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"Returning to the Lord, the Baili girl will blow up the residence of Yue Siqing."

Hearing, Mo Yun picked up his eyebrows. He had previously felt that this movement was very amazing. He didn't know how to make red makeup.

Now it seems that red makeup is ready for explosives...

"Only the residence of Yue Siqing?" Mo Yun asked closely.

He heard several explosions, which was not from the same place.

"Not only that, but also the martial arts hall of the Yue family and the ancestral hall."

When the practitioners of Haotianlou said this sentence, they looked a little surprised.

He thinks this girl is really a god!

These destructive forces... the average person can't really do it!

Wuji Temple, that is the place where the Yue family is strictly defending.

But the Baili girl gave up the words without saying anything!

This kind of force is really not allowed.

As for the ancestral hall, he really admire the brains of the Baili girl.

This kind of bad thing, the average person really can't think of it.

This happened, the Yue family is not angry and blame!

The ancestors' cards were gone, and even if they were rebuilt, it was an unspeakable stain in the history of Yuejia!

People like Baili girl don’t stay in their sky, it’s really a cursing!

As the voice of the practitioner fell, the other corners of the house and the cultivators couldn’t help but smile, but they never resisted laughing.

Yue Jia really fell **** this time!

Mo Yun raised a beautiful lip, and the extraordinary face was filled with a touch of interest.

The character of red makeup has not changed at all.

Yue Jia Zhao provoked red makeup, it was a tragedy.

"Dry beautiful!" Mo Yunxiao chuckled, his eyes immediately fell on the practitioners who tried to hold back the smile. "You want to laugh out, don't worry."

What happened to the red makeup this time, everyone except the Yue family, everyone can not help but laugh.

As soon as this was said, a group of practitioners could not help but laugh.

Such a thing, the hundred red makeup is really the best!

"You are paying attention to the movement of the Yue family. If there is any news, let me know."

In the eyes of Mo Yun, there is a fascinating radiance. With his understanding of the red makeup, Bai Lihong makeup is probably more than this...

As for what else, this requires them to pay attention.



Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei worked hard all the way forward, and just after leaving for a while, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Seeing this figure, the face of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei was filled with a smile.



Situ Yan put his index finger on his lips and gestured to the red makeup and the emperor.

Next, Situ Yan directly hid with the red makeup and Emperor Beibei into the grass.

Baili red makeup and Emperor Beibei followed Situ Yan, quickly hiding their breath and breathing.

Just after the three hundred red makeup people just hid, the two figures appeared in the place where Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were.

"I clearly felt that there are two breaths of departure here. How come suddenly there is no such thing?"

A man about sixty years old frowned, and there were a few doubts in his eyes.

"Let's find it, maybe the other person is hiding." Another man said.

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