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Taking advantage of the nervous appearance of Nangong Dance, Baili Red makeup immediately nodded, and then told her about the process of making the Nangong Dance.

Especially when it comes to the subtle difference, the hundred-mile red makeup is more careful.

"Do you say that the proportion of the stone powder is five grams?"

With the degree of understanding of the explosives in Nangong Dance, when the red makeup of Baili said a slight gap, she immediately responded.

The hundred-mile red makeup nodded slightly. "I put five grams. Is it wrong?"

The surface of the hundred-mile-red makeup has an unidentified appearance, as if it was just a mistake, it was accidentally put more.

"Tianshi stone powder should be placed four grams."

Nangong dance curiously looked at the hundred-mile red makeup, but saw the look of a hundred-red-red makeup look, not like disguised.

"I always thought it was five grams."

The face of the hundred-mile red makeup showed an annoyed color, and it seemed to be very dissatisfied with the things that I remembered wrong.

However, Nangong Dance is extremely excited.

"There is something wrong. If you didn't accidentally do something wrong, how can we find such a discovery?" The face of Nangong Dance was full of smiles. "You continue to talk about the weight of other things."

In the end, Nangong Dance found that the difference between the two materials in the production of explosives when making the explosives caused such changes.

“It turned out that the amount of sapphire powder and sulphate powder has changed!”

In the eyes of Nangong dance, there is a shining light, which is like a starry river.

"Red makeup, I have to go back and study it well. If there is any discovery, come back to you!"

Perhaps, this time we can successfully make explosives to see this opportunity!

Go back and practice! ”

When the voice fell, Nangong Dance couldn’t take care of the red makeup behind her. She turned and ran towards the direction of the explosives workshop. She really couldn’t wait to test it!

In the past, she only thought about adding more materials to increase this power, but never thought that changing the proportion of materials would also make a difference in power.

Now she only feels that her heart is full of inspiration and endless possibilities, and she must go to experiment.

Taking advantage of the Nangong dance that left like this, Baili red makeup was dumbfounded.

The personality of the martial artist is obviously impossible to change in this life.

The three beasts watched the Nangong dance disappearing in front of them at lightning speed, with a dull expression and helplessness.

"Master, are we now?"

Baili red makeup smiled slightly, "Go back to the palace, the teacher will not come to us in a short time, I will learn more during this time."

For the red makeup, I have more time to learn with the middle-aged uncle, which is what she is looking forward to.

When the red makeup returned to the palace together with the three beasts, it immediately entered the ring of chaos.

She followed the middle-aged uncle to understand the material and the production process, I believe that the middle-aged uncle should also let her learn to make explosives.

Yu Linfeng did not know what happened. Nangong Dance suddenly began to retreat, staying in the explosives workshop, and never sleep.

He once went to see it, but it was bombarded by the Nangong dance.

Seeing the situation, Yu Linfeng is also a mistake, I did not expect to have been so long, once again see Nangong dance into such a konjac state.

Baili red makeup is learning with the middle-aged uncle during the day, and still practicing on the ladder at night.

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