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When the three beasts woke up, they were first stunned. I didn’t expect to sleep when the owner disappeared.

"How long have we slept?"

Little black dumbfounded, it only felt dizzy after closing his eyes. Now, after waking up, it is a lot more comfortable, but I don’t know how long I have slept.

Listening to the culture of Xiaohei, the three beasts have big eyes and small eyes. In fact, no one knows how long they have slept...

"Does the owner have already gone to the palace lady?" asked the white lion.

It is only after the master has rested, but the master's mental strength is extremely strong, so the recovery time should be shorter than them.

Perhaps the owner did not wake up when they saw them, so they left.

Listening to the words of the white lion, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai immediately stood up straight.

If this is the case, they have to go to the main talent faster.

It is not dangerous for the owner to stay in the Promise, but they will feel at ease with the owner.

Just as the three beasts were ready to go to the explosives workshop, suddenly, a subtle light appeared in their sight.

This time, the three beasts are shining brightly. "Is this not the ring of chaos?"

"The master must be the ring of chaos!"

The white lion immediately understood that this was the case when they went to the desert world on weekdays.

The master entered the desert world, so this ring of chaos was revealed.

Next, the three beasts looked at each other and smiled into one another.

When the three beasts came to the ring of chaos, they did not see the figure of the red makeup, even when they searched.

"Looking at this situation, the owner should have stayed in the ring of chaos for a short time, but now there is nothing to go to the ring of chaos."

Little black wrinkled his brows, although the range of the ring of chaos is large, but there are so many places where they can go on weekdays.

The master is now on top of the explosives, what do you do when you come to the Chaos Ring?

Xiaobai’s light is bright, said: “Maybe there is a new stone room door open!

The time from the last time to the present is not short, it is time to open. ”

As soon as this was said, Xiao Hei and Bai Shi looked at each other and their eyes shone.

The three beasts immediately became interested in the direction of the stone room. After searching for a moment, they did not realize it. They saw the figure of the red makeup.

Seeing that the three beasts have already woken up, there is a smile on the face of the red makeup.

"You have already rested?"

The three beasts nodded again and again, but now their focus has shifted to the explosives workshop in front of them.

When they opened the door to the stone room, they understood why the host would stay here for so long.

"Oh my God, this chaos of the chaos is amazing!"

It knows that the owner now wants to develop explosives, and there is a stone room to teach the owner to make explosives! ”

The white lion is even more excited when he is amazed, which is really important for the current owner!

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai can't help but be excited. This is definitely another good news after knowing the position of the owner!

"The ring of chaos is really an artifact! It is too much to understand the idea of ​​the master!" Xiaohe smiled.

"This should be just a matter of time." Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief, but he had no doubt about the power of the Ring of Chaos.

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