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Baili red makeup listened carefully to the introduction of the uncle, and some people say that they have learned a lot faster than reading a book.

Moreover, the ring of chaos wants to be magical, and the introduction of this uncle is also concise.

Anything important will be specially reminded to let her remember, and if it is not important, it will be skipped directly, so that the red makeup does not need to be remembered.

Before the reading of the book, the red makeup only felt that the contents of the book were quite mottled, but she could never recognize the explosives before, and she could only remember everything.

After waiting to learn from her mother, she will come back to study.

The colorful makeup of Baili has been recorded in the heart. Her spiritual strength is outstanding and her memory is very good.

The combination of the two, the speed of remembering this knowledge is also very fast.

As was the case when she first came into contact with the inscription, the condition of the explosive was not as complicated as the inscription, but it was not simple.

Because the weight of each ingredient affects the effectiveness of the explosive.

If you misplace the weight, you may also be injured.

In general, alchemy, inscriptions, and explosives are the most dangerous of this explosive.

Therefore, 100% caution is required when developing explosives.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it may cause you to be injured.

In the course of this study, Baili Red Makeup learned that there are not many people who know the explosives in the Sheng Xuan mainland, and there are very few people with explosive medicine.

However, it is clear that the middle-aged uncle explosives in front of him is extremely powerful.

The learning of the hundred-mile red makeup has forgotten the time, and she greedily learned the knowledge.

Obviously, with this uncle, their efficiency can be improved a lot.

The teacher is now helping to develop explosives. It is also excellent that she can learn more here.

Perhaps, she couldn't make a powerful explosive in a short time, but she could tell her mother some ideas.

As a result, all this has hope.

If you can, Baili Red Makeup hopes to let the Master come to the Ring of Chaos together.

If she is obsessed with the explosives of Nangong Dance, if she sees the middle-aged uncle, she will be happy.

Unfortunately, the Nangong Dance is not going to enter.

This point has been tried before the red makeup.

After telling the secret of the Chaos Ring, she intended to let the Emperor Beibei know about it.

If Emperor Beibei is interested, then learning inscriptions is also excellent.

However, Emperor Beibei simply could not enter.

She is also very surprised about this.

However, Emperor Beibei tried many times, and Rao was a hundred-red-red makeup that opened the door, and Emperor Beibei could only see a blank piece.

However, the three beasts can be seen.

Thinking about it, Baili Red Makeup and others think that this is the master of Chaos. The owner of the ring is a hundred-mile red makeup, so many things can only be used in a hundred-mile red makeup.

Although the three beasts can see the situation inside, they don’t feel it, and they can’t learn.

In other words, the only person who can use this is a hundred-year-old makeup.

Just like this "Celebration of the Magic", Bailihong makeup can't tell other cultivators about its contents.

Therefore, in the current situation, the teacher is obviously unable to learn.

However, as long as she learned the red makeup, she was able to tell her.

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