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"In that case, I don't think the situation is right!" Qu Shang frowned, "Don't tell me, Immortal Wangyun will definitely not harm the goddess, do you agree with this?"

They all saw how loyal Wangyun Xianjun was to the goddess.

In this entire God Realm, the person that Wangyun Xianjun cares most is the goddess, there is no doubt about this.

"If this is the case, then what good will the goddess go to the Demon Realm for him? He has no reason to do this!"

Hearing, Li Mo was also lost in thought.

"The goddess had already returned, but after hearing that the Devil Emperor had fallen into reincarnation, she also fell into reincarnation soon. What does this prove?"

Qu Shang was stunned, and said in a puzzled way: "The goddess still likes the devil emperor, knowing that he has fallen into reincarnation because he has fallen into reincarnation and feels uneasy?"

Li Mo shook his head, "What you said is too simple, maybe it's not that you are in trouble at all, but...every thoughts are lost!"

As soon as he said this, Qu Shang couldn't help but his eyes widened and his expression became very complicated.

"what do you mean…"

"I understand that Immortal Monarch Wangyun does like goddess. There is no doubt about that, but goddess is not only the person he likes, but also his benefactor, the person he cares about most.

As soon as the matter of the goddess and the devil emperor came out, do you still remember the reaction of Wangyun Xianjun? "Limo Road.

Qu Shang carefully recalled the situation at the time. At that time, it was really shocked because of the news. All of them focused on the goddess and the devil emperor, and had no intention to pay attention to other things.

But at this moment, after Li Mo's reminder, he thought of something.

"In the beginning, Immortal Wangyun didn't seem to object strongly?"

"Not bad." Li Mo nodded, "The feelings of Wangyun Xianjun and I for Goddess are different. He is more fulfilling."

He had already seen this from the beginning.

Just as Wangyun Xianjun obviously liked goddess, but his appearance did not make Wangyun Xianjun too repulsive, he still treated the goddess as good as ever, even directly neglecting his own existence.

In other words, he understood that it was impossible for him to be with the goddess, so he never thought of preventing the goddess from being with other people.

He digested all the remaining emotions by himself.

At this point, Li Mo feels ashamed, he can't do like Wangyun Xianjun.

Qu Shang, who was originally unknown, also understood at this moment, "So you mean that Immortal Wangyun is probably trying to perfect the goddess?"

"What do you think?" Li Mo asked rhetorically.

Qu Shang's face became extremely complicated, he hadn't thought about it before.

Immortal Monarch Wangyun’s status in the God Realm is not low now, and his strength is increasing too fast. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a cultivator, and his ability to foresee the future is unparalleled, and he is full of mysterious .

He now has an irreplaceable position in the God Realm, completely different from his original identity.

If Immortal Monarch Wangyun was not qualified to be with Goddess a thousand years ago, then after all these years of transformation, he is now qualified.

"What you mean is that no matter what decision the goddess makes, Immortal Wangyun will support her.

If Wangyun Xianjun knew that she still likes the Devil Emperor, then might he be able to help? Can he really do this? "

"You may not be able to do it before you change it, but after experiencing the fall of a goddess, you may be able to do it."

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