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After the appearance of these two people, Bailihong makeup and Emperor Beibei were shocked by a cold sweat.

They didn't feel that they were following them at all. If it wasn't for Situ Yan, I'm afraid they have already been caught.

Situ Yan looked at Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei and gestured to them not to speak out.

However, Situ Yan's face did not have any tension.

If you don't want to be a stunned snake, why should he directly ask for the lives of these two people?

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei naturally know how powerful Situ Yan is, so they are not worried.

Since there are such masters as Situ Yan, even if the two people look for it, naturally there is no effect.

After looking for a moment, the two men reluctantly returned to their original place.

"Don't the other side disappear like this?"

"Would it be that you feel wrong? Since there is no, let's go back soon, the homeowner has been furious, we don't waste time."

"In any case, we must seize the culprit tonight!"

The faces of the two men are full of anger, and as elders of the Yue family, they have never suffered such humiliation.

Soon, the two left.

However, Situ Yan still did not stand up, but continued to hide in the grass.

The eyes of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei still stayed where they left before.

Sure enough, the two disappeared for a while and then returned to the previous place.

After seeing that there was still no figure, their brows were wrinkled deeper.

After the two men left again, the red makeup was ready to get up, but Situ Yan suddenly took him and said: "Slightly safe."

Hearing the words, the eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup are covered with a strange color, and then no longer move.

And in the next moment, the two men reappeared.

The hundred-mile red makeup was shocked. This Yue family was really cautious in doing things, and it came twice.

If it’s not a grandfather, she can’t hide.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai’s eyes are also full of sighs. These two guys are too old and savage, and they are so dripping.

Under such circumstances, the three-way red makeup three people waited for a scent in the grass before leaving.

After the two elders of Yuejia checked three times and did not see any figures, they left completely.

"Grandfather, if it wasn't for you, then we would be terrible." Baili red makeup could not help but sigh.

Hearing, Situ Yanxiang smiled. "These two are the two elders that Yuejia is best at tracking. Most people can't hide their tracking."

At the beginning, Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing were also caught because their tracking was too powerful. ”

Speaking of this, Situ Yan’s eyes were also a bit cold.

"With your strength, it is normal to feel that they are not present, so be careful in the future."

The red makeup nodded slightly, and my heart sank. I remembered the looks of the two elders of Yuejia.

The next time I see these two guys, she must kill them!

At the moment, Emperor Beibei understood it. No wonder they didn’t feel anything before. The original two people’s expertise was tracking.

"You can save your mother?" Situ Yan couldn't help but ask.

Because he believed in the ability of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei, he never shot.

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