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As time went by, there were news that ancient ruins near Wuguangcheng were coming to the world, and all the practitioners were heading to Wuguangcheng.

Regardless of whether they can benefit from the ancient ruins, the practitioners will not let go of knowing this news.

Therefore, people such as Baili Red Makeup are obviously finding that the number of practitioners walking alongside them is increasing.

In the process, some teams also made a big fight because of a lack of words, but more teams are rushing to Wuguangcheng.

After all, they didn't know when the ruins were opened. Only when they arrived in Wuguangcheng earlier, they only had a little hope of inheritance.

Baili red makeup and other people are also walking on their own hands, do not deal with any team, naturally will not cause any contradictions.

Under such a hurry, finally, at the dusk of the day, Baili Red Makeup and others successfully arrived in Wuhan City.

When Bailihong makeup and his party entered Wuguangcheng, they found that the number of practitioners in Wuguangcheng exceeded all expectations.

The whole city seems to be full of people, and a burst of buzzing sweeps over the crowd.

"My God, this number of practitioners in Wuguang City is too much?"

Xia Yuqing's mouth twitched, although she had already thought that there would be fewer practitioners here, but at the moment I still feel that I am underestimated.

The city of the small world is not small, and the closer it is to the center of the small world, the bigger the city.

Wuguangcheng is already a small city. When they entered the city on weekdays, although there were many practitioners, many places were still empty.

It is obviously difficult for Wu Guangcheng in front of them to find an empty place.

"We are not too late to come here. I am afraid that this number will be even more in a few days." The East slammed around and sang.

Yuan Zhixin nodded slightly. "Look at the situation, this ancient ruins really have not been in the world, otherwise there will not be so many practitioners here."

Listening to Yuan Zhixin's words, everyone's faces showed a smile, everything is as Yuan Zhixin said, as long as the remains have not yet opened, they still have a chance!

"Let's look for it and see if there is any room to live in."

There are so many concerns about the clear and bright phoenix. There are so many practitioners in Wuguangcheng, and it is not easy for them to find a house.

If they can't find a house, they have to rest on this street.

Listening to the reminder of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone has come back to God, and the things of the relics will be thought later. The most important thing is to find a room to rest.

All the way to the inside of the city pool, Baili red makeup and others found that the surrounding houses have been occupied, it is too difficult to find an empty house.

"I am finished, I am afraid that there is no room."

Yuan Xiaoman’s face showed a strong sense of helplessness. They have been in the small world for a few months, and they have never encountered such a thing.

"We will continue to look for it. If there is really no room, then I will find a way."

Yuan Zhixin took a shot of Yuan Xiaoman's shoulder. As far as the current situation is concerned, the possibility of finding a house is very small.

However, without seeing the last room, they can't conclude that there is no hope.

Yuan Xiaoman nodded slightly. "That's alright."

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