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Today, Emperor Beibei also knows that Baili Red Makeup has learned the production of explosives in the Chaos Ring.

Obviously, these powerful explosives are made with red makeup.

For the power of her own lady, the emperor’s heart is also a sigh.

No matter what it is, red makeup is always extraordinarily fast. This kind of talent and comprehension is not something that ordinary people can have.

I thought that when he left the Promise, the red makeup was just beginning to touch the explosives.

Until now, this time is not long, and the red makeup has already mastered the explosives. In addition to her, no one else can do it.

"Yangzi, what you have done this time is really a headache for the Yue family."

The face of Emperor Beibei is full of smiles. The people of Yuejia are so hateful. He only hopes that the Yue family can get the punishment.

As long as the lady is happy, that is enough.

As a small lord of Tianzhuzong, he also has a certain understanding of the cultivation of the family.

The temple, the martial arts hall, this is the root of the family.

This move of red makeup is absolutely to make the Yue family faceless.

Listening to the words of Emperor Beibei, Baili red makeup smiled slightly. "Since we have come, we naturally want to leave some impressions on them.

The next time I came, the gift I gave them would be more impressive than this one. ”

Emperor Beibei deeply looked at the hundred-mile red makeup, and he had no doubt about the ability of the red makeup.

Although Yuejia is a huge family, there is always a special and convincing force in the body of red makeup.

No matter how hard it is to climb the mountains, they can climb them one by one!

"After we go back, we must have a good understanding of the Yuejia's later movements." Baili red makeup smiled lightly.

She really wants to know how much the Thunder family will be thundered after such a thing.

Emperor Beibei nodded, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his smile. "That is a must."

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei looked at each other, and the smile continued to deepen. The pace at the foot never slowed down.

Yuejia's reaction speed is very fast. Once the Yue family reacts, they will pursue them for the first time.

Rao is that they have not been discovered before, but now they have to hurry.

This area is the sphere of influence of the Yue family, and they are only really safe after leaving this range.

"Master, why should we create the illusion that they are dead after we rescued you?"

Xiaohe curiously looked at the red makeup. She originally thought that as long as they left, it would be fine. I didn’t expect the master to lay such a game.

The black-and-white phoenix has a faint glow of calmness and silence. "Now is not the time to let them know."

"Once Yue Siqing and others know, they will surely follow the vines and will soon find Tianzhu Zong.

As a result, the Lanjing mad family will be prepared.

And I just want them to be caught off guard when they are unprepared! ”

The blue-and-white family is so despicable, but it must pretend to be a look of appearance.

She will not give them a chance to confess, she will tear open their hypocritical masks when they are unprepared!

When their family appeared in front of the Lanjing mad family, she also wanted to appreciate their panicked expression!

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