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With the words of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Xiaohei and Xiaobai were also shocked.

They didn't think about so many problems before, and they didn't expect everything that the owner had already thought about.

In the eyes of the hundred-mile-red makeup, there was a blame of blame, and the Lanjing mad family snatched away everything belonging to their home, and even tortured her mother-in-law to look like this.

Now, since they have got a chance to turn over.

Then, she also wants the Lanjing mad family to taste the feeling of falling into the abyss!

They have been through the wind and the wind for so many years, trying their best to hide the various things they did in the past.

However, the paper can't hold the fire, there is always a day that is exposed.

Moreover, the longer this hidden time, the more serious it will be once exposed.

The voice of the hundred-mile-red makeup is cold and does not contain a little bit of temperature. Emperor Beibei can also feel the deep hatred of the hundred-mile red makeup discourse.

In fact, he knew very well.

Today, when they saw the tormented appearance of Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing, Rao was filled with shocks in his heart.

The two people who were famous at the beginning were completely degraded to prisoners.

The wounds were covered with their bodies, their faces were pale, and their feet were vain.

At the beginning, Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing were very famous people. Their strength was strong and their physical fitness was very strong.

However, these years of torture have turned them into this appearance.

Just a few steps away, they even stood still.

This scene, what kind of impact on the red makeup, I am afraid that only red makeup knows in my heart.

He wants to comfort the red makeup, but he understands that it has no effect.

All of this can only be repaid at the price of the Lan Jing mad family.

The time was too tight, so they simply refused to say too much and they quickly left.

With the rapid progress of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei, the reaction speed of Yuejia is also very amazing.

Almost everyone in Yuetiancheng had already started the action when the Yue family issued the order.

For a time, Yue Tiancheng was brightly lit, and every channel was full of people, quickly chasing the culprit of leaving.

Under such circumstances, Rao is the elders of the Yue family and has been unable to start acting.

Such a big movement, I believe that other families will get news in a short time.

If they don't get the other person back at the fastest speed, then their faces will disappear.

Mo Yunxiao and his men have already returned to the house, pretending to be a look of nothing.

"The Lord, the girl of the hundred miles and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, the noise of this time is very big."

One of the men reported to the Mo Yunqi about the situation. Originally, they only thought that they would leave after they rescued the people, but they never thought that there would be so many things happening. It was really unexpected.

Mo Yunyi was also shocked by the movement created by Bei Lihong.

With such a big movement, the entire Yuetian City was shocked.

Recalling that before the red makeup said to give the Yue family some feelings of meeting, he really did not expect red makeup to do this step.

However, it seems that red makeup is unusual every time.

“What did she do with her red makeup?” Mo Yun asked with a voice.

He wants to know what kind of things the red makeup is doing can make the Yue family so angry and angry.

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