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Once the entire family is implicated, this guilt is undoubtedly much deeper.

What mistake did she make in her previous life to make Beichen Thunder furious? Annihilation, she hadn't thought about this kind of thing before.

However, Bei Chen can also be so worried, besides this kind of thing, he really can't think of other possibilities.

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, Di Beichen couldn't help but froze for a while, "What did you say?"

"I think about it, nothing else will let me leave you except this possibility." Baili Hongzhuang's small face was wrinkled, "You tell me first, what happened? thing?"

At this moment, Di Beichen understood that Hong Zhuang had thought a lot when Yun Jue was away with him.

For a while, he couldn't laugh or cry.

If you think about it, you can only think of these from the perspective of Hongzhuang.

"The reason why you reincarnate is indeed related."

Baili Hongzhuang's heart sank, it really is like this...

"However, your family, I did nothing." Di Beichen said.

"That's it." Baili Hongzhuang's eyes lit up, and she suddenly relaxed a lot. "If it's just me, it's not too serious."

No matter how much Beichen did in his previous life, he treated himself extremely well in this life, and perhaps it was a kind of compensation.

When Emperor Beichen saw Baili Hongzhuang mistakenly thinking that he had killed her, it was not too magical, and his heart trembled slightly. He didn't expect Hongzhuang to do this for him...

"Hong Zhuang, in fact, I have never liked other women. The only person I like is you."

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang looked at him suspiciously, unavoidably puzzled.

"Isn't the person you liked before is a goddess?"

At the beginning, the love can be described as shocking the world, and the entire God Realm and the Devil Realm have undergone huge shocks because of this relationship.

At this moment, Bei Chen told her that she only liked her. What did she say?

"Didn't I tell you? The past life returns to the past life. You liked others in the past life. I don't mind. I can only say that I am late by myself."

Baili Hongzhuang's expression was calm. It was true that he didn't understand this matter before, but since it is already a thing of the past, it would be boring to investigate this again.

"I only like you." Di Beichen repeated it again.

Baili Hongzhuang frowned, puzzled.

"Your formation technique is what I taught you."

"I also taught in the previous life."

Di Beichen's handsome face was full of sadness. The scenes when he taught the red makeup formation technique are still fresh in his memory. The days he spent with her were his happiest days.

It’s just that the time is too short. They didn’t stay together for long, and it was over...

Baili Hongzhuang's expression changed abruptly, and in the memory fragments that she had once appeared, there was a man teaching her formation skills.

She couldn't see the man's face clearly, but his voice was soft and magnetic, and it was also gentle and windy when teaching her formation skills, and when the two were together, there was an indescribable harmony.

Because there was already Beichen, she deliberately didn't want to think about the things in that clip.

But Beichen said that her formation technique was taught by her, which obviously does not mean her current formation technique...

"I am the first mage, and you are the first alchemist." Di Beichen said again, "Even after a thousand years, you are the only person I like."

"Kang Dang."

The teacup in the woman's hand fell to the ground, and the figure in her mind seemed to overlap with the Beichen in front of her...

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