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Bei Mingxue seemed to be a little surprised when she saw Baili Hongzhuang, "The situation has not been completely resolved recently, you should be more careful."

"Thank you for your concern, I have my own measures."

Baili Hongzhuang responded, without any intention to say anything, and turned around to leave.

However, Bei Mingxue spoke again, "Girl Baili, I wonder if you can have a chat with me?"

Baili Hongzhuang paused in his footsteps, turned around and looked at her, then looked at the people next to him, made a look, and the others stepped back some distance, but did not leave.

The emperor had already instructed before, no matter what, he could not leave his wife's surrounding.

Once there is a danger, they can go to rescue as soon as possible.

Bei Mingxue saw this scene in her eyes, and she understood in her heart how much the emperor attached to Baili Hongzhuang.

These people must not be the people of this woman, the only possibility is that of the emperor, so many people were sent to protect her, which shows how worried she is that she will encounter danger.

"Girl Baili is really a big show." Bei Mingxue sighed.

Baili Hongzhuang's expression was calm, "Ms. Beiming shouldn't ask me to say these useless words, I might as well say anything."

"You should have seen the princess." Bei Mingxue said.

"Not bad." Baili Hongzhuang replied. Although not many people have seen this, as long as Bei Mingxue wants to inquire about it, he will definitely be able to get the news, "Any suggestions?"

"The identity of Caucha is good. Her father is an old subordinate who has been loyal to the emperor for so many years. He has a high reputation. And Caucha is a well-known beauty over the years. That's why the princess chooses Caucha. I want her to be a queen."

"I know that your weight in the heart of the emperor is extraordinary, and the emperor will never let the position of the queen be scrutinized.

It's just that people say it's terrifying. If you don't have enough strength, it won't be easy to maintain this position by relying on the maintenance of the emperor. "

Bei Mingxue looked at Baili Hongzhuang, wanting to see a trace of tension in her expression.

This matter is not simple, the queen certainly wants the emperor to like it, but she has no background, even if she sits in this position, she may not be able to remain firmly seated.

Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows slightly, and she didn't expect Bei Mingxue to come over and say something like this to her at the moment.

Is this analyzing the pros and cons with her?

"So what do you want to say?"

"I'm here to surrender." Bei Mingxue said.

She had already thought about it, the emperor was very repulsive to the woman the eldest princess found, and the result of scrutiny was definitely not much better.

What's more, the princess's attitude towards Baili Hongzhuang is not good. She will definitely regard scrutiny as a thorn in her eyes, and she will definitely express her disgust towards scrutiny in the performance of the emperor.

When the Emperor listened to her, he would not have a good impression of Scrutiny, so when the princess and Baili Hongzhuang were fighting with each other, she felt that Baili Hongzhuang had a higher chance of winning.

On the one hand, it was also because she was already an abandoned son with the princess. The princess's most optimistic now is to scrutinize her, completely ignoring her existence.

During this period, she could clearly feel the princess's indifference towards her.

It is precisely because of this that she intends to abandon the other side altogether. If Baili Hongzhuang is willing to accept her, then this road will go much smoother than Cauchy.

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes filled with incredible color when he heard these words.

I didn't expect Bei Mingxue to be able to do this!

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