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With the voices of Xiaohei and Xiaobai falling, the phoenixes with the black and black makeup are all over the top.

Long before she entered the small world, she had already heard the Emperor Beibei said that there is a heritage in the small world, but it is only because of the ruins that it has to look at its own luck.

According to Emperor Beibei, the remains of this small world can be very rare, and they are higher in level than the outside.

Because, when you entered the small world and left the legacy, they are all extremely powerful practitioners.

It’s just that her time in the small world is not short, but she has never heard the news of ancient ruins.

After all, ancient ruins are an opportunity for practitioners to meet and not seek.

If you encounter it, you will be lucky. If you don't meet it, you can't force it.

I did not expect that there was a news of ancient ruins, but this is a great luck!

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but exclaim after hearing the words of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. "Is it true? Are there ancient ruins in the world?"

As Xia Yuqing’s voice came out, the look of Gong Shaoqing and others changed a bit. This news is really amazing!

Ancient ruins, they have seen ancient ruins before, and they have gained great benefits. I did not expect that there is now a chance to see ancient ruins, which is really lucky.

Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman’s face are difficult to hide the excitement. They have only heard of the ancient ruins, but they have never had a chance to come across.

Now I have the opportunity to see ancient ruins, which must not be missed!

Next, Gong Shaoqing and others went to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup, listening to Xiaohei and Xiaobai.

“Where is the ancient ruins present?”

The red makeup of the hundred miles quickly calmed down, and the appearance of ancient ruins is naturally an excellent news, but how many excellent practitioners in the small world?

Such a big movement cannot be concealed. Since they can get the news of the ancient ruins, I believe that other practitioners can also get it.

As a result, the competition of ancient ruins will become extremely fierce.

"Wu Guangcheng!" Xiaohe and Xiaoyikou have the same channel.

Hearing, Baili Red Make-up Even if you look at the map, Wu Guangcheng is still some distance away from where they are now, and it takes at least half a month to get there.

"This distance is not close. When we arrive, will the ruins be opened?"

Bai Junyu frowned, but the ruins were opened, but they would not wait for people. If they couldn’t catch up, it would mean completely losing this opportunity.

In the mind of Baili red makeup, I kept thinking about it. "Little black, white, what news have you heard? Tell me specifically."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai nodded slightly, even when they said all the words of the practitioners to the red makeup.

After listening to all of this, her dawn was brighter.

"They said that they felt the volatility of ancient ruins, which proves that ancient ruins have not yet appeared in the world.

Even if the ancient ruins are in the world, it will take a short time for the prohibition of ancient ruins to disappear. We should have time. ”

Bailihong makeup quickly made a judgment. She has seen the remains of the past life, and she knows the history of this relic.

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, everyone nodded, and the color of expectation in the eyes was rich.

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