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Emperor Beibei sighed and sighed. As soon as he knew the makeup of the red makeup, he already knew that this was a difficult battle.

However, he is more aware that no matter how difficult it is to complete this, they must complete it!

Because this is the fate of red makeup, it is also his responsibility.

He wants to see red makeup happy, but if you don't finish it, red makeup can't be happy.

Situ Yan’s firmness in the eyes of Emperor Bei’s eyes has already come to understand. “It seems that you have already made up your mind.”

Emperor Beibei nodded heavily, this is something he never hesitated.

In the next moment, Emperor Bei can't help but look at Situ Yan. He wants to help the red makeup, and he must use the power of the Scorpio, and this must be approved by Master.

After paying attention to the eyes of Emperor Beibei, Situ Yan already understood the meaning of Emperor Beibei. He looked deeply at Emperor Beibei and looked at the kindness and harmony, and chuckled.

"You are already the young master of the Scorpio, and I have already handed the Scorpio to your hand. How to plan, naturally is your choice."

Listening to Situ Yan’s words, the emperor couldn’t help but look at Situ Yanwei strangely: “Master, this...”

Situ Yan waved his hand. "Master believes in your decision. Master's previous energy was placed on the Scorpio. Now that you have grown up, I will hand you this day."

"So, Master, what are you going to do?"

The emperor looked at Situ Yan with a puzzled look. Hearing that Master’s words seemed to leave again?

Didn't Master break through?

Even if you want to find a chance to break through, it is not the time.

"Master has a great regret in this life. I have missed it before. I have been regretting it for years. I just want to make up for it but it is hard to find opportunities.

I originally thought that after you grow up, I will give you the Tianzhu Zong with confidence, and use the rest of my life to find a way to make up for this regret. ”

Situ Yan’s glory is far-reaching and sad. If he was not so stupid at the beginning, how could he cause such regrets for so many years?

However, over the years, he has never found a chance to make up.

The emperor looked at Situ Yan in a strange way. He never knew that Master had a big regret in his heart.

It can be seen from Master's expression. This regret is extraordinary. Is it his own master?

"Master, if you don't mind, can you tell me?" asked Di Beibei tentatively.

Master has always been a kind and majestic image in front of him. When he was in trouble, the master was always the appearance of a tough guy. He had never seen such a sad master, and it was beyond his expectations.

Situ Yan smiled and looked at the emperor's eyes and smiled. "Let's go, we haven't been drinking together for a long time."

Next, Situ Yan has already left the house.

Taking advantage of the back of Situ Yan, the face of Emperor Beibei was also a smile.

I still remember that when I was a child, it was often Master who was drinking, and he sat on the side and drank water. Until the age of eight, Master drunk and he drank together.

Since Master left, they have not had a drink together, but now they think of it, but it is an extra necklace.

The lord's palace is located at the highest point of the mountain. After the palace, there is an open space. The breeze blows and the view is wide. It is very quiet and quiet.

Emperor Beibei and Situ Yan sat down on the grass. This grassland has a lot of memories.

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