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Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman looked at each other and looked at them with such a wise and colorful makeup. They only admire them.

Although they have heard about ancient ruins, they actually do not understand it.

The colorful makeup of Baili can judge so many things, which is enough to prove that Bailihong makeup is well-informed.

When I think of it, the two are also lamented.

In other words, the red makeup of Baili is only from a small dynasty. The strength is so strong, even the things that ordinary people don't understand can be so understood. It is amazing.

“Really?” Xia Yuqing’s hands clasped together, and the pretty face was hard to hide the excitement. “So we can still catch up, then let’s go soon!”

Baili red makeup nodded slightly. "If my judgment is not wrong, we should catch up."

"We are accelerating our speed and striving to arrive at Wuhan City as soon as possible."

The cold face of the oriental 钰 逸 透 reveals a serious, so good opportunity, no one wants to miss it.

Although it is extremely difficult to get the inheritance from so many practitioners, there is always hope in any case.

"This time the ancient ruins are not the same as the ancient ruins we saw last time, and there are so many competing cultivators.

Once this news is heard, the teams of the large dynasties will come together, and it is not as easy as we want to benefit from our strength.

At that time, everyone must be more careful, and life is the most important thing. ”

Listening to the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone nodded, and they really could not be overwhelmed by this joy.

All along, this assessment contest is the world of large-scale dynasty practitioners. It is very difficult for medium-sized dynasties to get good performances in them, let alone small dynasties.

The practitioners of the large dynasty are not only a large number of people, but also generally stronger than the cultivators of the medium-sized dynasty.

With the strength of their team, the possibility of wanting to stand out from the crowd is too small.

"We understand!"

Seeing the dignified color that flashed on everyone's face, the red makeup was also a bit relieved.

The situation in the small world is not like the outside world. The last time they were able to get through the smooth transition was because of the help of suffocation.

If it is not for other practitioners who can't break through that layer of suffocation, the competition will become much stronger and they will probably not be able to get this last heritage.

What's more, the practitioners who come to participate in the assessment competition are all people who are dragons and phoenixes. The cultivation talents are not the strongest, only stronger.

Although she is very confident in her strength and talent, she will not be blind and confident.

Only by recognizing the reality can we get the chance to do well.

After knowing the news of the ancient ruins, the people of Baili Red Makeup no longer waste time, and the things of hunting the monsters are temporarily put aside by them.

At this time, going to Wuguangcheng is the most important thing.

However, without the release of the white lion, the monsters in the small world are always endless.

Baili red makeup and others can only solve the monster while hurrying, and in the process of hunting the monster, the strength of the people is constantly improving.

Time is like a gap, and soon, nearly half a month has passed.

Every day, Bailihong makeup and other people are on the road, and in the process of rushing, they also find more and more practitioners around them.

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