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After all, Yue Jia did such an excessive thing about red makeup. If they didn't take back interest, they always felt too unhappy.

The eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup fell on the body of the ink cloud, saying: "Yun, you can have a map of Yuejia's details?"

Since she is here, she must leave something behind.

Otherwise, this is too inconsistent with her character.

Although she can't deal with Yue's family now, it's okay to do some other things.

Listening to the red makeup of the hundred miles, Mo Yun’s eyes were filled with a sense of doubt, and I don’t know what the red makeup is going to do.

However, regardless of what red makeup chooses to do, he is supportive.


Mo Yun nodded. When they were looking for the place where the Blue Clouds couple were being held, they spent a lot of time and knew everything about the Yue family.

Therefore, of course, there are some detailed maps.

The red makeup of Baili took over the map from the hands of Moyun, and the light suddenly brightened.

"Beibei, you and Yunxiao go to the next room first, I have to prepare something."

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Emperor Beibei and Mo Yunyi looked at each other and immediately nodded.

For them, as long as the mood of the red makeup can be better, then whatever the red makeup does, it is good.

After the departure of Emperor Beibei and Mo Yunxiao, the red makeup of Baili quickly took out the material from the ring of chaos.

The three beasts are curiously watching the red makeup. Every time the owner wants the whole person, there will be some unexpected means. I don’t know what the owner wants to do this time?

Bailihong makeup looked at Xiaohei and Xiaobai in front of her eyes and said: "You may have to work hard today."

Listening to the red makeup of the hundred miles, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai did not feel that they were a little bit hard, but they showed a strong excitement.

"Master, what do you want us to do? As long as we can do it, absolutely no problem!"

The little black light is shining. For the Yue family, it has already hated it very much. Now there is a chance to retaliate against these people, but it is the happiest thing.

The white lion is somewhat lost. At this time, it also wants to do something for the master.

The hundred-mile red makeup touched the head of the white lion, and she knew the mood of the white lion.

However, in today's situation, it is not convenient for White Lion to want to shoot.

The Yue family is heavily guarded, and the shape of the white lion is now getting bigger and bigger, too eye-catching.

If it was taken by the Yue family, it was really bad.

Black and white can be different, they can be arbitrarily changed in size and hardly found.

"Master, do you want us to take explosives to blow up the most important places of the Yue family?"

Xiaobai excitedly looked at the hundred-mile red makeup, for the fear that the world is not chaotic, it is also a bad stomach.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly. "This is indeed one of the plans."

Hearing, Bai Shi asked curiously: "There are plans two?"

"That is natural."

There is a sizzling light in the eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup. Yue Jiaxian is not in the first place, so don’t blame her for being unjust!

"I have to make a poison powder quickly."

After a hundred words of red makeup left, he began to work hard.

Fortunately, she placed a lot of medicinal herbs in the ring of chaos on weekdays. Most of the medicinal materials needed to be used can be found. Therefore, although the development is a bit rushed at the moment, it can guarantee the production.

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