She needs to adapt to all this as soon as possible, otherwise it will be easy to expose directly in a hurry.

Obediently, everyone understood what was going on.

"So it is."

"Just as you teach us by the way, maybe we can use it later."

Wen Ziran immediately became interested, "If we really fight against the demon domain, we can't talk to the ducks anyway? Anyway, we can talk!"

As soon as this remark came out, Bai Liyan Che and others also felt very reasonable and came together.

Seeing that everyone was so interested in it, Bailihongzhuang simply passed the booklet that Luan Qiushan handed over to her and said, "This communication method is all over here, you can check it out."

"That line, these two days we will use the words of the demon domain to communicate." Baili Yanche smiled.

Although Baili Hongzhuang said simply, everyone knows the importance of this matter.

This time she went alone, and everyone helped to make up for it. The only thing she could do was this.

Over the next two days, everyone began to talk in the language of the demon domain.

Originally, I just wanted to make Baili Hongzhuang more familiar with these languages, and when speaking, it could be more fluent, without feeling jerky.

But in the course of this exercise, Baili Hongzhuang also found many problems.

After all, not all words are available, so in some scenarios, it is impossible to communicate in depth at all, and it is easy to wear out if you are not careful.

Through this constant dialogue, she also clearly realized what is possible and what is not.

It didn't take long for Baili Hongzhuang to receive a notice from Guan Zishan, and even when they went to their place again.

When she arrived this time, she noticed four more figures in the room.

One of the four looks younger, while the other three are older.

Seeing the appearance of Baili Hongzhuang, everyone smiled.

"Let me introduce it to you, this is the Baili Red Makeup of Mingyao College." Guan Zishan introduced.

"Girl Baili's reputation is very loud. I have heard of it before and I didn't expect to meet today."

One of the older men smiled at Baili Hongzhuang with a smile.

Obediently, Baili Hongzhuang was a little surprised. She didn't think how famous she was, but at least she had a certain reputation in Mingyao City, but she clearly came from other places ...

The man seemed to see the doubts in Baili Hongzhuang's heart and couldn't help but say, "I'm a magist, but I'm interested in this area, and I'm not very accomplished in this area."

"So it is." Bailihongzhuang immediately understood.

At first, because of the repair of the enchantment, her and Beibei's reputation was very loud among the array masters. I did not expect that this time they could meet another array master.

"Cui Bohong, he is a master of Jiupin Realm. He is slightly interested in the game of ordinary skill, which is his interest." Guan Zishan introduced.

"Senior Choi."

"In formation, you can be my senior."

With such a shudder from Cui Bohong, the distance between the people suddenly became closer.

"Hongzhuang, this is Zongqian."

Guan Zishan pointed to a younger man and introduced to her: "This time he will act with you."

Baili Hongzhuang Liu Mei raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the man aside. This person should be about the same age as her, at least look like this.

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