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"Yun Jue, you are here."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Mo Yunjue in front of him, her pretty face filled with a smile.

Speaking carefully, since Yun Jue recovered his memory, their relationship has become estranged. She can't tell what is wrong, but the distance between Yun Jue and them has indeed increased.

"long time no see."

Mo Yunjue looked at Baili Hongzhuang, looking at the woman whose appearance had changed slightly, his eyes were slightly complicated.

Red makeup's strength is constantly improving, the stronger the strength, the more the seal in the body will be awakened.

Once the seal is lifted, she will regain her true appearance.

When I first saw Hongzhuang in the lower realm, I felt that this was already a first-class beauty. Until now, after I understand her real appearance, I can only understand that the seal has sealed her more beauty, but this part is only present. That's it.

He had felt it last time. If he didn't guess wrong, Bei Chen had strengthened the seal in her body.

He understood the reason Bei Chen did this, but the paper could not contain the fire, and now the speed of the barrier breaking suddenly accelerated, he only understood what was going on after a little thought.

The people on the other side of the God Realm are not easy to fool, and now it is very likely that they have discovered the clues.

At the current speed, even if the barrier is strengthened, this fragmentation is inevitable. Until then, it will be when the trouble really comes!

"long time no see."

When Baili Hongzhuang said this, she couldn't help feeling. She had never expected Yun Jue and Bei Chen to have such a relationship before, and she had never expected that they would all like goddess before.

All these things are connected together, no wonder Yun Jue's mood is so complicated.

"Hong Zhuang, I am here today with no other purpose. I just want to know if you have restored the memories of your previous life?" Mo Yunjue asked.

Baili Hongzhuang was slightly surprised, "Do you also know that I have a previous life?"

Mo Yunjue understood this as soon as he heard this. If Hong Zhuang had recovered his memory, then he would not say such a thing at all now.

"It seems that your memory has not been restored."

"Do you know something?" Baili Hongzhuang was keenly aware of the problem, "Do you know my past life?"

She had never thought about this possibility before, but when she thought about it carefully, since she was also a person of this plane in her previous life, although she didn't know whether it was a **** or a devil, the two planes themselves could be connected at the beginning. Yun Jue might also know her.

With her alchemy, she feels that her strength is absolutely not bad, maybe she was a very powerful alchemist back then, maybe there are not a few people who know her.

Mo Yunjue was silent for a moment, and he didn't know how to explain the matter.

"I might know."

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang's eyes became complicated, "You know, Beichen should also know it?"

A struggling flashed through Mo Yunjue's eyes. He wanted to remind Hong Zhuang that that day would come sooner or later, and she must be psychologically prepared.

If she is not mentally prepared, she may not be able to bear such a storm suddenly.

When those things happened back then, he couldn't protect Hongzhuang, or even help at all.

Unexpectedly, this relationship has extended to the present. Although the two of them were close to each other, they could not really be together, but now they are married long ago.

He doesn't need to think about it, once this news is known to the God Realm, what kind of uproar it will cause!

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