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"Under the circumstances, they didn't actually treat me as a powerful opponent. I just disdain to compete with me. After I just said it, it has completely aroused the anger of their hearts, so they will definitely make better healing. The remedy to defeat me is to let me lose my heart."

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup are slightly raised, and the bottom of the eyes is full of confidence.

As a refining pharmacist, she has many opportunities to deal with refining pharmacists on weekdays, so she is also very aware of the psychological state of these people.

As long as you catch the weakness of the other side, then all this will not be complicated.

Compared with the despicable practitioners who deal with Lu Mingxu and other means, sometimes it is much simpler to use a conspiracy to deal with a refining pharmacist.

"So, they want to refine the healing remedy to defeat you?" Shangguan Yingying was surprised.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, "Yes, if I expected it to be good, the other party should make an excellent healing medicine at any cost, and even lower the price, in order to squeeze us away."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Emperor Beibei shook his head. "The refining pharmacist who was just headed is obviously a proud person. I think he should be the first time to spread this news throughout the magic tower. Everyone knows the contest between you and him.

In this way, as long as you fail, then you have no face in this magic tower and continue to stay. ”

With the voice of Emperor Beibei falling, the eyes of a few hundred miles of red makeup changed a bit.

"Beibei said much, just now the old guy is really likely to make such a thing, red makeup, you have to be mentally prepared." Wen Ziran brows slightly wrinkled, these arrogant old guys I always like to do this kind of thing.

"I have ignored this." Baili red makeup raised his eyebrows and looked at the emperor, and the smile on his lips gradually expanded. "But who is the last shameful person is not necessarily."

"Red makeup, do you have the confidence to compete with the old guy?" Shangguan Yingying curious.

The hundred-mile red makeup blinked. "If there is no confidence, I will not be so excited."

"In any case, we are not afraid of wearing shoes, even if we really lose, we are re-easy, what can they know when they change their identity?" Baili red makeup smiled lightly.

It is because they don't have any more urgency here, so don't worry about any possibility of failure.

Listening to the red makeup, Shangguan Yingying and others couldn’t help but laugh. "Haha, this is really an idea."

"Beibei, your home red makeup has been broken by you, and now it is not blushing to say such a shameful strategy." Wen Ziran shook his head, which is not in line with the image of his red makeup in his mind.

Emperor Beibei picked up his eyebrows. "I think it's quite good."


In the afternoon, a message sensationalized the magic tower again.

The highly respected Chu Feihu in the refining pharmacist area was challenged by the doctor on the 18th. The two men competed to make a better healing medicine.

If anyone loses, who will leave the magic tower!

The news of such a sensation made everyone stunned for a time. No one expected that the 18th would be on the bank.

You must know that the position of this Feifei Tiger in the magic tower lacquer pharmacist can be described as deep-rooted and unshakable. Isn't the behavior on the 18th equal to finding death?

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