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For her now, it’s important to make powerful explosives, and it’s important to improve your strength.

Now that she has finally had the opportunity to rescue her parents, she can never wait for herself. She also wants to join the action.

Moreover, once she appeared, she believed that she would recognize her.

After all, when the grandfather first saw her, she was shocked. Presumably she and her grandmother had similarities.

Presumably, she is very similar to her mother.

As a result, as long as she sees her, she will find this.

It is easy to be discovered by the Yue family when they want to save the two big living people.

However, Baili Red Makeup has long thought of a solution.

As long as you bring your mother to the ring of chaos, it is much easier for them to leave.

Time passed slowly, and every day, the understanding of dynamite in the red makeup was growing rapidly.


On this day, Bailihong makeup just heard the explosion from the ring of chaos, and there was a smudge of the wrong color.

The explosion was so loud that even the entire Promise Palace was shocked by the explosion.

The red makeup immediately went out of the palace and looked at the direction of the explosion.

I saw smoke filled with smoke and smoke, and the breath of explosives spread quickly.

Except for the explosives workshop of Nangong Dance, where is there such a movement?

"Small teacher, is this the explosives workshop can not be fried?"

There is a stunned color in the eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup. If the master is to test the power of the explosive, it is entirely possible to go to the test area at the back.

However, the place where the explosion is now is clearly the place where the explosives workshop is located.

It’s hard to be... what’s the problem?

The three beasts looked at each other and their eyes were filled with the wrong colors.

"Is this movement of Nangong dance a bit too scary?"

Xiao Hei swallowed a sip. On the big night, I am afraid that the practitioners who are resting are all awakened.

"This is the rhythm of bombing the Promise Palace!"

"It is estimated that everyone else is already dumbfounded."

Bailihong makeup did not hesitate to rush in the direction of the explosives workshop. If the mother accidentally exploded while making explosives, it would be awful.

It is obvious from this movement that the power of this explosive is strong. If it is accidentally exploded, then the master will not have time to leave.

At the same time as the red makeup quickly left, the three beasts followed the red makeup behind them, darting forward toward the front.

When the red makeup and the three beasts rushed to each other, there was still a figure faster than them, and that was the jade wind!

Nangong Dance stayed in the explosives workshop for so many days. Although Yulinfeng was very helpless, she also knew that if she disturbed the Nangong Dance at this time, Nangong Dance would be very unhappy.

However, he never thought that there would be such a change.

Not only that, the explosive power of this explosion is stronger than any of the tests previously tested by Nangong Dance!

If there is any danger, Yufeng is really hard to imagine.

However, when Yu Linfeng arrived at the explosives workshop, the scene he saw was full of helplessness.

Baili red makeup arrived behind Jade Linfeng, but when she saw the scene in front of her, her mood was the same as Yufeng.

The original dynamite workshop has been razed to the ground at this moment, but the Nangong dance in the red dress is still conspicuous.

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