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Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei quietly waited for news in the house. They didn't have extra movements. They just sat quietly, but they couldn't cover up.

Every minute and every second seems to be a torture for them, but they can only wait here.

After half an hour, Mo Yunqi appeared in the sight of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei.

However, the face of the ink cloud is obviously not good-looking.

“It’s not long before Yue Man’s and Blue Light Smoke went to Yue’s family to go to Yue’s feelings. It’s not here yet.”

When the ink cloud talked about it, the eyes couldn’t help but look at the red makeup.

The connection between Yue Mang and Yue Siqing is very deep. However, Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing were detained in the downstairs of Yue Siqing.

Whether they are talking to Yue Siqing or going to the dungeon, they can't judge outside.

However, in such cases, it is clear that the latter is more likely.

The cup in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup turned into a powder after listening to the words of the ink cloud. Although this possibility has already been guessed, her mood could not be worse when things really happened.

"I have sent my men to stare and see when they come out of the house."

"Red makeup, you don't have to worry too much.

The appearance of Blue Light Smoke and Yue Mang did not cause too much trouble for things. On the contrary, it may have helped us a lot. "

Hearing the words, Emperor Beibei did not look at the ink cloud, saying: "What is the answer?"

"The identity of the blue light smoke in the blue home is very high, and the Yue family attaches great importance to the blue light smoke.

Therefore, the Yue family is already preparing for the banquet.

This evening, members of the Yue family will have a dinner together.

In this way, Yue Siqing will definitely leave the house, and we will be more convenient. "

As he spoke, Mo Yun looked at the change of the look of the red makeup.

At this moment, he can't comfort Baili red makeup, just hope that this news can make a hundred points of red makeup comfort.

"Master, are you okay?"

Xiao Hei worried about the red makeup. Since the appearance of the blue light smoke and Yue Mang, the mood of the master is not quite right, they are really worried.

Xiaobai and Baishi are equally worried about looking at the red makeup. This kind of thing, although I think about it, I know how bad the master's mood is. I can watch the master go on like this. They are really not at ease.

With the look of the three beasts worried, the red makeup shook his head and shook his head: "Nothing, I just wondered how to give Yue Siqing a surprise."

Yue Siqing, Yue Manzhen, Lan Lanyan, these three women are undoubtedly the three women she hates most.

Although her purpose today is to save her mother, she can't delay her time here, but she has to find out what else she can give them.

Otherwise, it is too inconsistent with her personality.

The three beasts that were originally worried were relieved after hearing the words of the hundred-mile red makeup. This is the true color of their masters!

Since things are already here, you have to get back some things, but you can't let the other party arbitrarily go on like this.

Emperor Beibei and Moyunyu were relieved after seeing the look of Baili red makeup. At least, they didn't need to worry anymore.

The recovery and grooming ability of red makeup has always been strong, and they also feel that they should leave something behind.

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