saying that others were not good and making all kinds of remarks about others. This person could not stand it long ago and started fighting with Ding Yanan. This girl has a better temper. If she has a bad temper, , say this, and start doing it here.

Besides, Liu Lu was also a guest invited by Li Fan. He couldn't offend Li Fan because of his daughter, and Ding Hongsheng didn't want to do that either.

"Then why don't you stand up for me? You see, I have suffered so much grievance and you still don't stand up for me. I must not be your biological child." Ding Yanan said, tears were about to flow out.

"Yes, you are definitely not my biological child, you were picked up from the trash can." Liu Lu was so angry that she also said a few bad words.

But these two sentences deeply stung Ding Yanan's nerves.

"Girl, okay, Yanan is wrong, but what you said is a bit too much. You can't say that. It's too much to say that she is not your biological child." Ding Hongsheng pointed at Liu Lu and said.

"You can't bully people like this even if you have money? Really, who have I offended?" Liu Lu said angrily.

"Don't get along with her. She's not a bad person. She just goes crazy in some good phases. She went crazy just now. This is a disease. You can't be like her. We are all normal people and we have to do what normal people should do. ." Li Fan quickly spoke out to comfort Liu Lu.

"Who are you saying is sick? Li Fan, are you going too far? Are you bullying me like this? Who spoke for you just now? They were all my best friends, and I spoke for you. Look, now, you are helping this person Outsiders say, are you going too far?" Ding Yanan said with red eyes.

"Okay, okay, that's enough for you, Yanan. Mr. Li, you see there's no way for us to sit down and eat together. I'll take Yanan away. You can eat yours. Don't disturb the fun, girl." I'm really sorry, there are some situations that I really can't tell you. My daughter has this kind of personality, so don't mind it, don't be the same as her." Ding Hongsheng pulled Ding Yanan and walked out, apologizing to Li Fan and Liu Lu as he walked.

Hearing Ding Hongsheng's apology, Liu Lu's face became slightly better. She was not an unreasonable person, but she was really angry at Ding Yanan at the time. However, she later felt that something was wrong with what she said, so she bowed her head. Ding Hongsheng said softly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, I shouldn't have said that to her. I didn't mean it."

"It's okay, it's okay. You can guess what happened today. Please be more understanding and I'll take him out." Ding Hongsheng forced Ding Yanan out.

Ding Yanan didn't want to leave yet, so she said to Li Fan reluctantly: "Li Fan, you are really nothing. While we are worried about you, we are looking for you specifically. It would be better for you to come and have dinner with a beautiful woman. You are really good at it. How can you How can this be done?"

In this way, Ding Yanan was taken away by Ding Hongsheng, but she left unwillingly, shouting as she walked.

At this moment, many people came over and wanted to see the excitement at Li Fan's table. Although Ding Yanan left, she also successfully disturbed Li Fan, leaving Li Fan and Liu Lu unable to eat here. Go down, because so many people are looking at them from time to time, no matter how delicious the hot pot is, Li Fan and Liu Lu can't eat it anymore.

So Li Fan glanced at Liu Lu and asked, "I'm sorry, my friend."

"It's okay, it's okay, forget it, I can actually understand it. Alas, it's just... your friend is a bit jealous. What does it mean? It means that she likes you very much." Liu Lu said.

"What, she likes me? I would have thanked her if she didn't come to torture me, ugh." At this time, Li Fan also sighed helplessly.

"Are you full?" Li Fan asked sheepishly.

"I'm not full, but let's go." Liu Lu replied helplessly.

"Okay." Li Fan sighed, feeling helpless.

In this way, Li Fan and Liu Lu left the hot pot restaurant. Before leaving, the waiter asked: "Have you two eaten?"

At this time, both Li Fan and Liu Lu were a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, so they could only answer with a forced laugh.

Seeing the two of them like this, the waiter thought that the hospitality was poor. This hot pot restaurant itself valued service. He couldn't afford to be blamed for such poor hospitality, so the waiter quickly said: "Are they two?" Didn’t you have a good meal? If you have any questions, just tell me. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can also raise it. Are you not satisfied with the food or the service? "

"No, I'm not very satisfied. It's just that the two of us have something to do." Liu Lu said quickly, she also wanted to explain clearly.

But it was this sentence that gave the waiter a bad association. He looked at Li Fan and Liu Lu with a smirk on his face, as if he suddenly realized something, and smiled and said: "You guys told me earlier, of course I know. Of course I know, I know what you think, don’t worry, I understand, I wish you a long life.”

After speaking, the waiter winked at Li Fan and Liu Lu.

