Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 3193: The news of the tears of the cold!

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When Emperor Beibei was preparing for a breakthrough in the Ring of Chaos, Qin Guanwu heard a very bad news.

"What do you say? Jin Yan auction house took the tears of the cold out of the auction?" Qin Guan looked at the men in front of him, the voice was full of shock and incredible.

"Qin Guanshi, this is the catalogue of the items auctioned by Jin Yan Auction House. Look at it."

Qin Guanwu took over the catalogue of articles, and soon noticed that the upper side clearly wrote the tears of cold, his eyes gradually gloomy, and his look was very ugly.

Since he came back, he has been waiting for the news of the gold management. For a long time, there has been no movement. He has some doubts in his heart. He only thinks that there will be any changes in this, and Kim’s management is definitely not good enough to explain to him. I have never heard from the news.

However, he did not think that Jin Guanwu would come with him. This is a very low salary!

"This **** Qin thing, now it is more and more slippery, I have promised to share some of his interests, he even wants to cross my direct direct benefits, this is really a good calculation!"

The management of the Qin Dynasty was iron-green, and the gold management was really unprepared. Rao was known to him for many years. He knew that the gold management has always been a shrewd businessman, but this is beyond his expectations.

It’s hard to say that his previous performance made Kim’s management think that this benefit is too big, so he is ready to throw everything away to try?

In the mind of Qin Guanshi, he constantly thought about this real reason, but no matter what, this time, the beam between him and the gold management was also settled.

"Golden management wants to cross me to discuss with them. I will never let him do so." Qin Guanyin’s eyes flashed with gloom and firm light, and he never made such a loss.

Since Jin Guan has come up with such a trick, then he will not be polite!

Sweet Dreams, when she saw the tears of the cold at the auction of Jin Yan’s auction house, she quickly poured a thick surprise on her face. She looked and looked at it, after confirming that she was not mistaken. Quickly left the counter.

During the past six months, she has been paying attention to the news of Jin Yan's auction house, but she never saw the tears of the cold tears. Now she finally saw it. How can she not be excited?

When I opened the door, I saw a sweet dream full of excitement. Qing Qing quietly jumped into a strange light. "Sweet dreams, what happened to you? Make you so happy."

Sweet dream smiled and nodded. When he reached out, he handed the auction album to the red makeup. "The emperor, there is news of tears in the cold, and the auction of the next month of Jin Yan Auction will have tears of cold." The sale."

Listening to the sweet dream, the red makeup can't help but look at it even on the album.

"is this real?"

Wen Ziran and Shangguan Yingying, after hearing the news, couldn’t help themselves with their excitement. They immediately went to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup and pointed to the auction album.

Looking at the name and pattern of the tears of the cold in the auction album, there was a burst of excitement in the heart of the red makeup. "It turned out to be the tears of cold."

"That's great!" Shangguan Yingying excited, their biggest worry is that they can't find the tears of cold, now appear at the auction, as long as they can take this cold tears down, then everything Can be solved.

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