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Li Mo's status in the God Realm is quite good. He was born noble, and he became famous early, and he has become famous since he was a child, and he is a true genius.

If not, he would not have the opportunity to get along with the goddess.

In those days, the elders had the idea of ​​bringing the two together and let them get along day and night, in order to cultivate feelings.

Li Mo had already fallen in love with the goddess as early as the first time she saw her, but the king was affectionate, and the goddess had no dreams. After so many years of getting along, Li Mo's feelings for the goddess became deeper and deeper, but the goddess remained the same There is not much fluctuation.

If there have been no other variables, it’s okay. There is no wave and no waves. It is also a long stream. The appearance of the demon emperor is like a squally shower. From the moment it appeared, a huge storm was set off, calming it down. His life is completely subverted.

I don't know how many women admire Limo on weekdays. There are often girls who try to get close to her, hoping to get into Limo's eyes.

It's just that Li Mo is also a desperate eye, who doesn't like it except the goddess, his friend looks anxious.

If Limo can let go of all this, he should be much happier than he is now.

"Now this barrier will be broken in no time. What I want to know most now is the truth. I want to find her."

Li Mo's expression is serious, he is now sure that the goddess has returned in reincarnation, she is in the devil world if she is not in the gods, but he is almost certain that the goddess is in the devil!

So what will she do in the devil world now?

Could the people in the Devil Realm have already discovered her traces?

Thinking of this possibility, he sleeps and eats awkwardly, and what happened back then is still vividly visible, which makes him worried.

The reincarnation of the goddess, logically speaking, should appear in the God Realm, and he couldn't figure out why she appeared in the Devil Realm.

He worried that this man would find the goddess before him this time?

He remembered the devil's attachment before he fell into reincarnation. He was willing to give up all of this for the goddess.

From this alone, it can be certain that if he meets the goddess again after the reincarnation, he is afraid that his decision will not change from the original.

He cannot accept such a thing.

"Isn't Wangyun Xianjun said anything?" Qu Shang asked in confusion, "Didn't you say that the suspected woman used to stay with Wangyun Xianjun?"

Li Mo shook his head, "He refused to say."

Qu Shang fell into silence, and they were all very familiar with Immortal Monarch Wangyun.

Xiangyun Xianjun had always been by the side of the goddess at the beginning, and he was completely the confidant of the goddess.

This man is very strong, although he was not born well, but relying on his own potential, he made a fortuitous breakthrough.

At the beginning, Limo was a little unhappy because of Wangyun Xianjun. He was also a man, and he could tell at a glance that Wangyun Xianjun liked goddess.

However, the goddess seemed to be slow to respond to feelings, and had never noticed these, which made him feel relieved.

Immortal Wangyun's ability to budget for the future is very strong, and he is the only one who has the deepest knowledge in this aspect in the entire God Realm.

He can know about the goddess without even thinking about it. He is most concerned about it, and he must have spent time investigating it a long time ago.

Maybe others don't know what is going on, but Wangyun Xianjun must be very clear.

It's just that he just didn't want to tell him.

If not, he would not spend so much thought now.

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