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Baili red makeup walked quickly to the side of Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao, and the elegant face was filled with a smile like Qinglian.

"I saw it, the two elders have taken them to the residence, and I am back."

“What is the feeling?”

Lan Yunzheng looked at the hundred-mile red makeup. When he first saw the red makeup in the hundred-mile, he noticed that there was a bit of disappointment in the eyebrows.

The hundred-mile red makeup shrugged. "Not very good."

"How is it bad?"

Mu Ling's brows were slightly picky. She didn't know much about the refining pharmacist contest, but she always felt that this was not a good thing.

"The attitude of the refining pharmacist, the mother should also understand." Baili red makeup smiled.

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Blue Cloud and Mu Lingbing immediately understood.

No matter where the refining pharmacist is, his attitude is the same.

“It’s the same.” Mu Lingbing chuckled. “There are few good attitudes among the refining pharmacists. In short, they are pretentious, unless they meet someone who is better than them.”

The colorful makeup of Baili is full of laughter. In fact, it is not only a refining pharmacist, but the entire Xujing continent has such a law.

But for those who have strength, there is always some pride in the bones. Only when they meet stronger people will they show humility.

"Hey, mother, have you seen your grandfather and Beibei?"

Baili red makeup looked around and did not see the figure of Emperor Beibei and Situ Yan.

"Just your grandfather called Beibei away, it should be to talk about things in the house."

"Mother, then I have also seen it."

The red makeup of Baili smiled and then walked toward the house. She also had some things to say.

Taking advantage of the back of the hundred-mile red makeup, Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao looked at each other and always felt that things were not so simple.

"Is there anything?" Mu Ling Bing worried in a moment.

"It should be for the refining pharmacist contest, nothing."

Lan Yunzhen took a shot of Mu Lingbing's shoulder. Recently, Mu Lingbing was worried about a lot of things.

Since Situ Yan and others have not told them about this matter, naturally they hope that they will not worry.


When Baili red makeup entered the house, Situ Yan and Emperor Beibei were talking about the assessment contest.

When I saw the red makeup of the hundred miles, the two did not feel strange, even if they let the red makeup come together.

"Red makeup, are you talking about the refining pharmacist contest?"

After seeing the red makeup, Emperor Beibei suddenly showed a gentle smile on his face.

The red makeup nodded slightly. "I just saw the pharmacist of the medicine, but their attitude is not very good."

"It's not surprising that this time our Tianzong sect and the medicinal sect have almost fallen out."

Hearing the words, the hundred-mile red makeup was amazed, and he looked at the emperor and said: "What does this mean?"

"Master has been very dissatisfied with the medicinal lord's work this time. Adding this incident has delayed Master to find the teacher. Master can imagine when communicating with the medicinal lord.

The medicinal lord is also a person who has done something wrong and is not willing to admit it, so this contradiction has intensified. ”

With the voice of Emperor Beibei falling, the red makeup of Baili was understood. "It turned out to be the same thing."

Grandparents are concerned about the grandmother, they all understand, and now the medicinal lord has affected the grandfather's affairs, and the grandfather's anger is also normal.

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