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"Captain, it seems that the cultivator of this celestial dynasty is very strong!" A practitioner of the Mingwu Dynasty could not help but speak out.

Cheng and Feng’s gestures faintly look at the scene in the distance, saying: “Their strength is indeed strong, and the background should not be simple.”

He had already noticed it earlier, not only the red makeup, but also the strength of the ink cloud.

However, Mo Yunxiao obviously does not like to talk, so he has remained silent.

This is the case, he can still judge his strength from the position and look of the ink cloud.

Because, Mo Yunyi has always stood in a defensive posture, once someone sneak attacks, he will certainly shoot at the fastest speed.

This alone is enough to prove that Mo Yun is a master.

He never believed that there was luck in this world. A small dynasty team could walk to this day for only one reason - their strength is strong enough!

“The practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty seem to have fallen into the wrong wind!” one practitioner was surprised.

He never thought that the people of the Qinglin Dynasty would fall into the wrong wind.

Cheng Hefeng chuckled, "Fang Wencheng's temper is destined to be unlucky. In this game they lost, let's go!"

When the voice falls, Cheng and the wind no longer look at the rear, and go directly to the next city.

They have been here for a while, and it is time to leave.

Listening to Cheng Hefeng, the practitioners of the Mingwu Dynasty admire the extremes of Cheng Hefeng.

They never thought that the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty would be so powerful, they could defeat the practitioners of the Qinglin dynasty, or the captain’s eyesight was amazing!

After Yu Yufei left the cultivator who led the team, he also stood in the distance to look at the movement of the Qinglin Dynasty.

However, he did not think that the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty would take the lead in seeing this look. It’s not that Fang Wencheng has let go of Baili Red Make-up and so on, but the Baili Red Make-up and others have not let go of Fang Wencheng!

After knowing this, Yu Junfei did not rush to leave. He wanted to know the courage of the cultivator of this celestial dynasty.

Taking advantage of this situation, Yu Junfei is also dumbfounded. How can the cultivators of this sacred dynasty fight like chicken blood?

Fang Wencheng's step-by-step appearance is clearly not the opponent of Mo Yunhao!

It’s not only the ink cloud, but the battles of other practitioners in the Scorpio dynasty are also amazing, which is surprising.

In this way, the decline of the practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty is only a matter of time!

We must know that with the strength of the Qinglin Dynasty, even if they are right, they may not be able to guarantee a 100% victory.

The Scorpio dynasty was nothing but a small dynasty. The combat power was so strong.

The most important thing is that the fighting power of the three contracted beasts is so strong, is this too abnormal?

At this moment, Yu Junfei suddenly found out how wise he was to leave.

Since he has never been able to solve the Qinglin dynasty practitioners, it is also a good thing for the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty to help them solve this trouble.

The practitioners of the Qinglin dynasty were completely annihilated. As a result, this time their dynasty could defeat the Qinglin dynasty.

How is Fang Wencheng's day arrogant?

He simply wouldn't have thought that he would have such a day!

Thinking of this, Yu Junfei’s face was filled with a touch of joy, and he was a little more interested in the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty.

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