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" Needless to say, I understand."

In the eyes of Emperor Bei’s eyes, he understood the luster, and he was distressed with red makeup.

Because she has to become strong.

If you know that your biological parents are in this situation, he will also try his best to strengthen himself.

Because, that is the blood of the sea.

He knows the persistence of the red makeup, and he will help the red makeup to complete it all together.

Seeing the situation, the hundred-mile red makeup only felt warm in the heart, and she was so lucky to meet the emperor in the sea.

"I love you."

A thousand words are less than a sentence, I love you.

The hundred-mile-red makeup stared at the emperor's north, and the clearness was full of emotion and affection.

Listening to the red makeup of the hundred miles, the emperor couldn’t help but blink for a moment, and then the stars were filled with surprises, joys and ecstasy.

The deep and fascinating eyebrows bloomed infinitely, like a meteor river, gorgeous and magnificent.

Emperor Beibei tightly held the hand of the hundred-mile red makeup. He had never heard such a deep confession of the hundred-mile red makeup. He only felt that the body was full of blood and the whole person became light and floating.

"Yiang, I love you more."

Hundreds of red makeup lifted up, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the eyes were filled with emotions that the other side could understand.


Compared with the Baili Red Makeup and the Emperor Beibei, you are jealous and heartfelt, and Han Xi’s mood is extremely bad.



Han Xiyu smashed all the tea sets on the table to the ground, and the cold and delicate face was difficult to cover the anger.

damn it!

Tianzhu Zongming is her home, but now Baili red makeup has grabbed all the limelight, it is simply intolerable!

She thought that all the practitioners of Tianzhu Zong should support her, but it was simply a group of guys who saw the wind and rudder.

Today, Baili Red Makeup has only achieved good results in the assessment array. One by one, they began to praise the outstanding beauty of Baili Red Makeup.

This is all about it!

Han Xiyu only felt that the anger of the cockroach was going to burn her out, just want to destroy everything.

Looking at Han Xiyu's appearance, Tao Congrong's face is also showing the color of worry.

"Miss, don't be angry with your body!"

Han Xi screamed at Tao Congrong. "Now that 100-mile red makeup is coming to my head, how can I not be angry?"

"But if the young lady is angry with her body, it is not worth it."

However, Han Xizhen did not care what Tao Congrong said, and he was constantly picking up things. Only in this way could he vent her anger.

She wants to come to be the arrogant woman of Tianzong, and now she is suppressed by a little-known gimmick like Baili Red Makeup. This is a joke!

When did her Hanxi 沦 have an effect?

However, she was particularly embarrassed after the emergence of this hundred-mile red makeup.

When Han Hongyi came to Hanxi’s house, he saw the dauntless scene and his face suddenly fell.

"Xi Wei, what are you doing?"

The low voice reveals a bit of reprimand, and Han Hongyi has already expected that after the occurrence of today's events, Han Xizhen's mood will never be good.

However, as a good show for everyone, Han Xi’s current move is really unconventional!

Seeing the sudden appearance of Han Hongyi, Han Xiyu was also stunned for a moment, and there was a flash of color in his eyes. "Grandpa, how come you?"

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