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"Red makeup, where are you going to go?" Gong Shaoqing asked.

They did not see the red makeup in the resource hall. Obviously, Baili Red Makeup came here not to go to the resource room to receive cultivation resources.

"I am going to the alchemy hall to buy some of the herbs I need." Baili red makeup slowly.

Listening to the red makeup, everyone was a little bit stunned.

For the red makeup, in addition to cultivation, there are alchemy, inscriptions and medical skills.

Maybe, during the time, the red makeup mainly focused on alchemy.

"It turns out that." Gong Shaoqing said.

"Red makeup, when do you go back to Suzaku Temple to practice?" Xia Yuqing asked curiously.

Since the last time, Baili Red Makeup has not been short. It has never appeared in Suzaku Hall, and the ranking is also a little down.

"I will go back a few days. There are some things to do recently."

The black phoenix phoenix is ​​full of thoughts. She is a disciple of Suzaku Temple. She hasn’t returned to Suzaku Temple for so long. It’s really inappropriate to say it.

Fortunately, Situ Yan had already greeted the owner before he had been there, so it has nothing to do with it.

After a few moments of chatting with everyone, Bailihong makeup left, and now she is very busy.

After Xia Yuqing and others saw the red makeup and left, they had a few doubts on their faces.

"I don't know what red makeup is doing these days, it seems to be thinner."

Xia Yuqing sighed a little, she really wished she could help with the red makeup, but now it really can't help.

This feeling is really depressed.

"The boss has always been very busy. When she is free, she will naturally contact us."

Yuan Xiaoman is very keen to open, the identity of the boss is not the same as them.

As the sweetheart of the young masters, the boss needs to bear much more than them.

So what they can do now is to understand the boss.

"After a few days, when the red makeup is available, we will tell us everything."

The oriental smile smiles in the sun, and the peach eye picks up slightly. No matter what happens, he believes that red makeup always regards them as friends.


After the red makeup was gone, my mind was thinking about Xia Yuqing and others.

Looking at the appearance of everyone today, it is clear that everyone has adapted very well in Tianzhu Zong this time, and she does not need to worry about it.

As for the mother-in-law, we still need to keep it secret.

Although she believes that Xia Yuqing and others, she can't let her mother's life be threatened.

Yue Siqing now puts all his attention on the configuration of the antidote, so there is not enough time to determine the true identity of the two bodies in the dungeon.

Once Yue Siqing has returned to God, maybe he will come to Situ Yan to ask.

If someone leaks the wind, then this situation can be much more troublesome.

My mother is still so weak now, not to mention that once the blue family knows the news, then the Lanjing mad family has long been prepared, and their plans will continue to be implemented.

Therefore, before the mother has not recovered, she can only conceal this news.

When Bailihong makeup came to the alchemy hall, he saw that the alchemy hall was full of people, and the crowd was very lively.

In other words, the alchemy hall of Tianzhu Zong and the alchemy hall of the Promise Palace are very similar. Presumably, the layout of the Damen School is generally the same.

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