Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 2101: Dissatisfied, hundred miles of red makeup

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As Qiao Yingze left with the medicinal tract, the disciples of Tianzongzong dispersed.

Although I only met one side, everyone has a sense of disgust in the instinct of the drug dealer's refining pharmacist.

The feelings of the Tianzhu Zong refining pharmacists are naturally more obvious, and the dismissive attitude of the other party is simply irritating.

However, due to the friendly nature of this surface, they still can't be too obvious.

However, their performance is not obvious, but the disciples of the medicines are very obvious!

"Let's go back."

The red makeup turned and looked at Xia Yuqing and others. Now that the disciples of the medicine have gone to their residence, they don’t have to stay here.

Xia Yuqing nodded slightly. "Tomorrow is the day of the refining pharmacist contest, but I think the refining pharmacist of this medicine is not good, and I don't know if the refining pharmacists in Zongmen can handle it."

The brows of Gong Shaoqing and others are wrinkled. Although they are not refining pharmacists, as a member of the Scorpio, they still support the Scorpio in this kind of thing.

"On weekdays, I think that our pharmacists in Zongmen have already been higher than the top. Compared with the pharmacists of the medicinal pharmacists, the disciples of our alchemy hall are simply approachable!"

The eastern lips are slightly raised, and the smiles are ridiculous and joke.

When this was said, Yuan Xiaoman and others all had the same feeling of nodding, and they all had the same feeling.

"Most of the disciples are all refining pharmacists, but there will be some practitioners. I can hardly imagine how the practitioners of the medicinal sects will feel like a group of guys with eyes above the top."

Yuan Zhixin secretly swears, if he is replaced by him, even if these guys are distinguished pharmacists, he hates not giving each other a fist.

The red lips of the hundred-year-old makeup squinted at the shallow smile, but there were dark shadows in the depths of the eyes.

The attitude of the medicinal medicinal practitioners is simply deliberately provocative. It seems that this time the medicinal sect is too lazy to maintain with the superficial friendship.

Some of her thoughts didn't understand why the medicinal herbs did this.

Compared with other power-oriented martial art, the medicinal sect is unique, mainly developing alchemy.

Because there is no competition, the status of the medicinal tract is naturally extremely important.

It is quite normal for the medicinal medicinal to develop and grow. However, it seems that the medicinal sect is in a rigid relationship with the celestial sect. This does not seem to be a wise move.

She has a faint hunch. This time, the refining pharmacist contest is not the face of the medicinal sect.

In either case, the relationship between the two parties can no longer be as respectful as before.

To be honest, she is equally disgusted and intolerant of the attitude of the medicinal disciple.

They all said that they were with the Lord, but this group of people suddenly regarded themselves as the greatest existence and despised others.

The disciples of Tianzong Zong have dispersed, and Xia Yuqing and others have returned to the temple.

Bailihong makeup is back to the lord's palace. She feels that there are some differences between what she saw today and what she expected. I am afraid that something happened in it. She also went back to understand the thoughts of grandfather and emperor.

Upon returning to the palace, Bailihong makeup saw Blue Cloud and Mu Lingbing are enjoying the flowers. When they saw the red makeup coming, the two men showed a smile.

"Red makeup, you are back." Mu Lingbing smiled. "Can you see the pharmacist of the medicine?"

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