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Not long after, the red makeup of the hundred miles will refine the medicinal herbs, and this will come to the side of the emperor.

"Is things solved?"

Exquisite beauty and faint smile, she can feel the good mood of the emperor.

The emperor's lips evoked the arc of evil spirits and nodded slightly. "Solved."

Hearing the words, Baili Red Makeup no longer asks more questions. From the beginning of Emperor Beibei’s explanation of this sentence, it has already been explained that the two lords and Ji Yangxia no longer threatened him.

"That's good."

The smile of Baili red makeup is still the same. I thought that it would take some time for Emperor Beibei to solve these troubles. I did not expect that these threats would be completely removed in such a short time.

"The maiden, like the disciples of today's ancestors, are saying that my eyes are good."

The emperor looked like a smile and smiled at the red makeup, and his expression was somewhat proud.

The colorful makeup of the hundred miles, the clear and bright phoenix is ​​also a sly smile. "How did you know?"

In the identity of Emperor Beibei, even if the disciples should discuss it, they would not be able to discuss it in front of the emperor.

"Blackwood told me."

The emperor shrugged his shoulders and his attitude was calm.

Baili red makeup is awkward and laughter. As a matter of fact, Heimu has always been very concerned about her and the feelings of Emperor Beibei.

Looking at the front of the eyes, I smiled beautifully and made a hundred-year-old red makeup. Emperor Beibei slowly pulled the hand of the hundred-mile red makeup, and the black scorpion was inseparable.

"Yangzi, I can't accompany you to participate in the assessment contest. In the past two years, you have to be more careful."

The emperor’s voice was low and depressed, and he was once reluctant to separate him from the red makeup.

Because, when he thought that Bailihong makeup experienced an unknown risk in a place he could not see, he felt a distressed.

However, he understands that Baili Red Makeup wants to become a strong heart. She still has too many things to do. As a man who loves her, he can't imprison her under her wings.

His maiden has always been eye-catching, and the dusty life does not belong to him, and he is willing to wait for her.

When Baili’s red makeup was lifted, she saw the flashing resentment and affection in the emperor’s comet, and her heart shook a little. She also gave up.

"I will."

"What risks may be encountered in the assessment contest, I am not at your side, and I am not at ease."

Emperor Beijun Jun eyebrows lock, if you can, he really wants to go with the hundred-mile red makeup.

Hearing, Baili red makeup smiled slightly. "I will take care of myself. After two years, you will see a stronger one."

The phoenix of the lake is shining with a firm light. She will grow up as soon as possible and defeat Hanxi in the face of everyone!

With a confident look full of colorful makeup, Emperor Beibei stretched out his hand to stroke her soft, silky hair, and the woman he wanted to protect for a lifetime must be strong.

As long as the red makeup wants to do it, he will support it.

"I am waiting for you to come back."

Emperor Beibei smiled gracefully and warmly, and his eyes sparkled with affection for any woman.

One sentence waiting for you to return, the hundred-mile red makeup trembled.

From their acquaintance to the present, Emperor Beibei has been protecting her and accompanying her to do everything she wants.

If it is not for accompanying her, Xiao Hongzhen and others will not be able to do so for as long as they want.

And she has been doing what she has to do.

Now I want to come, she only feels full of embarrassment.

"North, I..."

Paying attention to the look of the hundred-mile red makeup, Emperor Beibei stretched out his index finger and directly covered the lips of the former.

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