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This news was specially distributed by Chu Feihu. With all the refining pharmacists and physicians as helpers, the news was spread very quickly, and it was entirely from the perspective of Chu Feihu.

It’s just that Baili’s red makeup has come to the unruly, thinking that he has a few points to be able to challenge the entire refining tower’s authoritative refining pharmacist. Chu Feihu’s seeing the red makeup is too arrogant, so he can’t help but want to Learn a hundred red makeup.

For this news, the discerning eye also knows that this is probably the result of the pressure exerted by the refining pharmacists and physicians on the 18th.

After all, the previous Baili red makeup did not have any move at all. It was the healing medicine for the refining pharmacists and physicians to ban the sale of red makeup. Today, the news of the red makeup just said to continue to sell, this happened. Eighty-nine is the trouble that Chu Feihu took the lead to find.

However, everyone is also skeptical about the red makeup.

Since the arrival of Bailihong makeup in the magic tower, her performance has been very mysterious. Until now, no one knows her true face. Xiao Yihan has inexplicably helped. Lu Mingxu inexplicably ate twice on the body of the red makeup. The sorcerer and the physicians are now collectively looking for trouble.

Everyone really couldn't help but sigh. This hundred-mile red makeup is really a master who can find trouble. It seems that no matter where it goes, this trouble will follow. So everyone thinks that maybe the red makeup itself is extremely arrogant. People, otherwise they will not be provoked so much trouble.

"The Chu Feihu and the 18th bar are on, and now we have a good show."

"The flying alchemy of Chu Feihu is very powerful. The refining pharmacists of the entire magic tower are led by him. According to me, there is no suspense in this competition. The 18th cannot be the opponent of Chu Feihu.

Maybe this so-called competition is nothing more than Chu Feihu deliberately fabricated for the sake of fairness. On the 18th, there may not be a promise at all. Now that this rumor has spread, it is impossible to agree on the 18th. "

Everyone stayed in the magic tower for a short time. This kind of use pressure forced the other party to have to agree to the means, and the person who is best at using this method is a refining pharmacist.

"This is also true. The 18th is really unlucky, but I want to sell a healing medicine. There are so many people coming to trouble."

The people of the magic tower are very embarrassed. Almost everyone has already decided that it is impossible to get out of the magic tower, unless she can shake the identity of Chu Feihu, but this is tantamount to the Arabian Nights.

After hearing this rumor, the calm face of the hundred miles of red makeup can not help but emerge a look of interest. "Sure enough, the Flying Tiger is trying to take this opportunity to force us to leave."

"This Feifei Tiger is really shameless. It is obviously asking for trouble. It is because we have rumoured that we have taken the initiative to provocate. It seems that he has to be forced to take a shot and show his master style!" Shangguan Ying Ying secretly screams, this store Feizuo how old he is, and they use these means, it is really a bit speechless.

"If he doesn't say this, doesn't he seem to bully the junior?" Emperor Beibei smiled faintly. "He has been in this high-definition tower for many years, his image is relatively large, and he has to take it out naturally. reason."

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