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"Hahaha, I finally made a powerful explosive!"

The face of Nangong Dance was black and black, and the smoke had blocked her face, but she could not block her excitement.

"I didn't expect that my Nangong dance could make such a powerful explosive. It really made me excited, hahaha."

Nangong dance sighed while laughing, and Rao was covered with dust, but the pair of scorpions was brighter than ever.

Nangong Dance quickly rushed over after seeing Yulinfeng and Bailihong makeup. He smiled and said: "Let the wind, red makeup, I succeeded! I finally succeeded!"

Yu Linfeng couldn't take care of the joy of Nangong Dance. After a careful inspection, I found that there was no injury on Nangong Dance, and then I let go of my heart.

"I am not hurt, rest assured!" Nangong danced out.

Hearing the words, Yu Linfeng is even more helpless. With such a sloppy woman, he is also helpless.

"Red makeup, what do you think of the power of my explosives? Should it be able to cause a lot of movement in Yuejia?" Nangong dance excited.

The Baili red makeup squinted at the Nangong dance, which was in front of her eyes, but she was touched by the helplessness.

At this time, what the teacher is thinking about is still affecting the Yue family...

"This movement is very big, and the disciples of the entire Promise Palace have been awakened by this movement."

On the way to the explosives workshop, she saw that the disciples of the various temples all walked out of the dormitory, and looked at the direction of the explosives workshop. The discussion was full of doubts.

However, the red makeup at the time could not attend to hear what the practitioners were saying and they immediately rushed over.

"The disciples of the Promise Palace have been awakened by me?" Nangong dance Liu Mei slightly pick, looked excited, "So, this power is really good, hahaha."

Yu Linfeng grabbed Nangong Dance, and Rao is the face of Nangong Dance. The face of Nangong Dance is not very clear, but he also knows that Nangong Dance has not rested for so many days, and it is absolutely exhausting.

"Okay, you are finally satisfied with the explosives. Now you can always go back and have a good rest."

I have to tell the elders later that many of my disciples thought they had their martial art to attack. ”

The face of Yu Linfeng's refined and elegant style is full of helplessness and favor, and he is really nothing to say about Nangong Dance.

"Red makeup, I have to tell you." Nangong dance can't stop being excited. "Thanks to the discovery of your day, I was able to make such powerful explosives."

Nan Gong dance took the hand of the hundred-mile red makeup, she really thanked the hundred-red makeup, let her have more understanding of the explosives.

However, not to wait for the Nangong dance, Yu Linfeng has already stunned Nangong dance directly.

At the same time as the Nangong dance fell, Yulinfeng even hugged the Nangong dance.

"Your mother is too tired these days, wait for her to sleep, wake up and talk about it."

He and Nangong dance together for so long, and they can understand the temperament of Nangong Dance.

If she is allowed to continue to toss this way, it will take a long time to fall into a coma, and the damage to the body is enormous.

Hearing the words, Baili red makeup nodded slightly. "Now let the teacher rest well."

She also thinks that the master is unusual in the matter of explosives, and it is indeed necessary to take a good rest.

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