Best Son-in-law

Chapter 899 Sparing no effort

After Liu Lu left, Li Fan also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know what happened to him recently. He had to struggle with these emotional matters. Li Fan had never experienced this before, but now Li Fan experiences it from time to time. , which made him very irritable.

After Li Fan sent Liu Lu away, it was getting very late at this time, and there were no people around. Those who wanted to watch the excitement just now were no longer there. After all, no matter how beautiful the excitement was, They will all disperse.

At this time, Li Fan never dreamed that he had become a devil and an alien among many people.

Li Fan was driving home and wanted to discuss business with Ding Hongsheng. However, due to various things, the negotiation still failed. This also made Li Fan feel very annoyed, but there was nothing she could do.

At this moment, Li Fan's cell phone suddenly rang. Li Fan drove the car to the side of the road and went to answer the phone.

The call was from Ding Hongsheng. He had just comforted his daughter and now he immediately made a call to Li Fan.

The purpose of Ding Hongsheng's call was to appease Li Fan and stop him from having other emotions.

"Hey, is this Mr. Li?" Ding Hongsheng also thought about it. He had promised Li Fan before that he had several cooperations and should discuss them carefully.

Originally, Ding Yanan was not willing to let Ding Hongsheng make this call because Ding Yanan was angry and angry with Li Fan, but Ding Hongsheng's casual words made Ding Yanan's expression change drastically.

"Now when Mr. Li and Miss Liu Lu are alone, do you feel relieved?" Ding Hongsheng tactfully provoked his daughter.

When Ding Yanan heard this, she immediately became energetic. She quickly said: "You go ahead and make the call. I think you insist on making this call, so just do it and don't worry about me."

Although Ding Yanan said this at the time, deep down in her heart she still hoped that her father would make this call.

Ding Hongsheng found it very interesting to see Ding Yanan like this, so he said a few more words: "Yanan, if you do this, I won't call him. You are not happy anyway, why should I make my daughter unhappy? What? Li Fan, let’s not fight.”

"Hit, we can't offend him, and you can't offend him." At this time, Ding Yanan had already cheered up, and she strongly demanded that Ding Hongsheng must make this call to Li Fan.

But Ding Hongsheng still wanted to tease Ding Yanan, so he said again: "Forget it, let's not fight, it's useless."

"Fight, you fight, you have to make this call today." Ding Yanan said with anger in her heart. She didn't know what happened today. There were so many things happening every day. After meeting Li Fan, this matter never stopped. And more and more, Ding Yanan doesn't know who Li Fan is, and whether meeting him is good or bad for her.

"Didn't you let me hit you just now? Why did you let me hit you again?" Ding Hongsheng grinned deliberately after hearing this.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's annoying." Ding Yanan also said very awkwardly. She was very dissatisfied with her father.

"Okay, okay, I'm not going to argue with my precious daughter. I'm going to make this call right away." Ding Hongsheng also felt sorry for Ding Yanan. He also deliberately smiled before making this call to Li Fan.

After a busy tone, Li Fan answered the phone.

"It's me, Mr. Ding. It's so late. Is there anything else?" Li Fan asked with some confusion.

"Mr. Li, where are you now? Are you still in Yannan? I want to come find you." Ding Hongsheng said directly.

"Looking for me? I want to go home. Forget it, it's too late." Li Fan said helplessly.

"It's just because it's late that I'm looking for you. How far is it for you to go home? Why don't you stay at our house? We have a vacant room at home, which is much better than outside. I think Mr. Li didn't eat well today. I'll ask the kitchen to Go get two dishes and let's eat together. It just so happens that Yanan didn't eat well either. What happened just now was Yanan's fault. I apologize to you on behalf of Yanan." At this time, Ding Hongsheng still said this sincerely. .

After hearing this, Li Fan was a little helpless: "Forget it, Mr. Ding, this is too much trouble. I'd better go back by myself. It's okay. It's not far. I'll be there in a short drive."

"No, no, where are you? I'll have someone pick you up. No, I'll pick you up myself." Ding Hongsheng said quickly. He was afraid that Li Fan wouldn't come, so he added: "Mr. Li, you also know, The situation in Ya'nan has been turbulent recently, and I have a lot of things to deal with. If these things are not dealt with, it will not be a good thing for me or my brothers, so Mr. Li, you won't mind if I stay busy a little longer, right?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind, what's the point? I'm not angry, I just think it's too much trouble, I'm so embarrassed. You all have to go to bed, and I'm going to bother you. It's not early today, forget it. Still." Li Fan knew that Ding Hongsheng had good intentions, but he still wanted to decline.

"Mr. Li, come here. We still have something serious to talk about, which is some business projects in your village. I want to see if I have any good ideas or suggestions for you to consider, Mr. Li. There are some things that need to be discussed between us. I just sat up and said it." Ding Hongsheng said to Li Fan.

