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After the dinner was used up, the red porcelain was handed over to the hands of Emperor Beibei.

Looking at the white porcelain bottle in his hand, there was a strange color in the eyes of Emperor Beibei. "Yangzi, what is this?"

"This is Tianling Shengdan." Baili red makeup Yingying smiled. "You have been so hard-working recently, the strength has been a lot of improvement, but it is only because of the limitations of the body of the spell, this has not been able to break through the bottleneck. This heavenly holy Dan, you should be able to successfully break through."

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, the emperor couldn't help but sigh, and then the face flashed a touch of surprise color. "Do you mean that this heavenly spirit can help me break through?"

Rao is the emperor's recent performances that have been very indifferent to the revision, but the heart has always been eager to break through, because the feeling of dragging the team is really uncomfortable.

At this moment, I heard that Bailihong makeup said that she still had a chance to break through. Emperor Beibei could not hide her emotions for a while, directly revealing his excitement and surprise.

The smile of the red-eyed makeup eyes gradually deepened, and she nodded. "Yes, Tianling Shengdan has the effect of helping the practitioners to break through, but you must take a good rest and restore your state to the best before taking it. Only in this way can we increase the possibility of breakthrough."

Hearing the deep concern in the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, the Emperor Beibei was also warm in his heart, reaching out and pouring the red makeup into his arms.

"Yiang, I am so tired to see you today. It will be that you will become like this in order to help me refine the Holy Spirit."

At this moment, if Emperor Beibei still wants to understand that it is too dull.

"Compared with you, what am I doing with this hard work?"

The efforts of Emperor Beibei have already reached an appalling level. Her refining of medicinal herbs is only a waste of mental energy. As long as she sleeps, this mental power will soon be restored.

Taking advantage of such a hundred-mile red makeup, Emperor Beibei bowed his head and kissed the lips of a hundred-mile red makeup.

Originally, I just wanted to taste it, but after I felt the tempting sweetness, Emperor Beibei could no longer control the desires I had requested, and my hands were untidy and I was groping on the body of the red makeup.

The face of the hundred-mile red makeup quickly appeared a blush. "Beibei, don't you have to rest well?"

"If you don't mind being tired, then go to rest well." The emperor's lips evoke the arc of evil spirits and smile lightly.


In the next two days, Emperor Beibei was resting and practicing in the house. After so many days of fighting and stifling, his mental power was not lost. In order to maximize the effect of Tianling Shengdan, he You must take a good rest and adjust yourself to the best.

It was not until the state of Emperor Beibei had recovered to its peak that he began to try to break through, because this process could not be disturbed by anyone, so Emperor Beibei directly chose to break through the ring of chaos, where it is the safest. The place where people will bother.

Wen Ziran and Shangguan Yingying were also happy after knowing that Baili’s red makeup had produced a remedy for the imperialism of the emperor. When they tried to break through, they did not go to the Fujian-Taiwan area, but stayed in the house. Waiting for the news of the emperor.

If Emperor Beibei can really break through, it is undoubtedly an excellent news for them.

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