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Thinking that when they were in the lower realm, they first got married in Fengboguo, and the emperor gave the marriage. The two of them got married naturally, and she also became the princess.

It was only after leaving Fengboguo that she realized that the world was so vast, and finally got married in Tiangangzong.

That was their true marriage, because when the emperor gave the marriage, to a certain extent, it was not yet that step. It was more like a mess of mandarin ducks, letting them get together.

It was not until later that they were truly connected.

Never thought of finding Beichen's parents after going to the upper realm, so they also had a marriage.

If I came here now and had another one, it would be too complicated.

Di Wumei was completely dumbfounded after hearing all this, "Sister-in-law, I always thought that you lived in the fairyland before, so you lived in such a low plane before?"

At this moment, she was completely dumbfounded, she really didn't know if she didn't listen, she was shocked when she heard it, it was too tortuous!

You can't imagine such a thing.

"No wonder big brother likes you so much, how many things you have to go through!"

Di Wu Mei was unbelievable. It turned out that after falling into reincarnation, he still had to learn from such a low plane. Step by step, the energy consumed and the danger encountered were simply terrible.

A little carelessness, as long as there is any problem halfway, it will be the result of a dead end.

"The feeling between you is absolutely irreplaceable by anyone."

Di Wu Mei shook his head, and sighed with envy afterwards.

"You are the real shared adversity, and now it's too romantic in retrospect."

"In comparison, I stayed in the magic palace all day, it's really boring, I'm envious of what I said."

Di Wumei looked admiring, if these things were really too exciting to say, these things would already feel very happy just by recalling them.

"I didn't know that there were so many things before, and it is estimated that Brother Gong didn't know either."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyebrows and eyes are gentle. Everyone felt it was not easy to experience all this, but it was indeed a happy scene in retrospect.

"Big Brother has now announced your identity to the world, and the magic palace is also preparing the costume of the queen for you. From now on, you will be the real queen!"

Di Wumei looked happy, this sister-in-law, she really liked it.

At this time, someone suddenly came to pass the message, "The Empress, the Second Highness is down."

Hearing, Di Wumei's expression became complicated, "Second brother is here?"

She understands the temperament of her second brother and is always indifferent. She doesn't like talking to others.

Even her younger sister, the second brother has never paid much attention to it. He didn't expect to come to see his sister-in-law now.

She had heard from Brother Gong before that her second brother actually liked his sister-in-law, and it seemed that they had experienced it together at the beginning, and she was still feeling that this was really a fate!

God is destined that the second and third brothers will like the same woman?

"Second brother is here at this time, shouldn't he be thinking..."

Di Wumei has a complicated expression. Today the eldest brother is going to tell the world, and the second brother is here today, so she can't help but think about it.

"It's okay." Baili Hongzhuang waved his hand, "You go first, I'll talk with Yun Jue."

Since coming back, she has only seen Yun Jue, and came to see her today, it should be something.

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