Li Fan and Liu Lu looked confused. They looked at each other and saw a little doubt in each other's eyes. What's going on? What did he see?

It was only when the two of them walked out that they realized what the waiter meant.

Thinking of this, Liu Lu couldn't help but glance at Li Fan and blushed instantly. In fact, she also admired Li Fan very much. Liu Lu also had a special liking for Li Fan. But because of Ding Yanan's appearance, Liu Lu thought She couldn't destroy other people's happiness. Later she discovered that it was Ding Yanan who had a crush on Li Fan, and they were not together.

After knowing this situation, Liu Lu couldn't help but become excited again.

Anyway, Li Fan is not with anyone else now, so she still wants to try her best to fight for it.

Because Liu Lu really likes Li Fan now.

At least Li Fan gave her a favor that no one else had given her.

"I'll take you back." Li Fan said to Liu Lu.

"Okay, okay." Liu Lu nodded. She was also willing to be given away by Li Fan because she believed in Li Fan's character and believed that Li Fan would not do anything bad to her.

So, Liu Lu got into Li Fan's car, and in the car, the two of them chatted.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Li, you would be so popular among girls." Liu Lu said deliberately.

"Am I liked by girls? Who likes me? Don't be kidding, hahaha..." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Look, that girl likes you so much. She made such a fuss just now because she was jealous of you. Didn't you see it?" Liu Lu looked at Li Fan with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Huh? Is she jealous on my behalf? Don't be kidding me. We are just friends, ordinary friends. Moreover, she has always been prejudiced against me and discriminated against me. I am so grateful that she can look at me squarely and still likes me. It's simply impossible, Liu Lu, stop joking." Li Fan said helplessly.

How could Li Fan believe this?

"Mr. Li, I really won't lie to you. You have to trust a woman's intuition. Besides, I'll ask you a question. What would you do if she really likes you?" Liu Lu said what she was most interested in. After finishing the question, she stared at Li Fan up and down without blinking.

"It's impossible, don't think about it." Li Fan said helplessly.

"No, I mean what if she really likes you?" Suddenly, Liu Lu felt that this matter was particularly interesting and asked.

"It's impossible. What's true or false?" Li Fan sighed. He didn't understand what Liu Lu was thinking.

"Then can you fantasize and talk about it casually to satisfy my curiosity?" When Liu Lu said this, it was also a request.

"Okay, okay, she really likes me, and I can't be with her because I don't like her, okay?" Li Fan was also very irritable.

Because Li Fan is not very good at dealing with emotional matters. His emotions in the village are a mess and he doesn't know how to deal with them. How can he take the initiative to provoke other people's emotions? Unless Li Fan doesn't want to do anything anymore.

"It's true. She is such a beautiful woman, and you just talk like that? It will hurt people's hearts." Liu Lu found it funny.

"Does being sad have anything to do with me? If I don't like it, I just don't like it." Li Fan was also very determined at this time.

"Okay, I won't ask any more questions. It seems like you don't like this topic." Liu Lu said.

"I'm disgusted." Li Fan said bluntly.

"Why is this so disgusting? Could it be because of your previous experience..." Liu Lu couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Yes, forget it, let's not talk about this. I'm very upset." Li Fan waved his hand to Liu Lu and said.

"I'm sorry." He also apologized specifically to Liu Lu.

"No, no, no, it's me who should say I'm sorry. I shouldn't reveal your scars. Is it because you had a relationship before?" Liu Lu's curiosity was so great that she couldn't help but ask. .

She was still curious and couldn't help but feel curious.

At this time, Li Fan neither admitted nor denied.

"That's it, okay, I understand. You are such an affectionate person. Facing such a beautiful woman, you will never forget your past feelings. You are also a person with stories. I like you very much." Liu Lu said suddenly.

This sentence frightened Li Fan. He himself did not know how to deal with emotional matters. He had never experienced or learned anything before. Now that Liu Lu suddenly said this, Li Fan would be particularly panicked.

"Hahaha, I just appreciate it." Liu Lu laughed and said to Li Fan.

"Okay, okay, just send me here. I'm home. Thank you. By the way, let's leave a contact information. Then I will go to your restaurant to eat, and you have to give me a discount." Liu Lu blinked her big eyes at Li Fan and said, what she just said was not a lie, she really admired Li Fan.

"Well, if you come to my store, I'll treat you to dinner." Li Fan nodded and said.

"This is what you said, you can't go back and default on the debt." Liu Lu laughed.

"Well, I won't." Li Fan said quickly.

"Okay, then I'm leaving." Liu Lu left reluctantly. When leaving, she looked back at Li Fan from time to time.

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