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Situ Yan handed a bottle of wine to Emperor Beibei and smiled: "Master has been collecting for a long time outside in the past few years, and you have a good fortune!"

Emperor Beibei took a drink directly from the bottle, and his smile was full of faces. "It is indeed a good wine!"


I saw the mentor and the two of you coming to me, the drink continued to drink into the stomach, let go of laughter, extremely happy.

As the wine drank more and more, the faces of both of them showed a hint of drunkenness. Situ Yan lay directly on the ground, and the vicissitudes of life and the handsome face were covered with a sly smile.

"In the beginning, when Master was young, he was as good as you are now, and he was famous and famous."

Emperor Beibei also lay down and listened quietly to Situ Yan’s remarks.

Over the years, he has never known Master's story. If he can, he hopes that he can also contribute to Master's regret.

Hearing the words, Emperor Beibei nodded slightly, Rao is still a very charming master today, when young, it must be a generation of young talents, handsome people.

"When I was eighteen years old, I met my favorite woman, Mu Jinse, as you are now."

In the eyes of Situ Yan, there is a deep color of thoughts. If he can, he hopes to return to the original, so it will not cause his lifelong regret.

"At that time, although I was the son of the Sovereign, the Sovereign had never told anyone about this news, so everyone only thought that I was an ordinary practitioner.

And she is a disciple who entered Tianzhuzong through the assessment contest.

She is very beautiful, and everyone who has seen her feels that Rao is the first beauty of the previous Tianzhuzong and can't compare with her.

At that time, many young disciples loved her heart, but she always looked like a cold, and she was not close.

I knew her very early, but I also knew that her life was not close to her temper, so she only looked far and never approached.

She has a good friend - Yue Siqing.

They have nothing to say, and they are famous friends of Tianzhu.

Many of her male practitioners who want to pursue will go to please Yue's feelings and thus close her relationship.

By chance, I helped Yue Xiqing, and I met Jin Se.

The three of us often get together and become excellent friends over time.

I have already liked Jin Se, and when I was ready to show my heart to Jin Se, Yue Siqing expressed my confession. ”

Emperor Beibei secretly screamed, and did not expect Master to fall into a triangle love at first, this situation is really difficult to understand.

"This scene happened to be seen by Jin Se."

Situ Yan shook his head and laughed. Many things are so clever.

If this did not happen at the beginning, he went to show his heart to Jinse, then he will not be a loner now.

"And then?" asked Dibei.

"In the later days, we have never contacted. Xu is because of it, but after all, I am not dying and I am always looking for opportunities.

When I went out to practice, I tried my best to practice with Jin Se, and finally succeeded in showing my heart. Jin Se also accepted me.

We agreed at the time that after Yue Siqing put this matter down, we would be together. ”

Emperor Beibei looked at Situ Yan with suspicion. Since Master and Master have already agreed, why is there still regret?

Situ Yan took a sip of wine, and his thoughts have been flying many years ago.

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