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The Baili Red Makeup and others did not speak much at all. The Qinglin Dynasty’s team originally had twelve practitioners, but when they were chased by the monsters, they lost one. Now there are only eleven practitioners left.

The team of the Scorpio dynasty has a total of eight practitioners, plus Xiaohe, Xiaobai and Baishi are exactly one-on-one.

As for the three Fengling Tigers, they are still too young and therefore cannot participate in the battle.

Mo Yunying greeted Fang Wencheng, and Bailihong makeup greeted another practitioner.

Since the breakthrough of strength, hundreds of people and other people have rarely clashed with other dynasty practitioners.

At the moment, I have to fight again. Not only are there no worries, but the opposite is very exciting!

As long as the practitioners of the Qinglin dynasty are resolved, I believe their points will rise again.

The assessment contest is about to end. Everyone was very worried about the points. Now it is happening that the practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty rushed to the muzzle, and they naturally had to seize the opportunity.

Not only is Baili red makeup and others, Fang Wencheng and others also hold the same idea.

Now they only hope that the points they get will get better and better, although as long as the trainers who are on the list of 100 can join the martial art, everyone knows that the higher the ranking, the higher their treatment and status in the martial art. .

No matter when, the treatment of good people is different from ordinary people.

"Is this up? The practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty are really not domineering!"

"The Qinglin dynasty is a very famous large dynasty. The practitioners of the Tianzhu dynasty also dared to do it without saying anything. This guts is really no one."

"You guess who is the winner of this final result?"

"That is still used to say? How strong is the practitioner of the Qinglin dynasty? The practitioner of the Qinglin dynasty won this battle!"

"I don't think it is necessary. The practitioners of the dynasty dynasty were also very powerful. Everyone said that they were a dark horse in this assessment contest."

The practitioners have different opinions, just watching the two teams in full swing, and even some people bet on the win or loss of this battle.

After Fang Wencheng and Mo Yunqi played against each other, his face changed.

The previous collision in the forest was only a punch, and the feeling was not deep. Now, this time, he only discovered that the strength of this ink cloud is not really powerful!

Not only is strength not weaker than him, it may even be stronger than him!

After understanding this, Fang Wencheng's face was also gloomy.

He didn't want to understand, but it was a practitioner of a small dynasty. How could the strength of this cloud cloud be so strong?

At the same time, Fang Wencheng also paid attention to the battle between other practitioners.

After paying attention to the strength of the hundred-mile red makeup has reached the yellow environment, even after the strength of that white monster has reached the yellow environment, he is going crazy!

This kind of horrible fighting power is a must in the large dynasty team. They just came from a small dynasty?

How can this be?

However, the current situation simply does not allow Fang Wencheng to consider these, the attack of the ink cloud has followed!

There are so many practitioners on the scene that there are so many cultivators on the scene. If you don’t solve it cleanly, it will undoubtedly cause more trouble!

In the distance, after Cheng Hefeng saw the situation of the Scorpio dynasty and the Qinglin dynasty team, the deep scorpion was also a faint light...

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