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Han Chenyang recalled the scene when Yi Xuan left. He knew that Yi Xuan's identity was extraordinary, and the road back to the Demon Realm should not be so smooth.

After all, if you can go back smoothly, then you don't need to spend so much effort.

I just don't know if Yi Xuan has a chance to go back after going to the Demon Realm. No one can say this kind of thing, but he has already learned that the Fourth Prince is not the opponent of the Demon Emperor. In this way, the possibility of Yi Xuan going back is very high.

He believed that as long as Yixuan went back, she would never forget what she promised him.

When the soul-broken people heard Han Chenyang's words, they sighed in their hearts. They had no other way, and the only thing they could do was wait patiently.

I only hope that what the young master said is true, and if it is really safe and sound, then it will naturally be better.

Otherwise, facing the next situation, they really have no other way.

However, they are not only facing this situation, other forces are also facing the same situation.


A slight shattering sound rang, followed by a shattering sound one after another, and everyone saw that the barrier quickly shattered, until it finally dissipated in the world.

At this moment, everyone looked at the distant sky, where a brand new world appeared before them.

Everyone in the Demon Realm was inevitably excited at this moment. They had been disconnected from the Demon Realm for so many years, and now they finally regained contact.

"The Demon Realm I dreamed of, now I finally have a chance to see it."

"The strength of the people in the demon world is much stronger than ours. Those talents are truly strong."

"I want to enter the devil world!"

Many people in Demon Region are full of confidence at the moment, and such a great opportunity is really rare for them.

In the past, if you wanted to win a place to enter the Demon Realm, only the top cultivators could enter it. Others could only sigh with excitement, without a chance.

However, from the moment the enchantment is broken, it means that everything has changed!

Many people are gearing up, but the leaders of the major forces are very worried, and their concerns are completely different from those of individual cultivators.

Ordinary cultivators can go on their own. If they are lucky, they can get a brand new world. As the leader of the power, they need to consider the whole power.

The foundations that have been defeated for so many years cannot be given up at will, and it is too difficult to preserve a power in such a situation!

A large number of practitioners of the Demon Realm appeared in the sky, looking at the Demon Realm below, high above them.

"Everyone in the Demon Realm listened to the order, the barrier between the Demon Realm has been opened, and the Demon Realm will be ruled by the Demon Realm again!"

The penetrating voice sounded in the sky, and it clearly spread to everyone's ears in the demon domain.

The people in the main city of Zhouli looked at the people above and felt the strength displayed by them, all of them were full of admiration.

This is the real powerhouse!

"Finally here." The Lord of Broken Soul sighed, and the day has finally arrived.

"The leaders of the major forces come to discuss first."

As soon as these words came out, all the people from all forces walked upward, and Han Junxian also walked out.

"Father." Han Chenyang couldn't help but call out.

Han Junxian patted his hand, "Take care of everyone. I'll come as soon as I go."

The worst situation in this situation is to obey other people's orders from now on, and not to lose your life.

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