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"When I came back, because of some delays, let everyone worry about me, it was really unwilling to go."

There was a slight apology in the light and sweet voice of the hundred-mile red makeup. This time, she did put all her attention on the body of her mother. She forgot to come and talk to Xia Yuqing and others. It was really her lack of consideration.

There were still some complaints in the hearts of the people, but after hearing the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, their dissatisfaction was completely dissipated.

Red makeup is different from them, and red makeup is always more busy than them.

Moreover, they have been with red makeup for so long, and they always feel that there are some secrets in the red makeup.

In this regard, everyone has never said it.

"Nothing, red makeup, as long as you are fine, we can rest assured." Xia Yuqing smiled.

Originally, she complained about red makeup. Now, listening to the explanation of red makeup, she is somewhat embarrassed.

Dongfang and others nodded. "Yes, as long as you are fine."

Gong Shaoqing, Yuan Xiaoman and others all showed a smile on their faces.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a while, I think your progress is not small?"

Yuan Xiaoman’s face was full of curiosity, and every time she saw her boss, she couldn’t help but marvel at the progress of the boss.

As a matter of fact, she has been with the boss before, and she did not understand how the boss actually cultivated, and his progress will be as fast as they are.

With the voice of Yuan Xiaoman falling, everyone's eyes fell on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup.

You must know that during the time of the Sui Zongzong, they also did not relax a half point.

Today, they are different from the past, and the cultivators around them are very powerful.

If they don't work hard, the rankings on the ranking column are clearly written.

Every drop will make them feel dull.

Therefore, they can only work hard and not let their rankings fall.

Now they finally understand why the cultivators in the martial art practice so much faster than the practitioners in the world.

Not only because of the differences in cultivation resources, but also because of this sense of urgency.

Hearing, Baili’s red makeup smiled slightly. “There is not much change.”

The previous practice of her main practice in the Promise Palace was her own control over Yuan Li, and only the night was upgraded on the ladder.

Later, she put her energy on the development of explosives and the rescue of her mother. This practice also delayed a few points.

When this was said, Yuan Xiaoman and others couldn’t help but look at each other with a strange color in their eyes.

This situation does not match the style of the red makeup!

Although everyone has some doubts, they have never said anything more.

Yuan Zhixin smiled and said: "Boss, then you have to cheer up, we are all trying to catch up with you."

As Yuan Zhixin said, the red makeup is the goal of all of them.

Although the practitioners in the temple gave them no small pressure, their real motivation was the red makeup.

After all, the strength of the original Baili red makeup is not better than them, but everyone is clearly coming together, but the red makeup is beyond them.

Since the red makeup can do it, it proves that all this is feasible.

Therefore, they must work hard just to not be left too much.

The smile of the lips of the red lips has expanded a few points. "Okay, I will cheer!"

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