It was Ding Hongsheng's words that were very powerful for Li Fan. Li Fan himself came here just to discuss business, not just to participate in the antique treasure appraisal meeting.

Now Li Fan's business deal has not been concluded, and the antique treasure appraisal meeting has also been ruined. This time Li Fan came to Yan Nan, it was a complete failure.

But now Ding Hongsheng said that he wanted to discuss business with Li Fan, which made Li Fan very interested. He came here just to discuss business.

So Li Fan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mr. Ding, this won't be too disturbing, right? Is Miss Ding still angry with me?"

"She is angry? What kind of anger can she have? Mr. Li, this is just a child losing his temper casually, do you take it seriously? It's all a joke, let's just forget about it." Ding Hongsheng hurriedly faced Li Fan said.

"Hmph, I'll pick it up." Ding Yanan was also very unhappy. She snatched Ding Hongsheng's call directly, and then said to Li Fan: "Li Fan, aren't you quite capable? Why are you afraid of me, a girl? Just because Me, you don’t dare to come to my house, do you? Are you afraid that I will eat you? "

"I'm afraid of you. Why am I afraid of you? I just don't want to cause trouble." Li Fan said helplessly. He was becoming more and more unpredictable about Ding Yanan. He didn't even know what Ding Yanan was thinking.

Every day, no one knows what is going on in Ding Yanan's mind.

"Why don't you dare to come to my house if you're not afraid of me? You're just afraid of me if you don't come." Ding Yanan said deliberately.

"Okay, I'll go." Li Fan was speechless. He didn't know what to say. He had business now. He had to talk to Ding Hongsheng about many projects. For many projects, Li Fan still wanted to use Ding Hongsheng's Experience can help him make suggestions. After all, Ding Hongsheng is an old man.

He knows a lot. If Ding Hongsheng is willing to help Li Fan, Li Fan will be much more comfortable doing things.

So this time, Li Fan had to meet Ding Hongsheng and discuss the village projects together.

In particular, Li Fan was very interested in the brand benefits that Ding Hongsheng had just proposed in the hot pot restaurant.

Ding Hongsheng was always able to hit the key points when he spoke. Li Fan had always been thinking about how to improve the quality of vegetables and dishes, and how to expand his popularity. This was also a topic that Li Fan needed to learn.

Now is the era of joy, not the time when the smell of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys. What is needed now is exposure and the flow of people.

Many people have a herd mentality when it comes to consumption. They think that the food bought by many people must be delicious. When they see someone queuing up at a food stall, they will queue up with them. As a result, after buying it, they don’t think it tastes good either. They still took pictures, praised them, and then attracted a new group of people to come over to eat the food. The result was still not delicious, but they took pictures and recommended it to their friends. They still maintained their consistent attitude towards such things. The way you act, you can deceive everyone.

Nowadays, many people have this consumption concept and consumption method.

So when Ding Hongsheng mentioned the brand effect, Li Fan felt that it was on point. What's the use of something no matter how good it is? If you don’t publicize it, people from far away places won’t come here to eat it. You are still wandering around in front of your own house, and gradually opening branches is a bit slow. Li Fan doesn’t want to pay for it one at a time. I saved up slowly, and when I had enough money, I opened a branch and expanded my business. But actually speaking, it was already too late for some things.

Sometimes, you don't just follow the steps, you just have to go with the flow and make the best use of the situation, and then there will be some unexpected results.

Li Fan gradually understood this truth. Today, when Ding Hongsheng suddenly appeared, Li Fan felt that it made sense, and the key to some things changed here.

Li Fan has been changing his thinking during this period. He knows that many entrepreneurs are not like him, doing things bit by bit and accumulating revenue bit by bit. Many of them started because they wanted to seize opportunities, and some did not have the opportunity. Seize the opportunity and be ruined.

What Li Fan can understand is that some things have a lifespan, and this lifespan is fixed. If you miss certain opportunities, you may miss them for the rest of your life. Starting a business is like walking a tightrope. If you fail, you will fall to pieces. Generally, Those who can step forward are also amazingly courageous. Once they see an opportunity, they will seize it at all costs.

Now Li Fan also sees opportunities. He also sees the solution to some contradictions, which is to create a brand, then package various brands, and then make the brand bigger and stronger step by step.

These are of course things that Li Fan has always understood.

It is precisely because of Ding Hongsheng's connections that Li Fan feels that such opportunities and opportunities are tailor-made for him.

Ding Hongsheng still relies on Li Fan in some aspects, so Ding Hongsheng will definitely spare no effort in Li Fan's matters.

The relationship between two people is also a cooperative relationship.

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